[KolPy] Hey everyone - Introduction

Vivek Rai vivekraiiitkgp at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 14:38:30 CET 2015

Hey KolPy members,

I just recently joined this mailing list and would like to introduce myself
you all.

I'm a undergraduate student at IIT Kharagpur, VIMmer, and a keen open source
enthusiast. I have been programming since my first year and had been
in a couple of open source projects.[1] Python is one of the first
languages I
became familiar with and continue to enjoy it as before. I have a day-to-day
acquaintance with Python projects and scripts more so because of my
interest in

Besides, Kolkata is my home city where I have spent 15 years of my life and
continue to be in love with it. It'd be great to meet some of you there!


[1]: https://github.com/vivekiitkgp
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