[Madison] BarCampMadison2 July 26th-27th at Extra Bold Portfolio School

Abraham Williams 4braham at gmail.com
Thu Jul 24 12:50:58 CEST 2008


*BarCamp is an un-conference; An open format event where programmers,
designers and business owners can network and learn. A BarCamp conference is
unlike any other technology conference. Rather than being planned by a
committee in advance, each community works together to create its own event.
A BarCamp generally has an underlying theme, but the individual topics and
sessions are organized shortly before or even at the event. This enables
BarCamp to be much more than targeted to the needs of the Madison community.

*Visit the BarCampMadison2 Website <http://barcampmadison2.org> to find out
more information about the conference. Please make sure to
register<http://barcampmadison2.org/signup>so we know how many people
to expect.

There have already been many good
sessions<http://barcampmadison2.org/sessions>proposed such as: Version
Control Discussion, Windows Mobile Hacking, Learn
Python With Me, Filesystem embedded in a PDF and many more. We would love to
have *you* lead a session as well so feel free to
add<http://barcampmadison2.org/node/add/session>one or several.

As always feel free to jump on the discussion
list<http://groups.google.com/group/barcampmadison>and lend a helping

*Social media tags:*
BarCampMadison2, BarCamp, Madison, Wisconsin, 2008, ExtraBoldSchool, BCMad2
*Use these tags when blogging or posting photos so interested parties can
find them easily.*

During this weekend t-shirts will be available online at
Starts at 7pm
Located at Lothlorien <http://lothwiki.org/index.php/Lothlorien> Co-op
(244 W Lakelawn Pl, Madison, WI 53703)

Come mix with other BarCampers before the weekend event really kicks into
gear. Lothlorien is providing a relaxing castle environment to play Rock
Band on an entire wall! BYOB. Please help out and bring some snacks. There
will be open wifi, a fire pit going and canoes if people are interested.
This is one of our best chances to talk without having to worry about
missing some of the awesome sessions
<http://barcampmadison2.org/sessions>that will be happening.

Starts at 10am
Located at Extra Bold <http://extraboldschool.com/> Portfolio School aka XB
(121 S Pinckney St, Madison, WI 53703)

Check in starts at 10am and a potluck lunch starts at 11. Madison's farmers
market <http://madfarmmkt.org/> will be open about 2 feet from XB so feel
free to pick up food there. (The 12 year cheddar is amazing!) Sessions will
kick in at 12 noon and go until dinner. Dinner will be provided so if you
have dietary needs contact
After dinner hang around as long as you want. There will be much late night
hacking and some impromptu sessions.

Starts at 9am
Located at Extra Bold <http://extraboldschool.com/> Portfolio School
(121 S Pinckney St, Madison, WI 53703)

Check in and coffee will be available from 9am, Sessions start at 10. Lunch
will be served early afternoon and closing announcements will be at 5pm.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask myself the person standing
next to you. Have fun, transfer knowledge and make new friends.

Abraham and the BarCampMadison2 organizers

| Abraham Williams | Web Developer | Lothlórien Coop | Madison WI
| http://abrah.am | http://web608.org | http://barcampmadison2.org
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