[KolPy] PyCon India 2015 Dev Sprint Call for Proprosal is open

Sayan Chowdhury sayan.chowdhury2012 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 10:38:54 CEST 2015


This year at PyCon India 2015 we are holding Dev Sprints as a part of
the conference.

In case you are confused or if we sound too pretentious, think of Dev
sprint as having a good time, coding hands-on with your fellow Python
programmers. The atmosphere will be that of an intense one, extremely
focused on projects, with mentors hanging around to help you overcome
any roadblock that you might face. The usual outcome of these intense
sprints are patches, bug fixes and numerous upstream pull requests
from almost all the participants.

Been dreaming about contributing to open source projects? Well, look
no further because there won't be a better chance than this. The
Sprint will be held on Oct 2nd from 9AM - 7.30 PM on the 1st floor of
the conference venue. We will open participant registrations next

Meanwhile, we have opened the CFP[1] for the dev sprints!

If you have a project which you can mentor for, then please add your
project and its description in the proposal page linked to above.
Projects can include any personal ones that contribute to the Python
ecosystem or mainstream projects such as CPython, Django, Flask,
Pandas, SymPy etc. Be sure to make one proposal per project and also
one proposal per mentor as well.

Once we close the CFP, we will make a list of the accepted projects
and the participants will be able to choose from them while they
participate in the event.

Please re-blog and share the blog post[2] on Dev Sprint and spread the
word. Don't forget to put in your proposal too!

[1] https://in.pycon.org/cfp/pycon-india-dev-sprint-2015/proposals/
[2] https://in.pycon.org/blog/2015/dev-sprint-cfp.html

Sayan Chowdhury, Artisan
sayanchowdhury.dgplug.org | sayan.chowdhury2012 at gmail.com

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