[Madison] Haiti relief: pythonistas needed

Nicholas Preston nicopresto at gmail.com
Sat Jan 16 21:02:24 CET 2010

Hello MadPy,

This is Nico from UW Python Users Group. We're working on the Haiti relief operations in conjunction with Sahana software. If anyone can spare some time, we need help. We're developing an application in Web2Py. Anyone with experience in MVC frameworks (web2py, pylons, django, rails, etc ...) or javascript would be appreciated. Please  email me if you'd like to help (nicopresto at gmail.com). We're setup on University Avenue, so you could join us in person or join our IRC channel to help remotely.

I'll provide more info in response to your email. The application we are developing will connect relief agencies with people who upload their needs through a web application or SMS via Ushahidi.

Thanks in advance,

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