[Jython-checkins] jython (merge default -> default): Merge misc improvements to import

jeff.allen jython-checkins at python.org
Mon May 4 23:24:14 CEST 2015

changeset:   7704:6855fa289d48
parent:      7697:412a8f9445f7
parent:      7703:cb5bc04f17d1
user:        Jeff Allen <ja.py at farowl.co.uk>
date:        Mon May 04 22:23:58 2015 +0100
  Merge misc improvements to import

  Lib/test/symlink_support.py                   |  101 +
  Lib/test/test_import_pep328.py                |  281 +++-
  NEWS                                          |    5 +
  src/org/python/compiler/CodeCompiler.java     |  595 ++++-----
  src/org/python/core/imp.java                  |  536 ++++----
  src/org/python/modules/posix/PosixModule.java |    8 +-
  6 files changed, 847 insertions(+), 679 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Lib/test/symlink_support.py b/Lib/test/symlink_support.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/symlink_support.py
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+import os
+import unittest
+import platform
+from test.test_support import TESTFN
+def can_symlink():
+    # cache the result in can_symlink.prev_val
+    prev_val = getattr(can_symlink, 'prev_val', None)
+    if prev_val is not None:
+        return prev_val
+    symlink_path = TESTFN + "can_symlink"
+    try:
+        symlink(TESTFN, symlink_path)
+        can = True
+    except (OSError, NotImplementedError, AttributeError, TypeError):
+        # Not allowed, not implemented, or symlink is None.
+        can = False
+    else:
+        os.remove(symlink_path)
+    can_symlink.prev_val = can
+    return can
+def skip_unless_symlink(test):
+    """Skip decorator for tests that require functional symlink"""
+    ok = can_symlink()
+    msg = "Requires functional symlink implementation"
+    return test if ok else unittest.skip(msg)(test)
+def _symlink_win32(target, link, target_is_directory=False):
+    """
+    Ctypes symlink implementation since Python doesn't support
+    symlinks in windows yet. Borrowed from jaraco.windows project.
+    """
+    import ctypes.wintypes
+    CreateSymbolicLink = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CreateSymbolicLinkW
+    CreateSymbolicLink.argtypes = (
+        ctypes.wintypes.LPWSTR,
+        ctypes.wintypes.LPWSTR,
+        ctypes.wintypes.DWORD,
+        )
+    CreateSymbolicLink.restype = ctypes.wintypes.BOOLEAN
+    def format_system_message(errno):
+        """
+        Call FormatMessage with a system error number to retrieve
+        the descriptive error message.
+        """
+        # first some flags used by FormatMessageW
+        ALLOCATE_BUFFER = 0x100
+        ARGUMENT_ARRAY = 0x2000
+        FROM_HMODULE = 0x800
+        FROM_STRING = 0x400
+        FROM_SYSTEM = 0x1000
+        IGNORE_INSERTS = 0x200
+        # Let FormatMessageW allocate the buffer (we'll free it below)
+        # Also, let it know we want a system error message.
+        source = None
+        message_id = errno
+        language_id = 0
+        result_buffer = ctypes.wintypes.LPWSTR()
+        buffer_size = 0
+        arguments = None
+        bytes = ctypes.windll.kernel32.FormatMessageW(
+            flags,
+            source,
+            message_id,
+            language_id,
+            ctypes.byref(result_buffer),
+            buffer_size,
+            arguments,
+            )
+        # note the following will cause an infinite loop if GetLastError
+        #  repeatedly returns an error that cannot be formatted, although
+        #  this should not happen.
+        handle_nonzero_success(bytes)
+        message = result_buffer.value
+        ctypes.windll.kernel32.LocalFree(result_buffer)
+        return message
+    def handle_nonzero_success(result):
+        if result == 0:
+            value = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetLastError()
+            strerror = format_system_message(value)
+            raise WindowsError(value, strerror)
+    target_is_directory = target_is_directory or os.path.isdir(target)
+    handle_nonzero_success(CreateSymbolicLink(link, target, target_is_directory))
+symlink = os.symlink if hasattr(os, 'symlink') else (
+    _symlink_win32 if platform.system() == 'Windows' else None
+def remove_symlink(name):
+    # On Windows, to remove a directory symlink, one must use rmdir
+    try:
+        os.rmdir(name)
+    except OSError:
+        os.remove(name)
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_import_pep328.py b/Lib/test/test_import_pep328.py
--- a/Lib/test/test_import_pep328.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_import_pep328.py
@@ -33,33 +33,50 @@
 import sys
 import types
+EXPLAIN = False # If True, produce commentary in TestImportFunction
+MAXDOTS = 10 # adjust enthusiasm of dotted tests
+def dump_module(m):
+    "Print values of attributes relevant to import mechanism"
+    if isinstance(m, types.ModuleType):
+        m = m.__dict__
+    print "  Module name:     {}".format(m.get('__name__', ''))
+    for n in ['__package__', '__path__']:
+        print "    {:12s} = {}".format(n, m.get(n,''))
 origImport = __import__ 
-class TestImportStatementError(exceptions.ImportError):
+class TestImportStatementTell(exceptions.ImportError):
+    # Raised by TestImportStatement.importFunction to tell us how it was called
     def __init__(self, args):
+        # Smuggle the arguments of importFunction() through the call stack
+        if EXPLAIN: print "\nimport:"
         names = ['name', 'globals', 'locals', 'fromlist', 'level']
         self.len = len(args)
         for a in args:
             n = names.pop(0)
             setattr(self, n, a)
+            if EXPLAIN:
+                too_long = not isinstance(a, (int, tuple, str, unicode))
+                print "    {:12s}= {}".format(n, a if not too_long else type(a))
         for n in names:
             setattr(self, n, None)
 class TestImportStatement(unittest.TestCase):
     """Test the 'import' and 'from ... import' statements
     This class tests, how the compiler calls the 
     '__import__'-function for various forms of the
     'import' and 'from ... import' statements. 
     AI = "from __future__ import absolute_import ;"
     def importFunction(*args):
         if args[0] == '__future__':
             return origImport(*args)
-        raise TestImportStatementError(args)
+        raise TestImportStatementTell(args)
     importFunction = staticmethod(importFunction)
     def setUp(self):
@@ -73,73 +90,79 @@
         g = {}
             exec statement in g, l 
-        except TestImportStatementError,e:
+        except TestImportStatementTell, e:
             self.assert_(e.globals is g, "globals is changed")
             self.assert_(e.locals is l, "locals is changed")
             return e
-        self.fail("Expected a TestImportStatementError")
+        self.fail("Expected a TestImportStatementTell")
+    @staticmethod
+    def dotrange(n=MAXDOTS):
+        "Return a longer sequence of dots in each iteration"
+        for i in range(1, n):
+            yield '.'*i
     def testFromDotsOnly(self):
-        dots = ''
-        for i in range(1,10):
-            dots += '.'
+        for dots in self.dotrange():
             a = self.runImport("from %s import (A,B)" % (dots,))
             self.assertEqual(a.len, 5)
             self.assertEqual(a.name, "")
-            self.assertEqual(a.level, i)
+            self.assertEqual(a.level, len(dots))
             self.assertEqual(a.fromlist, ('A', 'B'))
     def testFromDotsOnlyAs(self):
-        dots = ''
-        for i in range(1,10):
-            dots += '.'
+        for dots in self.dotrange():
             a = self.runImport("from %s import A as B" % (dots,))
             self.assertEqual(a.len, 5)
             self.assertEqual(a.name, "")
             self.assertEqual(a.fromlist, ('A',))
-            self.assertEqual(a.level, i)
+            self.assertEqual(a.level, len(dots))
     def testFromDotsAndName(self):
-        dots = ''
-        for i in range(1,10):
-            dots += '.'
+        for dots in self.dotrange():
             a = self.runImport("from %sX import A" % (dots,))
             self.assertEqual(a.len, 5)
             self.assertEqual(a.name, "X")
             self.assertEqual(a.fromlist, ('A',))
-            self.assertEqual(a.level, i)
+            self.assertEqual(a.level, len(dots))
-    def testFromDotsAndDotedName(self):
-        dots = ''
-        for i in range(1,10):
-            dots += '.'
+    def testFromDotsAndDottedName(self):
+        for dots in self.dotrange():
             a = self.runImport("from %sX.Y import A" % (dots,))
             self.assertEqual(a.len, 5)
             self.assertEqual(a.name, "X.Y")
             self.assertEqual(a.fromlist, ('A',))
-            self.assertEqual(a.level, i)
-    def testAbsoluteFromDotedNameAs(self):
+            self.assertEqual(a.level, len(dots))
+    def testFromDotsAndDottedNameAll(self):
+        for dots in self.dotrange():
+            a = self.runImport("from %sX.Y import *" % (dots,))
+            self.assertEqual(a.len, 5, "level argument elided") # Issue 2158
+            self.assertEqual(a.name, "X.Y")
+            self.assertEqual(a.fromlist, ('*',))
+            self.assertEqual(a.level, len(dots))
+    def testAbsoluteFromDottedNameAs(self):
         a = self.runImport(self.AI + "from X.Y import A as B")
         self.assertEqual(a.len, 5)
         self.assertEqual(a.name, "X.Y")
         self.assertEqual(a.fromlist, ('A',))
         self.assertEqual(a.level, 0)
-    def testRelativeOrAbsoluteFromDotedNameAs(self):
+    def testRelativeOrAbsoluteFromDottedNameAs(self):
         a = self.runImport("from X.Y import A as B")
         self.assertEqual(a.name, "X.Y")
         self.assertEqual(a.fromlist, ('A',))
         self.assertEqual(a.len, 4)
-    def testAbsoluteFromDotedNameAll(self):
+    def testAbsoluteFromDottedNameAll(self):
         a = self.runImport(self.AI + "from X.Y import *")
         self.assertEqual(a.len, 5)
         self.assertEqual(a.name, "X.Y")
         self.assertEqual(a.fromlist, ('*',))
         self.assertEqual(a.level, 0)
-    def testRelativeOrAbsoluteFromDotedNameAll(self):
+    def testRelativeOrAbsoluteFromDottedNameAll(self):
         a = self.runImport("from X.Y import *")
         self.assertEqual(a.name, "X.Y")
         self.assertEqual(a.fromlist, ('*',))
@@ -152,26 +175,26 @@
         self.assertEqual(a.fromlist, None)
         self.assertEqual(a.level, 0)
-    def testAbsoluteImportDotedName(self):
+    def testAbsoluteImportDottedName(self):
         a = self.runImport(self.AI + "import X.Y")
         self.assertEqual(a.len, 5)
         self.assertEqual(a.name, "X.Y")
         self.assertEqual(a.fromlist, None)
         self.assertEqual(a.level, 0)
     def testRelativeOrAbsoluteImportName(self):
         a = self.runImport("import X")
         self.assertEqual(a.name, "X")
         self.assertEqual(a.fromlist, None)
         self.assertEqual(a.len, 4)
-    def testRelativeOrAbsoluteImportDotedName(self):
+    def testRelativeOrAbsoluteImportDottedName(self):
         a = self.runImport("import X.Y")
         self.assertEqual(a.name, "X.Y")
         self.assertEqual(a.fromlist, None)
         self.assertEqual(a.len, 4)
-    def testAbsoluteImportDotedNameAs(self):
+    def testAbsoluteImportDottedNameAs(self):
         a = self.runImport(self.AI + "import X.Y as Z")
         self.assertEqual(a.len, 5)
         self.assertEqual(a.name, "X.Y")
@@ -179,46 +202,53 @@
         self.assertEqual(a.level, 0)
-class TestImportFunctionError(exceptions.ImportError):
+class TestImportFunctionSuccess(exceptions.ImportError):
 class TestImportFunction(unittest.TestCase):
     """Test the '__import__' function
-    This class tests, how the '__import__'-function
-    resolves module names. It uses the 'meta_path' hook,
-    to intercept the actual module loading. 
-    Module Structure:
+    This class tests, how the '__import__'-function resolves module names.
+    It uses the 'meta_path' hook, to intercept the actual module loading.
+    When consulted through find_module, it claims to have access to the
+    following module structure:
-          \---- X           package
-          |     \-- Y       package
-          |     |   \-- Z1  module
-          |     |   \-- Z2  module
-          |     \-- Y2      package
-          \---- X2          module
+          +---- X           package
+          |     +-- Y       package
+          |     |   +-- Z1  module
+          |     |   +-- Z2  module
+          |     +-- Y2      package
+          +---- X2          module
     nameX = "TestImportFunctionX"
     def setUp(self):
-        self.modX = imp.new_module(self.nameX)
-        self.modX.__path__ = ['X']
-        self.modX2 = imp.new_module(self.nameX+"2")
-        self.modY = imp.new_module(self.nameX+".Y")
-        self.modY.__path__ = ['X/Y']
-        self.modY2 = imp.new_module(self.nameX+".Y2")
-        self.modY2.__path__ = ['X/Y']
-        self.modZ1 = imp.new_module(self.nameX+".Y.Z1")
-        self.modZ2 = imp.new_module(self.nameX+".Y.Z2")
+        self.modX = self._new_module(None, self.nameX, True)
+        self.modY = self._new_module(self.modX, "Y", True)
+        self.modZ1 = self._new_module(self.modY, "Z1")
+        self.modZ2 = self._new_module(self.modY, "Z2")
+        self.modY2 = self._new_module(self.modX, "Y2", True)
+        self.modX2 = self._new_module(None, self.nameX + "2")
         self.expected = "something_completely_different"
         sys.meta_path.insert(0, self)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _new_module(in_package, name, is_package=False):
+        if not in_package:
+            m = imp.new_module(name)
+        else:
+            m = imp.new_module(in_package.__name__ + '.' + name)
+            if is_package:
+                m.__package__ = m.__name__ # surprisingly not the parent name
+            else:
+                m.__package__ = in_package.__name__
+        if is_package:
+            m.__path__ = [m.__name__.replace('.', '/')]
+        return m
     def tearDown(self):
@@ -227,184 +257,239 @@
         for k in sys.modules.keys():
             if k.startswith(self.nameX):
                 del sys.modules[k]
     def importX(self):
         sys.modules[self.modX.__name__] = self.modX
     def importX2(self):
         sys.modules[self.modX2.__name__] = self.modX2
     def importY(self):
         sys.modules[self.modY.__name__] = self.modY
         self.modX.Y = self.modY
     def importY2(self):
         sys.modules[self.modY2.__name__] = self.modY2
         self.modX.Y2 = self.modY2
     def importZ1(self):
         sys.modules[self.modZ1.__name__] = self.modZ1
         self.modY.Z1 = self.modZ1
-    def top(self):
-        if sys.modules.has_key("__main__"):
-            return sys.modules["__main__"].__dict__
-        return globals()
+    @staticmethod
+    def top():
+        "Return the __dict__ of a non-package, top-level module"
+        # When this program runs as python -m test.test_import_pep328, it is
+        # called __main__, but is inside package test, so we must fake it.
+        myName = TestImportFunction.nameX[:-1] + "Top"
+        return {'__name__': myName, '__package__': None, '__file__': None}
     def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
+        # Simulate the operation of a module finder object on the sys.meta_path
+        if EXPLAIN:
+            print "find_module:"
+            print "    fullname   =", fullname
+            print "    path       =", path
         if self.expected and self.expected != fullname:
+            # Equivalent of "import name" was called and the import mechanism is
+            # trying something other than the expected full name. For example, X
+            # called "import X2", and something other than X2 is tried (first).
             return None
         self.fullname = fullname
         self.path = path
         return self
     def load_module(self, fullname):
+        # Masquerade as the loader matching fullname
         self.assertEqual(fullname, self.fullname)
-        raise TestImportFunctionError()
+        # Signal success, disguised as an ImportError
+        raise TestImportFunctionSuccess()
     def runImport(self, expected, name, globals, fromlist=None, level=None):
         self.expected = expected
         if isinstance(globals, types.ModuleType):
             globals = globals.__dict__
+        if EXPLAIN:
+            print "\nrunImport:"
+            dotname = ('.'*level if level>0 else '') + name
+            callername = globals['__name__']
+            callerpkg = globals.get('__package__', None)
+            if fromlist:
+                print "    from {} import {} # in {} in package {}".format(
+                            dotname, fromlist, callername, callerpkg)
+            else:
+                print "    import {} # in {} in package {}".format(
+                            dotname, callername, callerpkg)
             if level is not None:
                 __import__(name, globals, None, fromlist, level)
-                __import__(name, globals, None, fromlist)                
-        except TestImportFunctionError:
+                __import__(name, globals, None, fromlist)
+        except TestImportFunctionSuccess:
-        self.fail("Expected a TestImportFunctionError")
+        self.fail("Expected a TestImportFunctionSuccess")
     def testRelativeOrAbsolute_top_X2_1(self):
+        # In context of a non-package, top-level module, find X2.
+        # The finder should only be consulted with the absolute name.
         self.runImport(None, self.modX2.__name__, self.top())
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modX2.__name__)
         self.assertEqual(self.path, None)
     def testRelativeOrAbsolute_top_X2_2(self):
+        # In context of a non-package, top-level module, find X2.
+        # The finder should only be consulted with the absolute name.
         self.runImport(None, self.modX2.__name__, self.top(), None, -1)
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modX2.__name__)
         self.assertEqual(self.path, None)
     def testRelativeOrAbsolute_top_Y_1(self):
+        # In context of a non-package, top-level module, find X.Y.
+        # The finder should only be consulted with the absolute name.
         self.runImport(None, self.modY.__name__, self.top())
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modY.__name__)
-        self.assertEqual(self.path, ['X'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.path, [self.nameX])
     def testRelativeOrAbsolute_top_Y_2(self):
+        # In context of a non-package, top-level module, find X.Y.
+        # The finder should only be consulted with the absolute name.
         self.runImport(None, self.modY.__name__, self.top(), None, -1)
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modY.__name__)
-        self.assertEqual(self.path, ['X'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.path, [self.nameX])
     def testAbsolute_top_X2(self):
+        # In context of a non-package, top-level module, find X2 absolutely.
         self.runImport(None, self.modX2.__name__, globals(), None, 0)
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modX2.__name__)
         self.assertEqual(self.path, None)
     def testAbsolute_top_Y(self):
+        # In context of a non-package, top-level module, find X.Y absolutely.
         self.runImport(None, self.modY.__name__, globals(), None, 0)
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modY.__name__)
-        self.assertEqual(self.path, ['X'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.path, [self.nameX])
     # Relative case
     def testRelativeOrAbsolute_X_X2_rel1(self):
+        # In context of package X, look for X2 at X.X2 (where actually it isn't).
         self.runImport(None, self.modX2.__name__, self.modX)
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.nameX + "." + self.modX2.__name__)
-        self.assertEqual(self.path, ['X'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.path, [self.nameX])
     def testRelativeOrAbsolute_X_X2_rel2(self):
+        # In context of package X, look for X2 at X.X2 (where actually it isn't).
         self.runImport(None, self.modX2.__name__, self.modX, None, -1)
-        self.assertEqual(self.path, ['X'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.path, [self.nameX])
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.nameX + "." + self.modX2.__name__)
     # Absolute case
     def testRelativeOrAbsolute_X_X2_abs1(self):
+        # In context of package X, find X2 at absolute X2 (on second attempt).
         self.runImport(self.modX2.__name__, self.modX2.__name__, self.modX)
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modX2.__name__)
         self.assertEqual(self.path, None)
     def testRelativeOrAbsolute_X_X2_abs2(self):
+        # In context of package X, find X2 at absolute X2 (on second attempt).
         self.runImport(self.modX2.__name__, self.modX2.__name__, self.modX, None, -1)
         self.assertEqual(self.path, None)
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modX2.__name__)
     def testAbsolute_X_X2(self):
+        # In context of package X, find X2 at explicitly absolute X2.
         self.runImport(None, self.modX2.__name__, self.modX, None, 0)
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modX2.__name__)
         self.assertEqual(self.path, None)
     def testAbsolute_X_Y(self):
+        # In context of package X, find Y at explicitly absolute X.Y.
         self.runImport(None, self.modY.__name__, self.modX, None, 0)
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modY.__name__)
-        self.assertEqual(self.path, ['X'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.path, [self.nameX])
     def testRelative_Z1_Z2(self):
+        # In context of module Z1, from . import Z2.
         self.runImport(None, "", self.modZ1, ['Z2'], 1)
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modZ2.__name__)
-        self.assertEqual(self.path, ['X/Y'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.path, [self.nameX + '/Y'])
     def testRelative_Z1_Y2(self):
+        # In context of module Z1, from .. import Y2.
         self.runImport(None, "", self.modZ1, ["Y2"], 2)
-        self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modX.__name__+".Y2")
-        self.assertEqual(self.path, ['X'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modX.__name__ + ".Y2")
+        self.assertEqual(self.path, [self.nameX])
     def testRelative_Z1_X2(self):
-        # """beyond top level"""
+        # In context of module Z1, from ... import X2 (incorrectly beyond top level).
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.runImport, None, "", self.modZ1, [self.modX2.__name__], 3)
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            self.runImport(None, "", self.modZ1, [self.modX2.__name__], 3)
     def testRelative_X2_X(self):
-        # """not a package"""
+        # In context of module X2, from . import X (incorrectly)
+        # This is incorrect as X2 is not in a package (is a top-level module).
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.runImport, None, "", self.modX2, [self.modX.__name__], 1)
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            self.runImport(None, "", self.modX2, [self.modX.__name__], 1)
     def testRelative_X2_Y(self):
-        # """not a package"""
+        # In context of module X2, from .X import Y (incorrectly).
+        # This is incorrect as X2 is not in a package (is a top-level module).
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.runImport, None, self.modX.__name__, self.modX2, ["Y"], 1)
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            self.runImport(None, self.modX.__name__, self.modX2, ["Y"], 1)
     def testRelative_X_Z1_1(self):
+        # In context of package X, from .Y import Z1.
         self.runImport(None, "Y", self.modX, ['Z1'], 1)
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modY.__name__)
-        self.assertEqual(self.path, ['X'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.path, [self.nameX])
     def testRelative_X_Z1_2(self):
+        # In context of package X, from .Y import Z1.
         self.runImport(None, "Y", self.modX, ['Z1'], 1)
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modZ1.__name__)
-        self.assertEqual(self.path, ['X/Y'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.path, [self.nameX + '/Y'])
     def testRelative_Y_Z1(self):
+        # In context of package Y: from .Z1 import A, B.
         self.runImport(None, "Z1", self.modY, ['A', 'B'], 1)
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modZ1.__name__)
-        self.assertEqual(self.path, ['X/Y'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.path, [self.nameX + '/Y'])
     def testRelative_Y2_Z1_1(self):
+        # In context of package Y2, from ..Y import Z1.
         self.runImport(None, "Y", self.modY2, ['Z1'], 2)
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modY.__name__)
-        self.assertEqual(self.path, ['X'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.path, [self.nameX])
     def testRelative_Y2_Z1_2(self):
+        # In context of package Y2, from ..Y import Z1.
         self.runImport(None, "Y", self.modY2, ['Z1'], 2)
         self.assertEqual(self.fullname, self.modZ1.__name__)
-        self.assertEqual(self.path, ['X/Y'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.path, [self.nameX + '/Y'])
     from test import test_support
@@ -412,8 +497,10 @@
     test_main = unittest.main
     def test_main():
-        test_support.run_unittest(TestImportStatement,
-                              TestImportFunction)
+        test_support.run_unittest(
+                TestImportStatement,
+                TestImportFunction,
+                )
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
 For more details, please see https://hg.python.org/jython
+  Bugs fixed
+   - [ 2310 ] test_import runs on Windows (and passes with 4 skips).
+   - [ 2347 ] failures in test_import_pep328 when run with -m
+   - [ 2158, 2259 ] Fixed behaviour of relative from ... import *
 Jython 2.7rc3
   Bugs fixed
    - [ 2311, 2319 ] Many compatibility fixes for launcher (bin/jython, bin/jython.exe)
diff --git a/src/org/python/compiler/CodeCompiler.java b/src/org/python/compiler/CodeCompiler.java
--- a/src/org/python/compiler/CodeCompiler.java
+++ b/src/org/python/compiler/CodeCompiler.java
@@ -126,12 +126,11 @@
     private Vector<Label> yields = new Vector<Label>();
-     * break/continue finally's level.  This is the lowest level in the
-     * exceptionHandlers which should be executed at break or continue.  It is
-     * saved/updated/restored when compiling loops.  A similar level for
-     * returns is not needed because a new CodeCompiler is used for each
-     * PyCode, in other words: each 'function'.  When returning through
-     * finally's all the exceptionHandlers are executed.
+     * break/continue finally's level. This is the lowest level in the exceptionHandlers which
+     * should be executed at break or continue. It is saved/updated/restored when compiling loops. A
+     * similar level for returns is not needed because a new CodeCompiler is used for each PyCode,
+     * in other words: each 'function'. When returning through finally's all the exceptionHandlers
+     * are executed.
     private int bcfLevel = 0;
     private int yield_count = 0;
@@ -253,7 +252,7 @@
     void parse(mod node, Code code, boolean fast_locals, String className, Str classDoc,
-               boolean classBody, ScopeInfo scope, CompilerFlags cflags) throws Exception {
+            boolean classBody, ScopeInfo scope, CompilerFlags cflags) throws Exception {
         this.fast_locals = fast_locals;
         this.className = className;
         this.code = code;
@@ -261,7 +260,7 @@
         this.my_scope = scope;
         this.tbl = scope.tbl;
-        //BEGIN preparse
+        // BEGIN preparse
         if (classBody) {
             // Set the class's __module__ to __name__. fails when there's no __name__
@@ -270,15 +269,15 @@
             code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "getname", sig(PyObject.class, String.class));
-            code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "setlocal", sig(Void.TYPE, String.class,
-                                                                 PyObject.class));
+            code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "setlocal",
+                    sig(Void.TYPE, String.class, PyObject.class));
             if (classDoc != null) {
-                code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "setlocal", sig(Void.TYPE, String.class,
-                                                                     PyObject.class));
+                code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "setlocal",
+                        sig(Void.TYPE, String.class, PyObject.class));
@@ -297,11 +296,11 @@
                 SymInfo syminf = tbl.get(paramcells.get(i));
-                code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "to_cell", sig(Void.TYPE, Integer.TYPE,
-                        Integer.TYPE));
+                code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "to_cell",
+                        sig(Void.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE));
-        //END preparse
+        // END preparse
         optimizeGlobals = checkOptimizeGlobals(fast_locals, my_scope);
@@ -329,7 +328,7 @@
-        //BEGIN postparse
+        // BEGIN postparse
         // similar to visitResume code in pyasm.py
         if (my_scope.generator) {
@@ -345,7 +344,7 @@
             code.tableswitch(0, y.length - 1, start, y);
-        //END postparse
+        // END postparse
@@ -361,8 +360,8 @@
-            code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "setglobal", sig(Void.TYPE, String.class,
-                                                                  PyObject.class));
+            code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "setglobal",
+                    sig(Void.TYPE, String.class, PyObject.class));
         return null;
@@ -371,8 +370,7 @@
     public Object visitExpression(Expression node) throws Exception {
         if (my_scope.generator && node.getInternalBody() != null) {
-            module.error("'return' with argument inside generator",
-                    true, node);
+            module.error("'return' with argument inside generator", true, node);
         return visitReturn(new Return(node, node.getInternalBody()), true);
@@ -449,8 +447,8 @@
     public Str getDocStr(java.util.List<stmt> suite) {
         if (suite.size() > 0) {
             stmt stmt = suite.get(0);
-            if (stmt instanceof Expr && ((Expr) stmt).getInternalValue() instanceof Str) {
-                return (Str) ((Expr) stmt).getInternalValue();
+            if (stmt instanceof Expr && ((Expr)stmt).getInternalValue() instanceof Str) {
+                return (Str)((Expr)stmt).getInternalValue();
         return null;
@@ -510,9 +508,8 @@
-        module.codeConstant(new Suite(node, node.getInternalBody()), name, true,
-                className, false, false,
-                node.getLine(), scope, cflags).get(code);
+        module.codeConstant(new Suite(node, node.getInternalBody()), name, true, className, false,
+                false, node.getLine(), scope, cflags).get(code);
         Str docStr = getDocStr(node.getInternalBody());
         if (docStr != null) {
@@ -522,11 +519,14 @@
         if (!makeClosure(scope)) {
-            code.invokespecial(p(PyFunction.class), "<init>", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class,
-                    PyObject[].class, PyCode.class, PyObject.class));
+            code.invokespecial(p(PyFunction.class), "<init>",
+                    sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class, PyObject[].class, PyCode.class, PyObject.class));
         } else {
-            code.invokespecial(p(PyFunction.class), "<init>", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class,
-                    PyObject[].class, PyCode.class, PyObject.class, PyObject[].class));
+            code.invokespecial(
+                    p(PyFunction.class),
+                    "<init>",
+                    sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class, PyObject[].class, PyCode.class, PyObject.class,
+                            PyObject[].class));
@@ -546,8 +546,8 @@
-                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__", sig(PyObject.class,
-                        ThreadState.class, PyObject.class));
+                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__",
+                        sig(PyObject.class, ThreadState.class, PyObject.class));
@@ -606,19 +606,18 @@
                     if (node.getInternalNl() && i == node.getInternalValues().size() - 1) {
-                        code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "println", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class,
-                                PyObject.class));
+                        code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "println",
+                                sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
                     } else {
-                        code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "printComma", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class,
-                                PyObject.class));
+                        code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "printComma",
+                                sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
                 } else {
                     if (node.getInternalNl() && i == node.getInternalValues().size() - 1) {
                         code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "println", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class));
                     } else {
-                        code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "printComma", sig(Void.TYPE,
-                                PyObject.class));
+                        code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "printComma", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class));
@@ -645,7 +644,7 @@
     public Object visitBreak(Break node) throws Exception {
-        //setline(node); Not needed here...
+        // setline(node); Not needed here...
         if (breakLabels.empty()) {
             throw new ParseException("'break' outside loop", node);
@@ -658,7 +657,7 @@
     public Object visitContinue(Continue node) throws Exception {
-        //setline(node); Not needed here...
+        // setline(node); Not needed here...
         if (continueLabels.empty()) {
             throw new ParseException("'continue' not properly in loop", node);
@@ -804,11 +803,10 @@
-     *  Close all the open exception handler ranges.  This should be paired
-     *  with restartExceptionHandlers to delimit internal code that
-     *  shouldn't be handled by user handlers.  This allows us to set 
-     *  variables without the verifier thinking we might jump out of our
-     *  handling with an exception.
+     * Close all the open exception handler ranges. This should be paired with
+     * restartExceptionHandlers to delimit internal code that shouldn't be handled by user handlers.
+     * This allows us to set variables without the verifier thinking we might jump out of our
+     * handling with an exception.
     private void endExceptionHandlers() {
         Label end = new Label();
@@ -842,7 +840,7 @@
-            //code.checkcast(code.pool.Class(p(Object.class)));
+            // code.checkcast(code.pool.Class(p(Object.class)));
             if (i == 2222) {
             } else {
@@ -870,8 +868,7 @@
         int tmp = 0;
         if (node.getInternalValue() != null) {
             if (my_scope.generator && !(node instanceof LambdaSyntheticReturn)) {
-                throw new ParseException("'return' with argument " +
-                        "inside generator", node);
+                throw new ParseException("'return' with argument " + "inside generator", node);
             tmp = code.getReturnLocal();
@@ -912,29 +909,31 @@
             code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "makeException", sig(PyException.class, PyObject.class));
         } else if (node.getInternalTback() == null) {
-            code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "makeException", sig(PyException.class, PyObject.class,
-                    PyObject.class));
+            code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "makeException",
+                    sig(PyException.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
         } else {
-            code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "makeException", sig(PyException.class, PyObject.class,
-                    PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
+            code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "makeException",
+                    sig(PyException.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
         return Exit;
-     * Push the import level <code>0</code> or <code>-1</code>. 
+     * Return the implied import level, which is different from the argument only if the argument is
+     * zero (no leading dots) meaning try relative then absolute (in Python 2), signified by
+     * returning level <code>-1</code>.
-    private void defaultImportLevel() {
-    	// already prepared for a future change of DEFAULT_LEVEL
-        if (module.getFutures().isAbsoluteImportOn() || imp.DEFAULT_LEVEL == 0) {
-            code.iconst_0();
+    private int impliedImportLevel(int level) {
+        // already prepared for a future change of DEFAULT_LEVEL
+        if (imp.DEFAULT_LEVEL == 0 || level != 0 || module.getFutures().isAbsoluteImportOn()) {
+            return level;
         } else {
-            code.iconst_m1();
-        }    	
+            return imp.DEFAULT_LEVEL;
+        }
     public Object visitImport(Import node) throws Exception {
@@ -945,9 +944,9 @@
                 asname = a.getInternalAsname();
-                defaultImportLevel();
-                code.invokestatic(p(imp.class), "importOneAs", sig(PyObject.class, String.class,
-                        PyFrame.class, Integer.TYPE));
+                code.iconst(impliedImportLevel(0));
+                code.invokestatic(p(imp.class), "importOneAs",
+                        sig(PyObject.class, String.class, PyFrame.class, Integer.TYPE));
             } else {
                 String name = a.getInternalName();
                 asname = name;
@@ -956,9 +955,9 @@
-                defaultImportLevel();
-                code.invokestatic(p(imp.class), "importOne", sig(PyObject.class, String.class,
-                        PyFrame.class, Integer.TYPE));
+                code.iconst(impliedImportLevel(0));
+                code.invokestatic(p(imp.class), "importOne",
+                        sig(PyObject.class, String.class, PyFrame.class, Integer.TYPE));
             set(new Name(a, asname, expr_contextType.Store));
@@ -978,26 +977,24 @@
                 module.error("import * only allowed at module level", false, node);
                 if (my_scope.contains_ns_free_vars) {
-                    module.error("import * is not allowed in function '" +
-                            my_scope.scope_name +
-                            "' because it contains a nested function with free variables",
-                            true, node);
+                    module.error("import * is not allowed in function '" + my_scope.scope_name
+                            + "' because it contains a nested function with free variables", true,
+                            node);
             if (my_scope.func_level > 1) {
-                module.error("import * is not allowed in function '" +
-                        my_scope.scope_name +
-                        "' because it is a nested function",
-                        true, node);
+                module.error("import * is not allowed in function '" + my_scope.scope_name
+                        + "' because it is a nested function", true, node);
-            defaultImportLevel();
-            code.invokestatic(p(imp.class), "importAll", sig(Void.TYPE, String.class,
-                    PyFrame.class, Integer.TYPE));
+            code.iconst(impliedImportLevel(node.getInternalLevel()));
+            code.invokestatic(p(imp.class), "importAll",
+                    sig(Void.TYPE, String.class, PyFrame.class, Integer.TYPE));
         } else {
-            java.util.List<String> fromNames = new ArrayList<String>();//[names.size()];
-            java.util.List<String> asnames = new ArrayList<String>();//[names.size()];
+            java.util.List<String> fromNames = new ArrayList<String>(); // [names.size()];
+            java.util.List<String> asnames = new ArrayList<String>(); // [names.size()];
             for (int i = 0; i < aliases.size(); i++) {
@@ -1010,14 +1007,11 @@
-            if (node.getInternalLevel() == 0) {
-                defaultImportLevel();
-            } else {
-                code.iconst(node.getInternalLevel());
-            }
-            code.invokestatic(p(imp.class), "importFrom", sig(PyObject[].class, String.class,
-                    String[].class, PyFrame.class, Integer.TYPE));
+            code.iconst(impliedImportLevel(node.getInternalLevel()));
+            code.invokestatic(
+                    p(imp.class),
+                    "importFrom",
+                    sig(PyObject[].class, String.class, String[].class, PyFrame.class, Integer.TYPE));
             int tmp = storeTop();
             for (int i = 0; i < aliases.size(); i++) {
@@ -1055,10 +1049,10 @@
-        //do the real work here
+        // do the real work here
-        code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "exec", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class, PyObject.class,
-                PyObject.class));
+        code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "exec",
+                sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
         return null;
@@ -1075,9 +1069,11 @@
-        /* Now do the body of the assert. If PyObject.__nonzero__ is true,
-        then the assertion succeeded, the message portion should not be
-        processed. Otherwise, the message will be processed. */
+        /*
+         * Now do the body of the assert. If PyObject.__nonzero__ is true, then the assertion
+         * succeeded, the message portion should not be processed. Otherwise, the message will be
+         * processed.
+         */
         code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__nonzero__", sig(Boolean.TYPE));
@@ -1097,8 +1093,8 @@
         code.swap(); // The type is the first argument, but the message could be a yield
-        code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "makeException", sig(PyException.class, PyObject.class,
-                PyObject.class));
+        code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "makeException",
+                sig(PyException.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
         /* Raise assertion error. Only executes this logic if assertion failed */
@@ -1108,8 +1104,7 @@
         return null;
-    public Object doTest(Label end_of_if, If node, int index)
-            throws Exception {
+    public Object doTest(Label end_of_if, If node, int index) throws Exception {
         Label end_of_suite = new Label();
@@ -1193,13 +1188,13 @@
-        //Do suite
+        // Do suite
-        //Do test
+        // Do test
         code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__nonzero__", sig(Boolean.TYPE));
@@ -1207,7 +1202,7 @@
         if (node.getInternalOrelse() != null) {
-            //Do else
+            // Do else
@@ -1226,43 +1221,43 @@
-        //parse the list
+        // parse the list
         int iter_tmp = code.getLocal(p(PyObject.class));
         int expr_tmp = code.getLocal(p(PyObject.class));
-        //set up the loop iterator
+        // set up the loop iterator
         code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__iter__", sig(PyObject.class));
-        //do check at end of loop.  Saves one opcode ;-)
+        // do check at end of loop. Saves one opcode ;-)
-        //set iter variable to current entry in list
+        // set iter variable to current entry in list
         set(node.getInternalTarget(), expr_tmp);
-        //evaluate for body
+        // evaluate for body
-        //get the next element from the list
+        // get the next element from the list
         code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__iternext__", sig(PyObject.class));
-        //if no more elements then fall through
+        // if no more elements then fall through
         if (node.getInternalOrelse() != null) {
-            //Do else clause if provided
+            // Do else clause if provided
@@ -1275,26 +1270,23 @@
         return null;
-    public void exceptionTest(int exc, Label end_of_exceptions,
-            TryExcept node, int index)
+    public void exceptionTest(int exc, Label end_of_exceptions, TryExcept node, int index)
             throws Exception {
         for (int i = 0; i < node.getInternalHandlers().size(); i++) {
-            ExceptHandler handler = (ExceptHandler) node.getInternalHandlers().get(i);
-            //setline(name);
+            ExceptHandler handler = (ExceptHandler)node.getInternalHandlers().get(i);
+            // setline(name);
             Label end_of_self = new Label();
             if (handler.getInternalType() != null) {
-                //get specific exception
+                // get specific exception
-                code.invokevirtual(p(PyException.class), "match", sig(Boolean.TYPE,
-                        PyObject.class));
+                code.invokevirtual(p(PyException.class), "match", sig(Boolean.TYPE, PyObject.class));
             } else {
                 if (i != node.getInternalHandlers().size() - 1) {
-                    throw new ParseException(
-                            "default 'except:' must be last", handler);
+                    throw new ParseException("default 'except:' must be last", handler);
@@ -1304,7 +1296,7 @@
-            //do exception body
+            // do exception body
@@ -1393,10 +1385,9 @@
-     *  Inline the finally handling code for levels down to the levelth parent
-     *  (0 means all).  This takes care to avoid having more nested finallys
-     *  catch exceptions throw by the parent finally code.  This also pops off
-     *  all the handlers above level temporarily.
+     * Inline the finally handling code for levels down to the levelth parent (0 means all). This
+     * takes care to avoid having more nested finallys catch exceptions throw by the parent finally
+     * code. This also pops off all the handlers above level temporarily.
     private void doFinallysDownTo(int level) throws Exception {
         Stack<ExceptionHandler> poppedHandlers = new Stack<ExceptionHandler>();
@@ -1423,7 +1414,7 @@
-        //Do suite
+        // Do suite
         Object exit = suite(node.getInternalBody());
@@ -1437,23 +1428,23 @@
-        code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "setException", sig(PyException.class, Throwable.class,
-                PyFrame.class));
+        code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "setException",
+                sig(PyException.class, Throwable.class, PyFrame.class));
         int exc = code.getFinallyLocal(p(Throwable.class));
         if (node.getInternalOrelse() == null) {
-            //No else clause to worry about
+            // No else clause to worry about
             exceptionTest(exc, handler_end, node, 1);
         } else {
-            //Have else clause
+            // Have else clause
             Label else_end = new Label();
             exceptionTest(exc, else_end, node, 1);
-            //do else clause
+            // do else clause
@@ -1718,8 +1709,7 @@
         return null;
-    static int makeStrings(Code c, Collection<String> names)
-            throws IOException {
+    static int makeStrings(Code c, Collection<String> names) throws IOException {
         if (names != null) {
         } else {
@@ -1741,8 +1731,7 @@
         return strings;
-    public Object invokeNoKeywords(Attribute node, java.util.List<expr> values)
-            throws Exception {
+    public Object invokeNoKeywords(Attribute node, java.util.List<expr> values) throws Exception {
         String name = getName(node.getInternalAttr());
@@ -1754,22 +1743,22 @@
         switch (values.size()) {
             case 0:
                 stackConsume(2); // target + ts
-                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__", sig(PyObject.class,
-                        ThreadState.class));
+                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__",
+                        sig(PyObject.class, ThreadState.class));
             case 1:
                 stackConsume(2); // target + ts
-                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__", sig(PyObject.class,
-                        ThreadState.class, PyObject.class));
+                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__",
+                        sig(PyObject.class, ThreadState.class, PyObject.class));
             case 2:
                 stackConsume(3); // target + ts + arguments
-                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__", sig(PyObject.class,
-                        ThreadState.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
+                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__",
+                        sig(PyObject.class, ThreadState.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
             case 3:
@@ -1778,8 +1767,11 @@
                 stackConsume(4); // target + ts + arguments
-                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__", sig(PyObject.class,
-                        ThreadState.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
+                code.invokevirtual(
+                        p(PyObject.class),
+                        "__call__",
+                        sig(PyObject.class, ThreadState.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class,
+                                PyObject.class));
             case 4:
@@ -1790,17 +1782,19 @@
                 stackConsume(5); // target + ts + arguments
-                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__", sig(PyObject.class,
-                        ThreadState.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class,
-                        PyObject.class));
+                code.invokevirtual(
+                        p(PyObject.class),
+                        "__call__",
+                        sig(PyObject.class, ThreadState.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class,
+                                PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
                 int argArray = makeArray(values);
                 stackConsume(2); // target + ts
-                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__", sig(PyObject.class,
-                        ThreadState.class, PyObject[].class));
+                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__",
+                        sig(PyObject.class, ThreadState.class, PyObject[].class));
         return null;
@@ -1818,10 +1812,10 @@
-        if ((node.getInternalKeywords() == null || node.getInternalKeywords().size() == 0) &&
-                node.getInternalStarargs() == null && node.getInternalKwargs() == null &&
-                node.getInternalFunc() instanceof Attribute) {
-            return invokeNoKeywords((Attribute) node.getInternalFunc(), values);
+        if ((node.getInternalKeywords() == null || node.getInternalKeywords().size() == 0)
+                && node.getInternalStarargs() == null && node.getInternalKwargs() == null
+                && node.getInternalFunc() instanceof Attribute) {
+            return invokeNoKeywords((Attribute)node.getInternalFunc(), values);
@@ -1850,8 +1844,11 @@
             stackConsume(3); // target + starargs + kwargs
-            code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "_callextra", sig(PyObject.class,
-                    PyObject[].class, String[].class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
+            code.invokevirtual(
+                    p(PyObject.class),
+                    "_callextra",
+                    sig(PyObject.class, PyObject[].class, String[].class, PyObject.class,
+                            PyObject.class));
         } else if (keys.size() > 0) {
@@ -1862,8 +1859,8 @@
             stackConsume(2); // target + ts
-            code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__", sig(PyObject.class, ThreadState.class,
-                    PyObject[].class, String[].class));
+            code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__",
+                    sig(PyObject.class, ThreadState.class, PyObject[].class, String[].class));
         } else {
@@ -1871,22 +1868,22 @@
             switch (values.size()) {
                 case 0:
                     stackConsume(2); // target + ts
-                    code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__", sig(PyObject.class,
-                            ThreadState.class));
+                    code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__",
+                            sig(PyObject.class, ThreadState.class));
                 case 1:
                     stackConsume(2); // target + ts
-                    code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__", sig(PyObject.class,
-                            ThreadState.class, PyObject.class));
+                    code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__",
+                            sig(PyObject.class, ThreadState.class, PyObject.class));
                 case 2:
                     stackConsume(3); // target + ts + arguments
-                    code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__", sig(PyObject.class,
-                            ThreadState.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
+                    code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__",
+                            sig(PyObject.class, ThreadState.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
                 case 3:
@@ -1895,8 +1892,11 @@
                     stackConsume(4); // target + ts + arguments
-                    code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__", sig(PyObject.class,
-                            ThreadState.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
+                    code.invokevirtual(
+                            p(PyObject.class),
+                            "__call__",
+                            sig(PyObject.class, ThreadState.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class,
+                                    PyObject.class));
                 case 4:
@@ -1907,17 +1907,19 @@
                     stackConsume(5); // target + ts + arguments
-                    code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__", sig(PyObject.class,
-                            ThreadState.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class,
-                            PyObject.class));
+                    code.invokevirtual(
+                            p(PyObject.class),
+                            "__call__",
+                            sig(PyObject.class, ThreadState.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class,
+                                    PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
                     int argArray = makeArray(values);
                     stackConsume(2); // target + ts
-                    code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__", sig(PyObject.class,
-                            ThreadState.class, PyObject[].class));
+                    code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__call__",
+                            sig(PyObject.class, ThreadState.class, PyObject[].class));
@@ -1951,8 +1953,8 @@
-            if (node.getInternalCtx() == expr_contextType.AugStore &&
-                    augmode == expr_contextType.Load) {
+            if (node.getInternalCtx() == expr_contextType.AugStore
+                    && augmode == expr_contextType.Load) {
                 saveAugTmps(node, 4);
                 ctx = expr_contextType.Load;
@@ -1961,18 +1963,21 @@
         switch (ctx) {
             case Del:
-                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__delslice__", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class,
-                        PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
+                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__delslice__",
+                        sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
                 return null;
             case Load:
-                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__getslice__", sig(PyObject.class,
-                        PyObject.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
+                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__getslice__",
+                        sig(PyObject.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
                 return null;
             case Param:
             case Store:
-                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__setslice__", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class,
-                        PyObject.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
+                code.invokevirtual(
+                        p(PyObject.class),
+                        "__setslice__",
+                        sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class,
+                                PyObject.class));
                 return null;
         return null;
@@ -1982,13 +1987,12 @@
     public Object visitSubscript(Subscript node) throws Exception {
         if (node.getInternalSlice() instanceof Slice) {
-            return Slice(node, (Slice) node.getInternalSlice());
+            return Slice(node, (Slice)node.getInternalSlice());
         int value = temporary;
         expr_contextType ctx = node.getInternalCtx();
-        if (node.getInternalCtx() == expr_contextType.AugStore &&
-                augmode == expr_contextType.Store) {
+        if (node.getInternalCtx() == expr_contextType.AugStore && augmode == expr_contextType.Store) {
             restoreAugTmps(node, 2);
             ctx = expr_contextType.Store;
         } else {
@@ -1997,8 +2001,8 @@
-            if (node.getInternalCtx() == expr_contextType.AugStore &&
-                    augmode == expr_contextType.Load) {
+            if (node.getInternalCtx() == expr_contextType.AugStore
+                    && augmode == expr_contextType.Load) {
                 saveAugTmps(node, 2);
                 ctx = expr_contextType.Load;
@@ -2006,8 +2010,7 @@
         switch (ctx) {
             case Del:
-                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__delitem__",
-                        sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class));
+                code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__delitem__", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class));
                 return null;
             case Load:
                 code.invokevirtual(p(PyObject.class), "__getitem__",
@@ -2044,16 +2047,15 @@
     public Object visitAttribute(Attribute node) throws Exception {
         expr_contextType ctx = node.getInternalCtx();
-        if (node.getInternalCtx() == expr_contextType.AugStore &&
-                augmode == expr_contextType.Store) {
+        if (node.getInternalCtx() == expr_contextType.AugStore && augmode == expr_contextType.Store) {
             restoreAugTmps(node, 2);
             ctx = expr_contextType.Store;
         } else {
-            if (node.getInternalCtx() == expr_contextType.AugStore &&
-                    augmode == expr_contextType.Load) {
+            if (node.getInternalCtx() == expr_contextType.AugStore
+                    && augmode == expr_contextType.Load) {
                 saveAugTmps(node, 2);
                 ctx = expr_contextType.Load;
@@ -2192,19 +2194,17 @@
         code.invokespecial(p(PyDictionary.class), "<init>", sig(Void.TYPE));
         java.util.List<expr> kv = Arrays.asList(node.getInternalKey(), node.getInternalValue());
-        visitInternalGenerators(
-                node,
-                new Tuple(node, kv, expr_contextType.UNDEFINED),
+        visitInternalGenerators(node, new Tuple(node, kv, expr_contextType.UNDEFINED),
         code.invokevirtual(p(PyDictionary.class), "update", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class));
         return null;
-    private void finishComp(expr node, java.util.List<expr> args, java.util.List<comprehension> generators,
-            String tmp_append) throws Exception {
+    private void finishComp(expr node, java.util.List<expr> args,
+            java.util.List<comprehension> generators, String tmp_append) throws Exception {
         set(new Name(node, tmp_append, expr_contextType.Store));
-        stmt n = new Expr(node, new Call(node, new Name(node, tmp_append, expr_contextType.Load),
+        stmt n = new Expr(node, new Call(node, new Name(node, tmp_append, expr_contextType.Load), //
                 args, new ArrayList<keyword>(), null, null));
         for (int i = generators.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
@@ -2212,12 +2212,12 @@
             for (int j = lc.getInternalIfs().size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                 java.util.List<stmt> body = new ArrayList<stmt>();
-                n = new If(lc.getInternalIfs().get(j), lc.getInternalIfs().get(j), body,
+                n = new If(lc.getInternalIfs().get(j), lc.getInternalIfs().get(j), body, //
                         new ArrayList<stmt>());
             java.util.List<stmt> body = new ArrayList<stmt>();
-            n = new For(lc, lc.getInternalTarget(), lc.getInternalIter(), body,
+            n = new For(lc, lc.getInternalTarget(), lc.getInternalIter(), body, //
                     new ArrayList<stmt>());
@@ -2268,7 +2268,6 @@
         return null;
     public Object visitRepr(Repr node) throws Exception {
@@ -2276,20 +2275,20 @@
         return null;
     // a marker class to distinguish this usage; future generator rewriting may likely
     // want to remove this support
     private class LambdaSyntheticReturn extends Return {
         private LambdaSyntheticReturn(PythonTree tree, expr value) {
             super(tree, value);
     public Object visitLambda(Lambda node) throws Exception {
         String name = "<lambda>";
-        //Add a synthetic return node onto the outside of suite;
+        // Add a synthetic return node onto the outside of suite;
         java.util.List<stmt> bod = new ArrayList<stmt>();
         bod.add(new LambdaSyntheticReturn(node, node.getInternalBody()));
         mod retSuite = new Suite(node, bod);
@@ -2313,15 +2312,17 @@
-        module.codeConstant(retSuite, name, true, className,
-                false, false, node.getLine(), scope, cflags).get(code);
+        module.codeConstant(retSuite, name, true, className, false, false, node.getLine(), scope,
+                cflags).get(code);
         if (!makeClosure(scope)) {
-            code.invokespecial(p(PyFunction.class), "<init>", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class,
-                    PyObject[].class, PyCode.class));
+            code.invokespecial(p(PyFunction.class), "<init>",
+                    sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class, PyObject[].class, PyCode.class));
         } else {
-            code.invokespecial(p(PyFunction.class), "<init>", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class,
-                    PyObject[].class, PyCode.class, PyObject[].class));
+            code.invokespecial(
+                    p(PyFunction.class),
+                    "<init>",
+                    sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class, PyObject[].class, PyCode.class, PyObject[].class));
         return null;
@@ -2362,8 +2363,8 @@
-        code.invokespecial(p(PySlice.class), "<init>", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class,
-                PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
+        code.invokespecial(p(PySlice.class), "<init>",
+                sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class, PyObject.class, PyObject.class));
         return null;
@@ -2373,7 +2374,7 @@
         int baseArray = makeArray(node.getInternalBases());
-        //Get class name
+        // Get class name
         String name = getName(node.getInternalName());
@@ -2383,24 +2384,27 @@
-        //Make code object out of suite
+        // Make code object out of suite
         module.codeConstant(new Suite(node, node.getInternalBody()), name, false, name,
-                            getDocStr(node.getInternalBody()), true, false, node.getLine(), scope,
-                            cflags).get(code);
-        //Make class out of name, bases, and code
+                getDocStr(node.getInternalBody()), true, false, node.getLine(), scope, cflags).get(
+                code);
+        // Make class out of name, bases, and code
         if (!makeClosure(scope)) {
-            code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "makeClass", sig(PyObject.class, String.class,
-                    PyObject[].class, PyCode.class));
+            code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "makeClass",
+                    sig(PyObject.class, String.class, PyObject[].class, PyCode.class));
         } else {
-            code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "makeClass", sig(PyObject.class, String.class,
-                    PyObject[].class, PyCode.class, PyObject[].class));
+            code.invokestatic(
+                    p(Py.class),
+                    "makeClass",
+                    sig(PyObject.class, String.class, PyObject[].class, PyCode.class,
+                            PyObject[].class));
-        //Assign this new class to the given name
+        // Assign this new class to the given name
         set(new Name(node, node.getInternalName(), expr_contextType.Store));
         return null;
@@ -2409,21 +2413,20 @@
     public Object visitNum(Num node) throws Exception {
         if (node.getInternalN() instanceof PyInteger) {
-            module.integerConstant(((PyInteger) node.getInternalN()).getValue()).get(code);
+            module.integerConstant(((PyInteger)node.getInternalN()).getValue()).get(code);
         } else if (node.getInternalN() instanceof PyLong) {
-            module.longConstant(((PyObject) node.getInternalN()).__str__().toString()).get(code);
+            module.longConstant(((PyObject)node.getInternalN()).__str__().toString()).get(code);
         } else if (node.getInternalN() instanceof PyFloat) {
-            module.floatConstant(((PyFloat) node.getInternalN()).getValue()).get(code);
+            module.floatConstant(((PyFloat)node.getInternalN()).getValue()).get(code);
         } else if (node.getInternalN() instanceof PyComplex) {
-            module.complexConstant(((PyComplex) node.getInternalN()).imag).get(code);
+            module.complexConstant(((PyComplex)node.getInternalN()).imag).get(code);
         return null;
     private String getName(String name) {
-        if (className != null && name.startsWith("__") &&
-                !name.endsWith("__")) {
-            //remove leading '_' from classname
+        if (className != null && name.startsWith("__") && !name.endsWith("__")) {
+            // remove leading '_' from classname
             int i = 0;
             while (className.charAt(i) == '_') {
@@ -2459,31 +2462,29 @@
                 if (syminf != null) {
                     int flags = syminf.flags;
-                    if ((flags & ScopeInfo.GLOBAL) != 0 || optimizeGlobals &&
-                            (flags & (ScopeInfo.BOUND | ScopeInfo.CELL |
-                            ScopeInfo.FREE)) == 0) {
+                    if ((flags & ScopeInfo.GLOBAL) != 0 || optimizeGlobals
+                            && (flags & (ScopeInfo.BOUND | ScopeInfo.CELL | ScopeInfo.FREE)) == 0) {
                         return null;
                     if (fast_locals) {
                         if ((flags & ScopeInfo.CELL) != 0) {
-                            code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "getderef", sig(PyObject.class,
-                                    Integer.TYPE));
+                            code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "getderef",
+                                    sig(PyObject.class, Integer.TYPE));
                             return null;
                         if ((flags & ScopeInfo.BOUND) != 0) {
-                            code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "getlocal", sig(PyObject.class,
-                                    Integer.TYPE));
+                            code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "getlocal",
+                                    sig(PyObject.class, Integer.TYPE));
                             return null;
-                    if ((flags & ScopeInfo.FREE) != 0 &&
-                            (flags & ScopeInfo.BOUND) == 0) {
+                    if ((flags & ScopeInfo.FREE) != 0 && (flags & ScopeInfo.BOUND) == 0) {
-                        code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "getderef", sig(PyObject.class,
-                                Integer.TYPE));
+                        code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "getderef",
+                                sig(PyObject.class, Integer.TYPE));
                         return null;
@@ -2497,8 +2498,8 @@
                 if (syminf != null && (syminf.flags & ScopeInfo.GLOBAL) != 0) {
-                    code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "setglobal", sig(Void.TYPE, String.class,
-                            PyObject.class));
+                    code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "setglobal",
+                            sig(Void.TYPE, String.class, PyObject.class));
                 } else {
                     if (!fast_locals) {
@@ -2512,13 +2513,13 @@
                         if ((syminf.flags & ScopeInfo.CELL) != 0) {
-                            code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "setderef", sig(Void.TYPE,
-                                    Integer.TYPE, PyObject.class));
+                            code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "setderef",
+                                    sig(Void.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, PyObject.class));
                         } else {
-                            code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "setlocal", sig(Void.TYPE,
-                                    Integer.TYPE, PyObject.class));
+                            code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "setlocal",
+                                    sig(Void.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, PyObject.class));
@@ -2538,8 +2539,8 @@
                             throw new ParseException("internal compiler error", node);
                         if ((syminf.flags & ScopeInfo.CELL) != 0) {
-                            module.error("can not delete variable '" + name +
-                                    "' referenced in nested scope", true, node);
+                            module.error("can not delete variable '" + name
+                                    + "' referenced in nested scope", true, node);
                         code.invokevirtual(p(PyFrame.class), "dellocal",
@@ -2554,7 +2555,7 @@
     public Object visitStr(Str node) throws Exception {
-        PyString s = (PyString) node.getInternalS();
+        PyString s = (PyString)node.getInternalS();
         if (s instanceof PyUnicode) {
         } else {
@@ -2563,8 +2564,8 @@
         return null;
-    private Object visitInternalGenerators(expr node, expr elt, java.util.List<comprehension> generators)
-            throws Exception {
+    private Object visitInternalGenerators(expr node, expr elt,
+            java.util.List<comprehension> generators) throws Exception {
         String bound_exp = "_(x)";
@@ -2589,16 +2590,16 @@
             for (int j = comp.getInternalIfs().size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                 java.util.List<stmt> bod = new ArrayList<stmt>();
-                n = new If(comp.getInternalIfs().get(j), comp.getInternalIfs().get(j), bod,
+                n = new If(comp.getInternalIfs().get(j), comp.getInternalIfs().get(j), bod, //
                         new ArrayList<stmt>());
             java.util.List<stmt> bod = new ArrayList<stmt>();
             if (i != 0) {
-                n = new For(comp, comp.getInternalTarget(), comp.getInternalIter(), bod,
+                n = new For(comp, comp.getInternalTarget(), comp.getInternalIter(), bod, //
                         new ArrayList<stmt>());
             } else {
-                n = new For(comp, comp.getInternalTarget(), new Name(node, bound_exp,
+                n = new For(comp, comp.getInternalTarget(), new Name(node, bound_exp, //
                         expr_contextType.Load), bod, new ArrayList<stmt>());
                 iter = comp.getInternalIter();
@@ -2606,17 +2607,19 @@
         java.util.List<stmt> bod = new ArrayList<stmt>();
-        module.codeConstant(new Suite(node, bod), "<genexpr>", true,
-                className, false, false,
+        module.codeConstant(new Suite(node, bod), "<genexpr>", true, className, false, false,
                 node.getLine(), scope, cflags).get(code);
         if (!makeClosure(scope)) {
-            code.invokespecial(p(PyFunction.class), "<init>", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class,
-                    PyObject[].class, PyCode.class, PyObject.class));
+            code.invokespecial(p(PyFunction.class), "<init>",
+                    sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class, PyObject[].class, PyCode.class, PyObject.class));
         } else {
-            code.invokespecial(p(PyFunction.class), "<init>", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class,
-                    PyObject[].class, PyCode.class, PyObject.class, PyObject[].class));
+            code.invokespecial(
+                    p(PyFunction.class),
+                    "<init>",
+                    sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class, PyObject[].class, PyCode.class, PyObject.class,
+                            PyObject[].class));
         int genExp = storeTop();
@@ -2660,16 +2663,16 @@
             for (int j = comp.getInternalIfs().size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                 java.util.List<stmt> bod = new ArrayList<stmt>();
-                n = new If(comp.getInternalIfs().get(j), comp.getInternalIfs().get(j), bod,
+                n = new If(comp.getInternalIfs().get(j), comp.getInternalIfs().get(j), bod, //
                         new ArrayList<stmt>());
             java.util.List<stmt> bod = new ArrayList<stmt>();
             if (i != 0) {
-                n = new For(comp, comp.getInternalTarget(), comp.getInternalIter(), bod,
+                n = new For(comp, comp.getInternalTarget(), comp.getInternalIter(), bod, //
                         new ArrayList<stmt>());
             } else {
-                n = new For(comp, comp.getInternalTarget(), new Name(node, bound_exp,
+                n = new For(comp, comp.getInternalTarget(), new Name(node, bound_exp, //
                         expr_contextType.Load), bod, new ArrayList<stmt>());
                 iter = comp.getInternalIter();
@@ -2677,17 +2680,19 @@
         java.util.List<stmt> bod = new ArrayList<stmt>();
-        module.codeConstant(new Suite(node, bod), "<genexpr>", true,
-                className, false, false,
+        module.codeConstant(new Suite(node, bod), "<genexpr>", true, className, false, false,
                 node.getLine(), scope, cflags).get(code);
         if (!makeClosure(scope)) {
-            code.invokespecial(p(PyFunction.class), "<init>", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class,
-                    PyObject[].class, PyCode.class, PyObject.class));
+            code.invokespecial(p(PyFunction.class), "<init>",
+                    sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class, PyObject[].class, PyCode.class, PyObject.class));
         } else {
-            code.invokespecial(p(PyFunction.class), "<init>", sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class,
-                    PyObject[].class, PyCode.class, PyObject.class, PyObject[].class));
+            code.invokespecial(
+                    p(PyFunction.class),
+                    "<init>",
+                    sig(Void.TYPE, PyObject.class, PyObject[].class, PyCode.class, PyObject.class,
+                            PyObject[].class));
         int genExp = storeTop();
@@ -2716,12 +2721,12 @@
         final Label label_catch = new Label();
         final Label label_end = new Label();
-        final Method contextGuard_getManager = Method.getMethod(
-                "org.python.core.ContextManager getManager (org.python.core.PyObject)");
-        final Method __enter__ = Method.getMethod(
-                "org.python.core.PyObject __enter__ (org.python.core.ThreadState)");
-        final Method __exit__ = Method.getMethod(
-                "boolean __exit__ (org.python.core.ThreadState,org.python.core.PyException)");
+        final Method contextGuard_getManager =
+                Method.getMethod("org.python.core.ContextManager getManager (org.python.core.PyObject)");
+        final Method __enter__ =
+                Method.getMethod("org.python.core.PyObject __enter__ (org.python.core.ThreadState)");
+        final Method __exit__ =
+                Method.getMethod("boolean __exit__ (org.python.core.ThreadState,org.python.core.PyException)");
         // mgr = (EXPR)
@@ -2732,7 +2737,6 @@
                 contextGuard_getManager.getName(), contextGuard_getManager.getDescriptor());
         final int mgr_tmp = code.getLocal(Type.getType(ContextManager.class).getInternalName());
@@ -2750,7 +2754,7 @@
         // here
         // # The normal and non-local-goto cases are handled here
         // if exc: # implicit
-        //     exit(None, None, None)
+        // exit(None, None, None)
         ExceptionHandler normalExit = new ExceptionHandler() {
@@ -2775,7 +2779,7 @@
-        // VAR = value  # Only if "as VAR" is present
+        // VAR = value # Only if "as VAR" is present
         if (node.getInternalOptional_vars() != null) {
             set(node.getInternalOptional_vars(), value_tmp);
@@ -2802,8 +2806,8 @@
-        code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "setException", sig(PyException.class, Throwable.class,
-                PyFrame.class));
+        code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "setException",
+                sig(PyException.class, Throwable.class, PyFrame.class));
@@ -2815,7 +2819,7 @@
         // exc = False # implicit
         // if not exit(*sys.exc_info()):
-        //    raise
+        // raise
         // # The exception is swallowed if exit() returns true
         code.invokestatic(p(Py.class), "makeException", sig(PyException.class));
@@ -2834,33 +2838,29 @@
-     *  Data about a given exception range whether a try:finally: or a
-     *  try:except:.  The finally needs to inline the finally block for
-     *  each exit of the try: section, so we carry around that data for it.
-     *  
-     *  Both of these need to stop exception coverage of an area that is either
-     *  the inlined fin ally of a parent try:finally: or the reentry block after
-     *  a yield.  Thus we keep around a set of exception ranges that the
-     *  catch block will eventually handle.
+     * Data about a given exception range whether a try:finally: or a try:except:. The finally needs
+     * to inline the finally block for each exit of the try: section, so we carry around that data
+     * for it.
+     *
+     * Both of these need to stop exception coverage of an area that is either the inlined fin ally
+     * of a parent try:finally: or the reentry block after a yield. Thus we keep around a set of
+     * exception ranges that the catch block will eventually handle.
     class ExceptionHandler {
-         *  Each handler gets several exception ranges, this is because inlined
-         *  finally exit code shouldn't be covered by the exception handler of
-         *  that finally block.  Thus each time we inline the finally code, we
-         *  stop one range and then enter a new one.
+         * Each handler gets several exception ranges, this is because inlined finally exit code
+         * shouldn't be covered by the exception handler of that finally block. Thus each time we
+         * inline the finally code, we stop one range and then enter a new one.
-         *  We also need to stop coverage for the recovery of the locals after
-         *  a yield.
+         * We also need to stop coverage for the recovery of the locals after a yield.
         public Vector<Label> exceptionStarts = new Vector<Label>();
         public Vector<Label> exceptionEnds = new Vector<Label>();
         public boolean bodyDone = false;
         public PythonTree node = null;
-        public ExceptionHandler() {
-        }
+        public ExceptionHandler() {}
         public ExceptionHandler(PythonTree n) {
             node = n;
@@ -2874,20 +2874,17 @@
             for (int i = 0; i < exceptionStarts.size(); ++i) {
                 Label start = exceptionStarts.elementAt(i);
                 Label end = exceptionEnds.elementAt(i);
-                //FIXME: not at all sure that getOffset() test is correct or necessary.
+                // FIXME: not at all sure that getOffset() test is correct or necessary.
                 if (start.getOffset() != end.getOffset()) {
-                    code.trycatch(
-                            exceptionStarts.elementAt(i),
-                            exceptionEnds.elementAt(i),
-                            handlerStart,
-                            p(Throwable.class));
+                    code.trycatch(exceptionStarts.elementAt(i), exceptionEnds.elementAt(i),
+                            handlerStart, p(Throwable.class));
         public void finalBody(CodeCompiler compiler) throws Exception {
             if (node instanceof TryFinally) {
-                suite(((TryFinally) node).getInternalFinalbody());
+                suite(((TryFinally)node).getInternalFinalbody());
diff --git a/src/org/python/core/imp.java b/src/org/python/core/imp.java
--- a/src/org/python/core/imp.java
+++ b/src/org/python/core/imp.java
@@ -17,17 +17,18 @@
  * Utility functions for "import" support.
- * Note that this class tries to match the names of the corresponding functions
- * from CPython's Python/import.c. In these cases we use CPython's function
- * naming style (underscores and all lowercase) instead of Java's typical
- * camelCase style so that it's easier to compare with import.c.
+ * Note that this class tries to match the names of the corresponding functions from CPython's
+ * Python/import.c. In these cases we use CPython's function naming style (underscores and all
+ * lowercase) instead of Java's typical camelCase style so that it's easier to compare with
+ * import.c.
 public class imp {
     private static final String IMPORT_LOG = "import";
     private static final String UNKNOWN_SOURCEFILE = "<unknown>";
-    private static final int APIVersion = 36;
+    private static final int APIVersion = 37;
     public static final int NO_MTIME = -1;
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
     public static final int DEFAULT_LEVEL = -1;
     public static class CodeData {
         private final byte[] bytes;
         private final long mtime;
         private final String filename;
@@ -69,78 +71,73 @@
     public static ClassLoader getSyspathJavaLoader() {
         return Py.getSystemState().getSyspathJavaLoader();
-     * Selects the parent class loader for Jython, to be used for
-     * dynamically loaded classes and resources.  Chooses between the
-     * current and context classloader based on the following
+     * Selects the parent class loader for Jython, to be used for dynamically loaded classes and
+     * resources. Chooses between the current and context classloader based on the following
      * criteria:
      * <ul>
      * <li>If both are the same classloader, return that classloader.
      * <li>If either is null, then the non-null one is selected.
-     * <li>If both are not null, and a parent/child relationship can
-     * be determined, then the child is selected.
-     * <li>If both are not null and not on a parent/child
-     * relationship, then the current class loader is returned (since
-     * it is likely for the context class loader to <b>not</b> see the
+     * <li>If both are not null, and a parent/child relationship can be determined, then the child
+     * is selected.
+     * <li>If both are not null and not on a parent/child relationship, then the current class
+     * loader is returned (since it is likely for the context class loader to <b>not</b> see the
      * Jython classes)
      * </ul>
-     * 
-     * @return the parent class loader for Jython or null if both the
-     * current and context classloaders are null.
+     *
+     * @return the parent class loader for Jython or null if both the current and context
+     *         classloaders are null.
     public static ClassLoader getParentClassLoader() {
-    	ClassLoader current = imp.class.getClassLoader();
-    	ClassLoader context = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
-    	if (context == current) {
-    		return current;
-    	}
-    	if (context == null) {
-    		return current;
-    	}
-    	if (current == null) {
-    		return context;
-    	}
-    	if (isParentClassLoader(context, current)) {
-    		return current;
-    	}
-    	if (isParentClassLoader(current, context)) {
-    		return context;
-    	}
-    	return current;
-    }    
-    private static boolean isParentClassLoader(
-    		ClassLoader suspectedParent, ClassLoader child) {
-    	try { 
-	    	ClassLoader parent = child.getParent();
-	    	if (suspectedParent == parent) {
-	    		return true;
-	    	}
-	    	if (parent == null || parent == child) {
-	    		// We reached the boot class loader
-	    		return false;
-	    	}
-	    	return isParentClassLoader(suspectedParent, parent);
-    	} catch (SecurityException e) {
-    		return false;
-    	}
-	}
-	private imp() {
+        ClassLoader current = imp.class.getClassLoader();
+        ClassLoader context = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
+        if (context == current) {
+            return current;
+        }
+        if (context == null) {
+            return current;
+        }
+        if (current == null) {
+            return context;
+        }
+        if (isParentClassLoader(context, current)) {
+            return current;
+        }
+        if (isParentClassLoader(current, context)) {
+            return context;
+        }
+        return current;
+    private static boolean isParentClassLoader(ClassLoader suspectedParent, ClassLoader child) {
+        try {
+            ClassLoader parent = child.getParent();
+            if (suspectedParent == parent) {
+                return true;
+            }
+            if (parent == null || parent == child) {
+                // We reached the boot class loader
+                return false;
+            }
+            return isParentClassLoader(suspectedParent, parent);
+        } catch (SecurityException e) {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    private imp() {}
-     * If the given name is found in sys.modules, the entry from there is
-     * returned. Otherwise a new PyModule is created for the name and added to
-     * sys.modules
+     * If the given name is found in sys.modules, the entry from there is returned. Otherwise a new
+     * PyModule is created for the name and added to sys.modules
     public static PyModule addModule(String name) {
         name = name.intern();
         PyObject modules = Py.getSystemState().modules;
-        PyModule module = (PyModule) modules.__finditem__(name);
+        PyModule module = (PyModule)modules.__finditem__(name);
         if (module != null) {
             return module;
@@ -176,12 +173,12 @@
     private static byte[] readBytes(InputStream fp) {
         try {
             return FileUtil.readBytes(fp);
-        } catch(IOException ioe) {
+        } catch (IOException ioe) {
             throw Py.IOError(ioe);
         } finally {
             try {
-            } catch(IOException e) {
+            } catch (IOException e) {
                 throw Py.IOError(e);
@@ -194,22 +191,24 @@
             throw Py.IOError(ioe);
     static PyObject createFromPyClass(String name, InputStream fp, boolean testing,
-                                      String sourceName, String compiledName) {
+            String sourceName, String compiledName) {
         return createFromPyClass(name, fp, testing, sourceName, compiledName, NO_MTIME);
     static PyObject createFromPyClass(String name, InputStream fp, boolean testing,
-                                      String sourceName, String compiledName, long mtime) {
-        return createFromPyClass(name, fp, testing, sourceName, compiledName, mtime, CodeImport.source);
+            String sourceName, String compiledName, long mtime) {
+        return createFromPyClass(name, fp, testing, sourceName, compiledName, mtime,
+                CodeImport.source);
     static PyObject createFromPyClass(String name, InputStream fp, boolean testing,
-                                      String sourceName, String compiledName, long mtime, CodeImport source) {
+            String sourceName, String compiledName, long mtime, CodeImport source) {
         CodeData data = null;
         try {
-            data = readCodeData(name, fp, testing, mtime);
+            data = readCodeData(compiledName, fp, testing, mtime);
         } catch (IOException ioe) {
             if (!testing) {
                 throw Py.ImportError(ioe.getMessage() + "[name=" + name + ", source=" + sourceName
@@ -221,7 +220,7 @@
         PyCode code;
         try {
-            code = BytecodeLoader.makeCode(name + "$py", data.getBytes(),
+            code = BytecodeLoader.makeCode(name + "$py", data.getBytes(), //
                     source == CodeImport.compiled_only ? data.getFilename() : sourceName);
         } catch (Throwable t) {
             if (testing) {
@@ -231,8 +230,8 @@
-        Py.writeComment(IMPORT_LOG, String.format("import %s # precompiled from %s", name,
-                                                  compiledName));
+        Py.writeComment(IMPORT_LOG,
+                String.format("import %s # precompiled from %s", name, compiledName));
         return createFromCode(name, code, compiledName);
@@ -240,7 +239,8 @@
         return readCode(name, fp, testing, NO_MTIME);
-    public static byte[] readCode(String name, InputStream fp, boolean testing, long mtime) throws IOException {
+    public static byte[] readCode(String name, InputStream fp, boolean testing, long mtime)
+            throws IOException {
         CodeData data = readCodeData(name, fp, testing, mtime);
         if (data == null) {
             return null;
@@ -249,11 +249,13 @@
-    public static CodeData readCodeData(String name, InputStream fp, boolean testing) throws IOException {
+    public static CodeData readCodeData(String name, InputStream fp, boolean testing)
+            throws IOException {
         return readCodeData(name, fp, testing, NO_MTIME);
-    public static CodeData readCodeData(String name, InputStream fp, boolean testing, long mtime) throws IOException {
+    public static CodeData readCodeData(String name, InputStream fp, boolean testing, long mtime)
+            throws IOException {
         byte[] data = readBytes(fp);
         int api;
         AnnotationReader ar = new AnnotationReader(data);
@@ -262,8 +264,8 @@
             if (testing) {
                 return null;
             } else {
-                throw Py.ImportError("invalid api version(" + api + " != "
-                        + APIVersion + ") in: " + name);
+                String fmt = "compiled unit contains version %d code (%d required): %.200s";
+                throw Py.ImportError(String.format(fmt, api, APIVersion, name));
         if (testing && mtime != NO_MTIME) {
@@ -299,22 +301,18 @@
      * Stores the bytes in compiledSource in compiledFilename.
-     * If compiledFilename is null, it's set to the results of
-     * makeCompiledFilename(sourcefileName).
+     * If compiledFilename is null, it's set to the results of makeCompiledFilename(sourcefileName).
-     * If sourceFilename is null or set to UNKNOWN_SOURCEFILE, then
-     * null is returned.
+     * If sourceFilename is null or set to UNKNOWN_SOURCEFILE, then null is returned.
-     * @return the compiledFilename eventually used; or null if a
-     *         compiledFilename couldn't be determined or if an error
-     *         was thrown while writing to the cache file.
+     * @return the compiledFilename eventually used; or null if a compiledFilename couldn't be
+     *         determined or if an error was thrown while writing to the cache file.
-    public static String cacheCompiledSource(String sourceFilename,
-                                              String compiledFilename,
-                                              byte[] compiledSource) {
-        if(compiledFilename == null){
-            if(sourceFilename == null || sourceFilename.equals(UNKNOWN_SOURCEFILE)){
-               return null;
+    public static String cacheCompiledSource(String sourceFilename, String compiledFilename,
+            byte[] compiledSource) {
+        if (compiledFilename == null) {
+            if (sourceFilename == null || sourceFilename.equals(UNKNOWN_SOURCEFILE)) {
+                return null;
             compiledFilename = makeCompiledFilename(sourceFilename);
@@ -328,24 +326,23 @@
             return compiledFilename;
-        } catch(IOException exc) {
+        } catch (IOException exc) {
             // If we can't write the cache file, just log and continue
-            Py.writeDebug(IMPORT_LOG, "Unable to write to source cache file '"
-                    + compiledFilename + "' due to " + exc);
+            Py.writeDebug(IMPORT_LOG, "Unable to write to source cache file '" + compiledFilename
+                    + "' due to " + exc);
             return null;
-        } catch(SecurityException exc) {
+        } catch (SecurityException exc) {
             // If we can't write the cache file, just log and continue
-            Py.writeDebug(IMPORT_LOG, "Unable to write to source cache file '"
-                    + compiledFilename + "' due to " + exc);
+            Py.writeDebug(IMPORT_LOG, "Unable to write to source cache file '" + compiledFilename
+                    + "' due to " + exc);
             return null;
         } finally {
-            if(fop != null) {
+            if (fop != null) {
                 try {
-                } catch(IOException e) {
-                    Py.writeDebug(IMPORT_LOG,
-                                  "Unable to close source cache file '"
-                                          + compiledFilename + "' due to " + e);
+                } catch (IOException e) {
+                    Py.writeDebug(IMPORT_LOG, "Unable to close source cache file '"
+                            + compiledFilename + "' due to " + e);
@@ -358,7 +355,7 @@
     public static byte[] compileSource(String name, InputStream fp, String filename, long mtime) {
         ByteArrayOutputStream ofp = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
         try {
-            if(filename == null) {
+            if (filename == null) {
                 filename = UNKNOWN_SOURCEFILE;
             org.python.antlr.base.mod node;
@@ -369,7 +366,7 @@
             Module.compile(node, ofp, name + "$py", filename, true, false, null, mtime);
             return ofp.toByteArray();
-        } catch(Throwable t) {
+        } catch (Throwable t) {
             throw ParserFacade.fixParseError(null, t, filename);
@@ -378,13 +375,13 @@
         return createFromSource(name, fp, filename, null, NO_MTIME);
-    public static PyObject createFromSource(String name, InputStream fp,
-            String filename, String outFilename) {
+    public static PyObject createFromSource(String name, InputStream fp, String filename,
+            String outFilename) {
         return createFromSource(name, fp, filename, outFilename, NO_MTIME);
-    public static PyObject createFromSource(String name, InputStream fp,
-            String filename, String outFilename, long mtime) {
+    public static PyObject createFromSource(String name, InputStream fp, String filename,
+            String outFilename, long mtime) {
         byte[] bytes = compileSource(name, fp, filename, mtime);
         if (!Py.getSystemState().dont_write_bytecode) {
             outFilename = cacheCompiledSource(filename, outFilename, bytes);
@@ -397,20 +394,19 @@
-     * Returns a module with the given name whose contents are the results of
-     * running c. __file__ is set to whatever is in c.
+     * Returns a module with the given name whose contents are the results of running c. __file__ is
+     * set to whatever is in c.
-    public static PyObject createFromCode(String name, PyCode c){
+    public static PyObject createFromCode(String name, PyCode c) {
         return createFromCode(name, c, null);
-     * Returns a module with the given name whose contents are the results of
-     * running c. Sets __file__ on the module to be moduleLocation unless
-     * moduleLocation is null. If c comes from a local .py file or compiled
-     * $py.class class moduleLocation should be the result of running new
-     * File(moduleLocation).getAbsolutePath(). If c comes from a remote file or
-     * is a jar moduleLocation should be the full uri for c.
+     * Returns a module with the given name whose contents are the results of running c. Sets
+     * __file__ on the module to be moduleLocation unless moduleLocation is null. If c comes from a
+     * local .py file or compiled $py.class class moduleLocation should be the result of running new
+     * File(moduleLocation).getAbsolutePath(). If c comes from a remote file or is a jar
+     * moduleLocation should be the full uri for c.
     public static PyObject createFromCode(String name, PyCode c, String moduleLocation) {
@@ -418,7 +414,7 @@
         PyTableCode code = null;
         if (c instanceof PyTableCode) {
-            code = (PyTableCode) c;
+            code = (PyTableCode)c;
         if (moduleLocation != null) {
@@ -512,8 +508,8 @@
         for (PyObject importer : metaPath.asIterable()) {
             PyObject findModule = importer.__getattr__("find_module");
-            loader = findModule.__call__(new PyObject[] {
-                    new PyString(moduleName), path == null ? Py.None : path });
+            loader = findModule.__call__(new PyObject[] { //
+                    new PyString(moduleName), path == null ? Py.None : path});
             if (loader != Py.None) {
                 return loadFromLoader(loader, moduleName);
@@ -527,12 +523,10 @@
         path = path == null ? sys.path : path;
         for (int i = 0; i < path.__len__(); i++) {
             PyObject p = path.__getitem__(i);
-            PyObject importer = getPathImporter(sys.path_importer_cache,
-                    sys.path_hooks, p);
+            PyObject importer = getPathImporter(sys.path_importer_cache, sys.path_hooks, p);
             if (importer != Py.None) {
                 PyObject findModule = importer.__getattr__("find_module");
-                loader = findModule.__call__(new PyObject[] { new PyString(
-                        moduleName) });
+                loader = findModule.__call__(new PyObject[] {new PyString(moduleName)});
                 if (loader != Py.None) {
                     return loadFromLoader(loader, moduleName);
@@ -562,16 +556,14 @@
         if (mod != null) {
             Class c = Py.findClassEx(mod, "builtin modules");
             if (c != null) {
-                Py.writeComment(IMPORT_LOG, "'" + name + "' as " + mod
-                        + " in builtin modules");
+                Py.writeComment(IMPORT_LOG, "'" + name + "' as " + mod + " in builtin modules");
                 try {
                     if (PyObject.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) { // xxx ok?
                         return PyType.fromClass(c);
                     return createFromClass(name, c);
                 } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
-                    throw Py.ImportError("Cannot import " + name
-                            + ", missing class " + c.getName());
+                    throw Py.ImportError("Cannot import " + name + ", missing class " + c.getName());
@@ -584,14 +576,14 @@
         ReentrantLock importLock = Py.getSystemState().getImportLock();
         try {
-            return load_module.__call__(new PyObject[]{new PyString(name)});
+            return load_module.__call__(new PyObject[] {new PyString(name)});
         } finally {
     public static PyObject loadFromCompiled(String name, InputStream stream, String sourceName,
-                                            String compiledName) {
+            String compiledName) {
         return createFromPyClass(name, stream, false, sourceName, compiledName);
@@ -604,8 +596,8 @@
         // /tmp/foo/bar.py)
         String displayDirName = entry.equals("") ? null : entry.toString();
         String displaySourceName = new File(new File(displayDirName, name), sourceName).getPath();
-        String displayCompiledName = new File(new File(displayDirName, name),
-                                              compiledName).getPath();
+        String displayCompiledName =
+                new File(new File(displayDirName, name), compiledName).getPath();
         // First check for packages
         File dir = new File(dirName, name);
@@ -619,8 +611,7 @@
                     pkg = true;
                 } else {
                     Py.warning(Py.ImportWarning, String.format(
-                            "Not importing directory '%s': missing __init__.py",
-                            dirName));
+                            "Not importing directory '%s': missing __init__.py", dirName));
         } catch (SecurityException e) {
@@ -648,26 +639,26 @@
                     Py.writeDebug(IMPORT_LOG, "trying precompiled " + compiledFile.getPath());
                     long classTime = compiledFile.lastModified();
                     if (classTime >= pyTime) {
-                        PyObject ret = createFromPyClass(
-                                modName, makeStream(compiledFile), true,
+                        PyObject ret = createFromPyClass(modName, makeStream(compiledFile), //
+                                true, // OK to fail here as we have the source
                                 displaySourceName, displayCompiledName, pyTime);
                         if (ret != null) {
                             return ret;
                     return createFromSource(modName, makeStream(sourceFile), displaySourceName,
-                                            compiledFile.getPath(), pyTime);
+                            compiledFile.getPath(), pyTime);
                 return createFromSource(modName, makeStream(sourceFile), displaySourceName,
-                                        compiledFile.getPath(), pyTime);
+                        compiledFile.getPath(), pyTime);
             // If no source, try loading precompiled
             Py.writeDebug(IMPORT_LOG, "trying precompiled with no source " + compiledFile.getPath());
             if (compiledFile.isFile() && caseok(compiledFile, compiledName)) {
-                return createFromPyClass(
-                        modName, makeStream(compiledFile), true, displaySourceName,
-                        displayCompiledName, NO_MTIME, CodeImport.compiled_only);
+                return createFromPyClass(modName, makeStream(compiledFile), //
+                        false, // throw ImportError here if this fails
+                        displaySourceName, displayCompiledName, NO_MTIME, CodeImport.compiled_only);
         } catch (SecurityException e) {
             // ok
@@ -683,13 +674,13 @@
             File canFile = new File(file.getCanonicalPath());
             boolean match = filename.regionMatches(0, canFile.getName(), 0, filename.length());
             if (!match) {
-                //possibly a symlink.  Get parent and look for exact match in listdir()
-                //This is what CPython does in the case of Mac OS X and Cygwin.
-                //XXX: This will be a performance hit, maybe jdk7 nio2 can give us a better
-                //     method?
+                // possibly a symlink. Get parent and look for exact match in listdir()
+                // This is what CPython does in the case of Mac OS X and Cygwin.
+                // XXX: This will be a performance hit, maybe jdk7 nio2 can give us a better
+                // method?
                 File parent = file.getParentFile();
                 String[] children = parent.list();
-                for (String c: children) {
+                for (String c : children) {
                     if (c.equals(filename)) {
                         return true;
@@ -702,8 +693,7 @@
-     * Load the module by name. Upon loading the module it will be added to
-     * sys.modules.
+     * Load the module by name. Upon loading the module it will be added to sys.modules.
      * @param name the name of the module to load
      * @return the loaded module
@@ -719,36 +709,32 @@
-	/**
-	 * Find the parent package name for a module.
-	 * 
-	 * If __name__ does not exist in the module or if level is <code>0</code>,
-	 * then the parent is <code>null</code>. If __name__ does exist and is not a
-	 * package name, the containing package is located. If no such package
-	 * exists and level is <code>-1</code>, the parent is <code>null</code>. If
-	 * level is <code>-1</code>, the parent is the current name. Otherwise,
-	 * <code>level-1</code> doted parts are stripped from the current name. For
-	 * example, the __name__ <code>"a.b.c"</code> and level <code>2</code> would
-	 * return <code>"a.b"</code>, if <code>c</code> is a package and would
-	 * return <code>"a"</code>, if <code>c</code> is not a package.
-	 * 
-	 * @param dict
-	 *            the __dict__ of a loaded module
-	 * @param level
-	 *            used for relative and absolute imports. -1 means try both, 0
-	 *            means absolute only, positive ints represent the level to look
-	 *            upward for a relative path (1 means current package, 2 means
-	 *            one level up). See PEP 328 at
-	 *            http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0328/
-	 * 
-	 * @return the parent name for a module
-	 */
+    /**
+     * Find the parent package name for a module.
+     *
+     * If __name__ does not exist in the module or if level is <code>0</code>, then the parent is
+     * <code>null</code>. If __name__ does exist and is not a package name, the containing package
+     * is located. If no such package exists and level is <code>-1</code>, the parent is
+     * <code>null</code>. If level is <code>-1</code>, the parent is the current name. Otherwise,
+     * <code>level-1</code> doted parts are stripped from the current name. For example, the
+     * __name__ <code>"a.b.c"</code> and level <code>2</code> would return <code>"a.b"</code>, if
+     * <code>c</code> is a package and would return <code>"a"</code>, if <code>c</code> is not a
+     * package.
+     *
+     * @param dict the __dict__ of a loaded module
+     * @param level used for relative and absolute imports. -1 means try both, 0 means absolute
+     *            only, positive ints represent the level to look upward for a relative path (1
+     *            means current package, 2 means one level up). See PEP 328 at
+     *            http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0328/
+     *
+     * @return the parent name for a module
+     */
     private static String get_parent(PyObject dict, int level) {
         String modname;
         int orig_level = level;
         if ((dict == null && level == -1) || level == 0) {
-        	// try an absolute import
+            // try an absolute import
             return null;
@@ -759,7 +745,7 @@
             modname = ((PyString)tmp).getString();
         } else {
-            //__package__ not set, so figure it out and set it.
+            // __package__ not set, so figure it out and set it.
             tmp = dict.__finditem__("__name__");
             if (tmp == null) {
@@ -770,7 +756,7 @@
             // locate the current package
             tmp = dict.__finditem__("__path__");
             if (tmp instanceof PyList) {
-                //__path__ is set, so modname is already the package name.
+                // __path__ is set, so modname is already the package name.
                 dict.__setitem__("__package__", new PyString(modname));
             } else {
                 // __name__ is not a package name, try one level upwards.
@@ -801,15 +787,12 @@
         if (Py.getSystemState().modules.__finditem__(modname) == null) {
             if (orig_level < 1) {
                 if (modname.length() > 0) {
-                    Py.warning(Py.RuntimeWarning,
-                            String.format(
-                                    "Parent module '%.200s' not found " +
-                                    "while handling absolute import", modname));
+                    Py.warning(Py.RuntimeWarning, String.format("Parent module '%.200s' not found "
+                            + "while handling absolute import", modname));
             } else {
-                throw Py.SystemError(String.format(
-                        "Parent module '%.200s' not loaded, " +
-                        "cannot perform relative import", modname));
+                throw Py.SystemError(String.format("Parent module '%.200s' not loaded, "
+                        + "cannot perform relative import", modname));
         return modname.intern();
@@ -822,8 +805,8 @@
      * @param name the name of the module to load
      * @return null or None
-    private static PyObject import_next(PyObject mod,
-            StringBuilder parentNameBuffer, String name, String outerFullName, PyObject fromlist) {
+    private static PyObject import_next(PyObject mod, StringBuilder parentNameBuffer, String name,
+            String outerFullName, PyObject fromlist) {
         if (parentNameBuffer.length() > 0 && name != null && name.length() > 0) {
@@ -856,8 +839,7 @@
     // never returns null or None
-    private static PyObject import_first(String name,
-            StringBuilder parentNameBuffer) {
+    private static PyObject import_first(String name, StringBuilder parentNameBuffer) {
         PyObject ret = import_next(null, parentNameBuffer, name, null, null);
         if (ret == null || ret == Py.None) {
             throw Py.ImportError("No module named " + name);
@@ -865,8 +847,8 @@
         return ret;
-    private static PyObject import_first(String name, StringBuilder parentNameBuffer, String fullName, PyObject fromlist) {
+    private static PyObject import_first(String name, StringBuilder parentNameBuffer,
+            String fullName, PyObject fromlist) {
         PyObject ret = import_next(null, parentNameBuffer, name, fullName, fromlist);
         if (ret == null || ret == Py.None) {
             if (JavaImportHelper.tryAddPackage(fullName, fromlist)) {
@@ -879,12 +861,11 @@
         return ret;
     // Hierarchy-recursively search for dotted name in mod;
     // never returns null or None
     // ??pending: check if result is really a module/jpkg/jclass?
-    private static PyObject import_logic(PyObject mod,
-            StringBuilder parentNameBuffer, String dottedName, String fullName, PyObject fromlist) {
+    private static PyObject import_logic(PyObject mod, StringBuilder parentNameBuffer,
+            String dottedName, String fullName, PyObject fromlist) {
         int dot = 0;
         int last_dot = 0;
@@ -905,7 +886,7 @@
             if (jpkg != null && (mod == null || mod == Py.None)) {
                 // try again -- under certain circumstances a PyJavaPackage may
                 // have been added as a side effect of the last import_next
-                // attempt.  see Lib/test_classpathimport.py#test_bug1126
+                // attempt. see Lib/test_classpathimport.py#test_bug1126
                 mod = import_next(jpkg, parentNameBuffer, name, fullName, fromlist);
             if (mod == null || mod == Py.None) {
@@ -923,8 +904,8 @@
      * @param modDict
      * @return a module
-    private static PyObject import_module_level(String name, boolean top,
-            PyObject modDict, PyObject fromlist, int level) {
+    private static PyObject import_module_level(String name, boolean top, PyObject modDict,
+            PyObject fromlist, int level) {
         if (name.length() == 0) {
             if (level == 0 || modDict == null) {
                 throw Py.ValueError("Empty module name");
@@ -959,7 +940,7 @@
         PyObject topMod = import_next(pkgMod, parentNameBuffer, firstName, name, fromlist);
         if (topMod == Py.None || topMod == null) {
             // Add None to sys.modules for submodule or subpackage names that aren't found, but
-            // leave top-level entries out.  This allows them to be tried again if another
+            // leave top-level entries out. This allows them to be tried again if another
             // import attempt is made after they've been added to sys.path.
             if (topMod == null && pkgMod != null) {
                 modules.__setitem__(parentNameBuffer.toString().intern(), Py.None);
@@ -975,8 +956,7 @@
         PyObject mod = topMod;
         if (dot != -1) {
             // could throw ImportError
-            mod = import_logic(topMod, parentNameBuffer, name
-                    .substring(dot + 1), name, fromlist);
+            mod = import_logic(topMod, parentNameBuffer, name.substring(dot + 1), name, fromlist);
         if (top) {
             return topMod;
@@ -993,37 +973,37 @@
     private static void ensureFromList(PyObject mod, PyObject fromlist, String name,
-                                       boolean recursive) {
-            if (mod.__findattr__("__path__") == null) {
-                return;
+            boolean recursive) {
+        if (mod.__findattr__("__path__") == null) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // This can happen with imports like "from . import foo"
+        if (name.length() == 0) {
+            name = mod.__findattr__("__name__").toString();
+        }
+        StringBuilder modNameBuffer = new StringBuilder(name);
+        for (PyObject item : fromlist.asIterable()) {
+            if (!Py.isInstance(item, PyBaseString.TYPE)) {
+                throw Py.TypeError("Item in ``from list'' not a string");
+            }
+            if (item.toString().equals("*")) {
+                if (recursive) {
+                    // Avoid endless recursion
+                    continue;
+                }
+                PyObject all;
+                if ((all = mod.__findattr__("__all__")) != null) {
+                    ensureFromList(mod, all, name, true);
+                }
-            //This can happen with imports like "from . import foo"
-            if (name.length() == 0) {
-                name = mod.__findattr__("__name__").toString();
+            if (mod.__findattr__((PyString)item) == null) {
+                String fullName = modNameBuffer.toString() + "." + item.toString();
+                import_next(mod, modNameBuffer, item.toString(), fullName, null);
-            StringBuilder modNameBuffer = new StringBuilder(name);
-            for (PyObject item : fromlist.asIterable()) {
-                if (!Py.isInstance(item, PyBaseString.TYPE)) {
-                    throw Py.TypeError("Item in ``from list'' not a string");
-                }
-                if (item.toString().equals("*")) {
-                    if (recursive) {
-                        // Avoid endless recursion
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    PyObject all;
-                    if ((all = mod.__findattr__("__all__")) != null) {
-                        ensureFromList(mod, all, name, true);
-                    }
-                }
-                if (mod.__findattr__((PyString) item) == null) {
-                    String fullName = modNameBuffer.toString() + "." + item.toString();
-                    import_next(mod, modNameBuffer, item.toString(), fullName, null);
-                }
-            }
+        }
@@ -1045,16 +1025,15 @@
-     * Import a module by name. This is the default call for
-     * __builtin__.__import__.
+     * Import a module by name. This is the default call for __builtin__.__import__.
      * @param name the name of the package to import
      * @param top if true, return the top module in the name, otherwise the last
      * @param modDict the __dict__ of an already imported module
      * @return an imported module (Java or Python)
-    public static PyObject importName(String name, boolean top,
-            PyObject modDict, PyObject fromlist, int level) {
+    public static PyObject importName(String name, boolean top, PyObject modDict,
+            PyObject fromlist, int level) {
         ReentrantLock importLock = Py.getSystemState().getImportLock();
@@ -1066,38 +1045,36 @@
-     * Called from jython generated code when a statement like "import spam" is
-     * executed.
+     * Called from jython generated code when a statement like "import spam" is executed.
     public static PyObject importOne(String mod, PyFrame frame) {
-	return importOne(mod, frame, imp.DEFAULT_LEVEL);
+        return importOne(mod, frame, imp.DEFAULT_LEVEL);
-     * Called from jython generated code when a statement like "import spam" is
-     * executed.
+     * Called from jython generated code when a statement like "import spam" is executed.
     public static PyObject importOne(String mod, PyFrame frame, int level) {
-        PyObject module = __builtin__.__import__(mod, frame.f_globals, frame
-                .getLocals(), Py.None, level);
+        PyObject module =
+                __builtin__.__import__(mod, frame.f_globals, frame.getLocals(), Py.None, level);
         return module;
-     * Called from jython generated code when a statement like "import spam as
-     * foo" is executed.
+     * Called from jython generated code when a statement like "import spam as foo" is executed.
     public static PyObject importOneAs(String mod, PyFrame frame) {
-    	return importOneAs(mod, frame, imp.DEFAULT_LEVEL);
+        return importOneAs(mod, frame, imp.DEFAULT_LEVEL);
-     * Called from jython generated code when a statement like "import spam as
-     * foo" is executed.
+     * Called from jython generated code when a statement like "import spam as foo" is executed.
     public static PyObject importOneAs(String mod, PyFrame frame, int level) {
-        PyObject module = __builtin__.__import__(mod, frame.f_globals, frame
-                .getLocals(), Py.None, level);
+        PyObject module =
+                __builtin__.__import__(mod, frame.f_globals, frame.getLocals(), Py.None, level);
         int dot = mod.indexOf('.');
         while (dot != -1) {
             int dot2 = mod.indexOf('.', dot + 1);
@@ -1114,55 +1091,55 @@
-     * replaced by importFrom with level param.  Kept for backwards compatibility.
+     * replaced by importFrom with level param. Kept for backwards compatibility.
+     *
      * @deprecated use importFrom with level param.
-    public static PyObject[] importFrom(String mod, String[] names,
-            PyFrame frame) {
+    public static PyObject[] importFrom(String mod, String[] names, PyFrame frame) {
         return importFromAs(mod, names, null, frame, DEFAULT_LEVEL);
-     * Called from jython generated code when a statement like "from spam.eggs
-     * import foo, bar" is executed.
+     * Called from jython generated code when a statement like "from spam.eggs import foo, bar" is
+     * executed.
-    public static PyObject[] importFrom(String mod, String[] names,
-            PyFrame frame, int level) {
+    public static PyObject[] importFrom(String mod, String[] names, PyFrame frame, int level) {
         return importFromAs(mod, names, null, frame, level);
-     * replaced by importFromAs with level param.  Kept for backwards compatibility.
+     * replaced by importFromAs with level param. Kept for backwards compatibility.
+     *
      * @deprecated use importFromAs with level param.
-    public static PyObject[] importFromAs(String mod, String[] names,
-            PyFrame frame) {
+    public static PyObject[] importFromAs(String mod, String[] names, PyFrame frame) {
         return importFromAs(mod, names, null, frame, DEFAULT_LEVEL);
-     * Called from jython generated code when a statement like "from spam.eggs
-     * import foo as spam" is executed.
+     * Called from jython generated code when a statement like "from spam.eggs import foo as spam"
+     * is executed.
-    public static PyObject[] importFromAs(String mod, String[] names,
-            String[] asnames, PyFrame frame, int level) {
+    public static PyObject[] importFromAs(String mod, String[] names, String[] asnames,
+            PyFrame frame, int level) {
         PyObject[] pyNames = new PyObject[names.length];
         for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
             pyNames[i] = Py.newString(names[i]);
-        PyObject module = __builtin__.__import__(mod, frame.f_globals, frame.getLocals(),
-                                                 new PyTuple(pyNames), level);
+        PyObject module =
+                __builtin__.__import__(mod, frame.f_globals, frame.getLocals(),
+                        new PyTuple(pyNames), level);
         PyObject[] submods = new PyObject[names.length];
         for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
             PyObject submod = module.__findattr__(names[i]);
-            //XXX: Temporary fix for http://bugs.jython.org/issue1900
+            // XXX: Temporary fix for http://bugs.jython.org/issue1900
             if (submod == null) {
                 submod = module.impAttr(names[i]);
-            //end temporary fix.
+            // end temporary fix.
             if (submod == null) {
                 throw Py.ImportError("cannot import name " + names[i]);
@@ -1175,25 +1152,25 @@
     private final static PyTuple all = new PyTuple(Py.newString('*'));
-     * Called from jython generated code when a statement like "from spam.eggs
-     * import *" is executed.
+     * Called from jython generated code when a statement like "from spam.eggs import *" is
+     * executed.
     public static void importAll(String mod, PyFrame frame, int level) {
-        PyObject module = __builtin__.__import__(mod, frame.f_globals, frame
-                .getLocals(), all, level);
+        PyObject module =
+                __builtin__.__import__(mod, frame.f_globals, frame.getLocals(), all, level);
         importAll(module, frame);
     public static void importAll(String mod, PyFrame frame) {
         importAll(mod, frame, DEFAULT_LEVEL);
     public static void importAll(PyObject module, PyFrame frame) {
         PyObject names;
         boolean filter = true;
         if (module instanceof PyJavaPackage) {
-            names = ((PyJavaPackage) module).fillDir();
+            names = ((PyJavaPackage)module).fillDir();
         } else {
             PyObject __all__ = module.__findattr__("__all__");
             if (__all__ != null) {
@@ -1207,23 +1184,17 @@
         loadNames(names, module, frame.getLocals(), filter);
-     * From a module, load the attributes found in <code>names</code> into
-     * locals.
+     * From a module, load the attributes found in <code>names</code> into locals.
-     * @param filter if true, if the name starts with an underscore '_' do not
-     *            add it to locals
+     * @param filter if true, if the name starts with an underscore '_' do not add it to locals
      * @param locals the namespace into which names will be loaded
      * @param names the names to load from the module
      * @param module the fully imported module
-    private static void loadNames(PyObject names, PyObject module,
-            PyObject locals, boolean filter) {
+    private static void loadNames(PyObject names, PyObject module, PyObject locals, boolean filter) {
         for (PyObject name : names.asIterable()) {
-            String sname = ((PyString) name).internedString();
+            String sname = ((PyString)name).internedString();
             if (filter && sname.startsWith("_")) {
             } else {
@@ -1233,8 +1204,9 @@
                         PyObject nameObj = module.__findattr__("__name__");
                         if (nameObj != null) {
                             String submodName = nameObj.__str__().toString() + '.' + sname;
-                            value = __builtin__.__import__(submodName, null, null,
-                                                           nonEmptyFromlist);
+                            value =
+                                    __builtin__
+                                            .__import__(submodName, null, null, nonEmptyFromlist);
                     locals.__setitem__(sname, value);
@@ -1259,16 +1231,16 @@
-    private static PyObject _reload(PyModule m, PyObject modules, Map<String, PyModule> modules_reloading) {
+    private static PyObject _reload(PyModule m, PyObject modules,
+            Map<String, PyModule> modules_reloading) {
         String name = m.__getattr__("__name__").toString().intern();
-        PyModule nm = (PyModule) modules.__finditem__(name);
+        PyModule nm = (PyModule)modules.__finditem__(name);
         if (nm == null || !nm.__getattr__("__name__").toString().equals(name)) {
-            throw Py.ImportError("reload(): module " + name
-                    + " not in sys.modules");
+            throw Py.ImportError("reload(): module " + name + " not in sys.modules");
         PyModule existing_module = modules_reloading.get(name);
         if (existing_module != null) {
-        // Due to a recursive reload, this module is already being reloaded.
+            // Due to a recursive reload, this module is already being reloaded.
             return existing_module;
         // Since we are already in a re-entrant lock,
@@ -1284,7 +1256,7 @@
             if (pkg == null) {
                 throw Py.ImportError("reload(): parent not in sys.modules");
-            path = (PyList) pkg.__getattr__("__path__");
+            path = (PyList)pkg.__getattr__("__path__");
             name = name.substring(dot + 1, name.length()).intern();
diff --git a/src/org/python/modules/posix/PosixModule.java b/src/org/python/modules/posix/PosixModule.java
--- a/src/org/python/modules/posix/PosixModule.java
+++ b/src/org/python/modules/posix/PosixModule.java
@@ -307,10 +307,16 @@
     public static PyString __doc__chmod = new PyString(
         "chmod(path, mode)\n\n" +
         "Change the access permissions of a file.");
     public static void chmod(PyObject path, int mode) {
         if (os == OS.NT) {
             try {
-                if (!absolutePath(path).toFile().setWritable((mode & FileStat.S_IWUSR) != 0)) {
+                // We can only allow/deny write access (not read & execute)
+                boolean writable = (mode & FileStat.S_IWUSR) != 0;
+                File f = absolutePath(path).toFile();
+                if (!f.exists()) {
+                    throw Py.OSError(Errno.ENOENT, path);
+                } else if (!f.setWritable(writable)) {
                     throw Py.OSError(Errno.EPERM, path);
             } catch (SecurityException ex) {

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