[Jython-checkins] jython: Re-adding latest cpython 2.7 asyncore.py and test_asyncore.py from

alan.kennedy jython-checkins at python.org
Sat Aug 25 22:49:23 CEST 2012

changeset:   6853:7ea49e16dd54
user:        Alan Kennedy <alan at xhaus.com>
date:        Sat Aug 25 18:46:29 2012 +0100
  Re-adding latest cpython 2.7 asyncore.py and test_asyncore.py from http://hg.python.org/cpython/file/c1c45755397b

  Lib/asyncore.py           |  659 +++++++++++++++++++++++
  Lib/test/test_asyncore.py |  743 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  2 files changed, 1402 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Lib/asyncore.py b/Lib/asyncore.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/asyncore.py
@@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
+# -*- Mode: Python -*-
+#   Id: asyncore.py,v 2.51 2000/09/07 22:29:26 rushing Exp
+#   Author: Sam Rushing <rushing at nightmare.com>
+# ======================================================================
+# Copyright 1996 by Sam Rushing
+#                         All Rights Reserved
+# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
+# its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
+# granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
+# copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission
+# notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sam
+# Rushing not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+# distribution of the software without specific, written prior
+# permission.
+# ======================================================================
+"""Basic infrastructure for asynchronous socket service clients and servers.
+There are only two ways to have a program on a single processor do "more
+than one thing at a time".  Multi-threaded programming is the simplest and
+most popular way to do it, but there is another very different technique,
+that lets you have nearly all the advantages of multi-threading, without
+actually using multiple threads. it's really only practical if your program
+is largely I/O bound. If your program is CPU bound, then pre-emptive
+scheduled threads are probably what you really need. Network servers are
+rarely CPU-bound, however.
+If your operating system supports the select() system call in its I/O
+library (and nearly all do), then you can use it to juggle multiple
+communication channels at once; doing other work while your I/O is taking
+place in the "background."  Although this strategy can seem strange and
+complex, especially at first, it is in many ways easier to understand and
+control than multi-threaded programming. The module documented here solves
+many of the difficult problems for you, making the task of building
+sophisticated high-performance network servers and clients a snap.
+import select
+import socket
+import sys
+import time
+import warnings
+import os
+     errorcode
+                           EBADF))
+    socket_map
+except NameError:
+    socket_map = {}
+def _strerror(err):
+    try:
+        return os.strerror(err)
+    except (ValueError, OverflowError, NameError):
+        if err in errorcode:
+            return errorcode[err]
+        return "Unknown error %s" %err
+class ExitNow(Exception):
+    pass
+_reraised_exceptions = (ExitNow, KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit)
+def read(obj):
+    try:
+        obj.handle_read_event()
+    except _reraised_exceptions:
+        raise
+    except:
+        obj.handle_error()
+def write(obj):
+    try:
+        obj.handle_write_event()
+    except _reraised_exceptions:
+        raise
+    except:
+        obj.handle_error()
+def _exception(obj):
+    try:
+        obj.handle_expt_event()
+    except _reraised_exceptions:
+        raise
+    except:
+        obj.handle_error()
+def readwrite(obj, flags):
+    try:
+        if flags & select.POLLIN:
+            obj.handle_read_event()
+        if flags & select.POLLOUT:
+            obj.handle_write_event()
+        if flags & select.POLLPRI:
+            obj.handle_expt_event()
+        if flags & (select.POLLHUP | select.POLLERR | select.POLLNVAL):
+            obj.handle_close()
+    except socket.error, e:
+        if e.args[0] not in _DISCONNECTED:
+            obj.handle_error()
+        else:
+            obj.handle_close()
+    except _reraised_exceptions:
+        raise
+    except:
+        obj.handle_error()
+def poll(timeout=0.0, map=None):
+    if map is None:
+        map = socket_map
+    if map:
+        r = []; w = []; e = []
+        for fd, obj in map.items():
+            is_r = obj.readable()
+            is_w = obj.writable()
+            if is_r:
+                r.append(fd)
+            # accepting sockets should not be writable
+            if is_w and not obj.accepting:
+                w.append(fd)
+            if is_r or is_w:
+                e.append(fd)
+        if [] == r == w == e:
+            time.sleep(timeout)
+            return
+        try:
+            r, w, e = select.select(r, w, e, timeout)
+        except select.error, err:
+            if err.args[0] != EINTR:
+                raise
+            else:
+                return
+        for fd in r:
+            obj = map.get(fd)
+            if obj is None:
+                continue
+            read(obj)
+        for fd in w:
+            obj = map.get(fd)
+            if obj is None:
+                continue
+            write(obj)
+        for fd in e:
+            obj = map.get(fd)
+            if obj is None:
+                continue
+            _exception(obj)
+def poll2(timeout=0.0, map=None):
+    # Use the poll() support added to the select module in Python 2.0
+    if map is None:
+        map = socket_map
+    if timeout is not None:
+        # timeout is in milliseconds
+        timeout = int(timeout*1000)
+    pollster = select.poll()
+    if map:
+        for fd, obj in map.items():
+            flags = 0
+            if obj.readable():
+                flags |= select.POLLIN | select.POLLPRI
+            # accepting sockets should not be writable
+            if obj.writable() and not obj.accepting:
+                flags |= select.POLLOUT
+            if flags:
+                # Only check for exceptions if object was either readable
+                # or writable.
+                flags |= select.POLLERR | select.POLLHUP | select.POLLNVAL
+                pollster.register(fd, flags)
+        try:
+            r = pollster.poll(timeout)
+        except select.error, err:
+            if err.args[0] != EINTR:
+                raise
+            r = []
+        for fd, flags in r:
+            obj = map.get(fd)
+            if obj is None:
+                continue
+            readwrite(obj, flags)
+poll3 = poll2                           # Alias for backward compatibility
+def loop(timeout=30.0, use_poll=False, map=None, count=None):
+    if map is None:
+        map = socket_map
+    if use_poll and hasattr(select, 'poll'):
+        poll_fun = poll2
+    else:
+        poll_fun = poll
+    if count is None:
+        while map:
+            poll_fun(timeout, map)
+    else:
+        while map and count > 0:
+            poll_fun(timeout, map)
+            count = count - 1
+class dispatcher:
+    debug = False
+    connected = False
+    accepting = False
+    connecting = False
+    closing = False
+    addr = None
+    ignore_log_types = frozenset(['warning'])
+    def __init__(self, sock=None, map=None):
+        if map is None:
+            self._map = socket_map
+        else:
+            self._map = map
+        self._fileno = None
+        if sock:
+            # Set to nonblocking just to make sure for cases where we
+            # get a socket from a blocking source.
+            sock.setblocking(0)
+            self.set_socket(sock, map)
+            self.connected = True
+            # The constructor no longer requires that the socket
+            # passed be connected.
+            try:
+                self.addr = sock.getpeername()
+            except socket.error, err:
+                if err.args[0] in (ENOTCONN, EINVAL):
+                    # To handle the case where we got an unconnected
+                    # socket.
+                    self.connected = False
+                else:
+                    # The socket is broken in some unknown way, alert
+                    # the user and remove it from the map (to prevent
+                    # polling of broken sockets).
+                    self.del_channel(map)
+                    raise
+        else:
+            self.socket = None
+    def __repr__(self):
+        status = [self.__class__.__module__+"."+self.__class__.__name__]
+        if self.accepting and self.addr:
+            status.append('listening')
+        elif self.connected:
+            status.append('connected')
+        if self.addr is not None:
+            try:
+                status.append('%s:%d' % self.addr)
+            except TypeError:
+                status.append(repr(self.addr))
+        return '<%s at %#x>' % (' '.join(status), id(self))
+    __str__ = __repr__
+    def add_channel(self, map=None):
+        #self.log_info('adding channel %s' % self)
+        if map is None:
+            map = self._map
+        map[self._fileno] = self
+    def del_channel(self, map=None):
+        fd = self._fileno
+        if map is None:
+            map = self._map
+        if fd in map:
+            #self.log_info('closing channel %d:%s' % (fd, self))
+            del map[fd]
+        self._fileno = None
+    def create_socket(self, family, type):
+        self.family_and_type = family, type
+        sock = socket.socket(family, type)
+        sock.setblocking(0)
+        self.set_socket(sock)
+    def set_socket(self, sock, map=None):
+        self.socket = sock
+##        self.__dict__['socket'] = sock
+        self._fileno = sock.fileno()
+        self.add_channel(map)
+    def set_reuse_addr(self):
+        # try to re-use a server port if possible
+        try:
+            self.socket.setsockopt(
+                socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR,
+                self.socket.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET,
+                                       socket.SO_REUSEADDR) | 1
+                )
+        except socket.error:
+            pass
+    # ==================================================
+    # predicates for select()
+    # these are used as filters for the lists of sockets
+    # to pass to select().
+    # ==================================================
+    def readable(self):
+        return True
+    def writable(self):
+        return True
+    # ==================================================
+    # socket object methods.
+    # ==================================================
+    def listen(self, num):
+        self.accepting = True
+        if os.name == 'nt' and num > 5:
+            num = 5
+        return self.socket.listen(num)
+    def bind(self, addr):
+        self.addr = addr
+        return self.socket.bind(addr)
+    def connect(self, address):
+        self.connected = False
+        self.connecting = True
+        err = self.socket.connect_ex(address)
+        or err == EINVAL and os.name in ('nt', 'ce'):
+            self.addr = address
+            return
+        if err in (0, EISCONN):
+            self.addr = address
+            self.handle_connect_event()
+        else:
+            raise socket.error(err, errorcode[err])
+    def accept(self):
+        # XXX can return either an address pair or None
+        try:
+            conn, addr = self.socket.accept()
+        except TypeError:
+            return None
+        except socket.error as why:
+            if why.args[0] in (EWOULDBLOCK, ECONNABORTED, EAGAIN):
+                return None
+            else:
+                raise
+        else:
+            return conn, addr
+    def send(self, data):
+        try:
+            result = self.socket.send(data)
+            return result
+        except socket.error, why:
+            if why.args[0] == EWOULDBLOCK:
+                return 0
+            elif why.args[0] in _DISCONNECTED:
+                self.handle_close()
+                return 0
+            else:
+                raise
+    def recv(self, buffer_size):
+        try:
+            data = self.socket.recv(buffer_size)
+            if not data:
+                # a closed connection is indicated by signaling
+                # a read condition, and having recv() return 0.
+                self.handle_close()
+                return ''
+            else:
+                return data
+        except socket.error, why:
+            # winsock sometimes throws ENOTCONN
+            if why.args[0] in _DISCONNECTED:
+                self.handle_close()
+                return ''
+            else:
+                raise
+    def close(self):
+        self.connected = False
+        self.accepting = False
+        self.connecting = False
+        self.del_channel()
+        try:
+            self.socket.close()
+        except socket.error, why:
+            if why.args[0] not in (ENOTCONN, EBADF):
+                raise
+    # cheap inheritance, used to pass all other attribute
+    # references to the underlying socket object.
+    def __getattr__(self, attr):
+        try:
+            retattr = getattr(self.socket, attr)
+        except AttributeError:
+            raise AttributeError("%s instance has no attribute '%s'"
+                                 %(self.__class__.__name__, attr))
+        else:
+            msg = "%(me)s.%(attr)s is deprecated. Use %(me)s.socket.%(attr)s " \
+                  "instead." % {'me': self.__class__.__name__, 'attr':attr}
+            warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+            return retattr
+    # log and log_info may be overridden to provide more sophisticated
+    # logging and warning methods. In general, log is for 'hit' logging
+    # and 'log_info' is for informational, warning and error logging.
+    def log(self, message):
+        sys.stderr.write('log: %s\n' % str(message))
+    def log_info(self, message, type='info'):
+        if type not in self.ignore_log_types:
+            print '%s: %s' % (type, message)
+    def handle_read_event(self):
+        if self.accepting:
+            # accepting sockets are never connected, they "spawn" new
+            # sockets that are connected
+            self.handle_accept()
+        elif not self.connected:
+            if self.connecting:
+                self.handle_connect_event()
+            self.handle_read()
+        else:
+            self.handle_read()
+    def handle_connect_event(self):
+        err = self.socket.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_ERROR)
+        if err != 0:
+            raise socket.error(err, _strerror(err))
+        self.handle_connect()
+        self.connected = True
+        self.connecting = False
+    def handle_write_event(self):
+        if self.accepting:
+            # Accepting sockets shouldn't get a write event.
+            # We will pretend it didn't happen.
+            return
+        if not self.connected:
+            if self.connecting:
+                self.handle_connect_event()
+        self.handle_write()
+    def handle_expt_event(self):
+        # handle_expt_event() is called if there might be an error on the
+        # socket, or if there is OOB data
+        # check for the error condition first
+        err = self.socket.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_ERROR)
+        if err != 0:
+            # we can get here when select.select() says that there is an
+            # exceptional condition on the socket
+            # since there is an error, we'll go ahead and close the socket
+            # like we would in a subclassed handle_read() that received no
+            # data
+            self.handle_close()
+        else:
+            self.handle_expt()
+    def handle_error(self):
+        nil, t, v, tbinfo = compact_traceback()
+        # sometimes a user repr method will crash.
+        try:
+            self_repr = repr(self)
+        except:
+            self_repr = '<__repr__(self) failed for object at %0x>' % id(self)
+        self.log_info(
+            'uncaptured python exception, closing channel %s (%s:%s %s)' % (
+                self_repr,
+                t,
+                v,
+                tbinfo
+                ),
+            'error'
+            )
+        self.handle_close()
+    def handle_expt(self):
+        self.log_info('unhandled incoming priority event', 'warning')
+    def handle_read(self):
+        self.log_info('unhandled read event', 'warning')
+    def handle_write(self):
+        self.log_info('unhandled write event', 'warning')
+    def handle_connect(self):
+        self.log_info('unhandled connect event', 'warning')
+    def handle_accept(self):
+        self.log_info('unhandled accept event', 'warning')
+    def handle_close(self):
+        self.log_info('unhandled close event', 'warning')
+        self.close()
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# adds simple buffered output capability, useful for simple clients.
+# [for more sophisticated usage use asynchat.async_chat]
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class dispatcher_with_send(dispatcher):
+    def __init__(self, sock=None, map=None):
+        dispatcher.__init__(self, sock, map)
+        self.out_buffer = ''
+    def initiate_send(self):
+        num_sent = 0
+        num_sent = dispatcher.send(self, self.out_buffer[:512])
+        self.out_buffer = self.out_buffer[num_sent:]
+    def handle_write(self):
+        self.initiate_send()
+    def writable(self):
+        return (not self.connected) or len(self.out_buffer)
+    def send(self, data):
+        if self.debug:
+            self.log_info('sending %s' % repr(data))
+        self.out_buffer = self.out_buffer + data
+        self.initiate_send()
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# used for debugging.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def compact_traceback():
+    t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
+    tbinfo = []
+    if not tb: # Must have a traceback
+        raise AssertionError("traceback does not exist")
+    while tb:
+        tbinfo.append((
+            tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename,
+            tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name,
+            str(tb.tb_lineno)
+            ))
+        tb = tb.tb_next
+    # just to be safe
+    del tb
+    file, function, line = tbinfo[-1]
+    info = ' '.join(['[%s|%s|%s]' % x for x in tbinfo])
+    return (file, function, line), t, v, info
+def close_all(map=None, ignore_all=False):
+    if map is None:
+        map = socket_map
+    for x in map.values():
+        try:
+            x.close()
+        except OSError, x:
+            if x.args[0] == EBADF:
+                pass
+            elif not ignore_all:
+                raise
+        except _reraised_exceptions:
+            raise
+        except:
+            if not ignore_all:
+                raise
+    map.clear()
+# Asynchronous File I/O:
+# After a little research (reading man pages on various unixen, and
+# digging through the linux kernel), I've determined that select()
+# isn't meant for doing asynchronous file i/o.
+# Heartening, though - reading linux/mm/filemap.c shows that linux
+# supports asynchronous read-ahead.  So _MOST_ of the time, the data
+# will be sitting in memory for us already when we go to read it.
+# What other OS's (besides NT) support async file i/o?  [VMS?]
+# Regardless, this is useful for pipes, and stdin/stdout...
+if os.name == 'posix':
+    import fcntl
+    class file_wrapper:
+        # Here we override just enough to make a file
+        # look like a socket for the purposes of asyncore.
+        # The passed fd is automatically os.dup()'d
+        def __init__(self, fd):
+            self.fd = os.dup(fd)
+        def recv(self, *args):
+            return os.read(self.fd, *args)
+        def send(self, *args):
+            return os.write(self.fd, *args)
+        def getsockopt(self, level, optname, buflen=None):
+            if (level == socket.SOL_SOCKET and
+                optname == socket.SO_ERROR and
+                not buflen):
+                return 0
+            raise NotImplementedError("Only asyncore specific behaviour "
+                                      "implemented.")
+        read = recv
+        write = send
+        def close(self):
+            os.close(self.fd)
+        def fileno(self):
+            return self.fd
+    class file_dispatcher(dispatcher):
+        def __init__(self, fd, map=None):
+            dispatcher.__init__(self, None, map)
+            self.connected = True
+            try:
+                fd = fd.fileno()
+            except AttributeError:
+                pass
+            self.set_file(fd)
+            # set it to non-blocking mode
+            flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL, 0)
+            flags = flags | os.O_NONBLOCK
+            fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags)
+        def set_file(self, fd):
+            self.socket = file_wrapper(fd)
+            self._fileno = self.socket.fileno()
+            self.add_channel()
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_asyncore.py b/Lib/test/test_asyncore.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/test_asyncore.py
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+import asyncore
+import unittest
+import select
+import os
+import socket
+import sys
+import time
+import warnings
+import errno
+import struct
+from test import test_support
+from test.test_support import TESTFN, run_unittest, unlink
+from StringIO import StringIO
+    import threading
+except ImportError:
+    threading = None
+HOST = test_support.HOST
+class dummysocket:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.closed = False
+    def close(self):
+        self.closed = True
+    def fileno(self):
+        return 42
+class dummychannel:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.socket = dummysocket()
+    def close(self):
+        self.socket.close()
+class exitingdummy:
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def handle_read_event(self):
+        raise asyncore.ExitNow()
+    handle_write_event = handle_read_event
+    handle_close = handle_read_event
+    handle_expt_event = handle_read_event
+class crashingdummy:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.error_handled = False
+    def handle_read_event(self):
+        raise Exception()
+    handle_write_event = handle_read_event
+    handle_close = handle_read_event
+    handle_expt_event = handle_read_event
+    def handle_error(self):
+        self.error_handled = True
+# used when testing senders; just collects what it gets until newline is sent
+def capture_server(evt, buf, serv):
+    try:
+        serv.listen(5)
+        conn, addr = serv.accept()
+    except socket.timeout:
+        pass
+    else:
+        n = 200
+        while n > 0:
+            r, w, e = select.select([conn], [], [])
+            if r:
+                data = conn.recv(10)
+                # keep everything except for the newline terminator
+                buf.write(data.replace('\n', ''))
+                if '\n' in data:
+                    break
+            n -= 1
+            time.sleep(0.01)
+        conn.close()
+    finally:
+        serv.close()
+        evt.set()
+class HelperFunctionTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_readwriteexc(self):
+        # Check exception handling behavior of read, write and _exception
+        # check that ExitNow exceptions in the object handler method
+        # bubbles all the way up through asyncore read/write/_exception calls
+        tr1 = exitingdummy()
+        self.assertRaises(asyncore.ExitNow, asyncore.read, tr1)
+        self.assertRaises(asyncore.ExitNow, asyncore.write, tr1)
+        self.assertRaises(asyncore.ExitNow, asyncore._exception, tr1)
+        # check that an exception other than ExitNow in the object handler
+        # method causes the handle_error method to get called
+        tr2 = crashingdummy()
+        asyncore.read(tr2)
+        self.assertEqual(tr2.error_handled, True)
+        tr2 = crashingdummy()
+        asyncore.write(tr2)
+        self.assertEqual(tr2.error_handled, True)
+        tr2 = crashingdummy()
+        asyncore._exception(tr2)
+        self.assertEqual(tr2.error_handled, True)
+    # asyncore.readwrite uses constants in the select module that
+    # are not present in Windows systems (see this thread:
+    # http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2001-October/109973.html)
+    # These constants should be present as long as poll is available
+    @unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(select, 'poll'), 'select.poll required')
+    def test_readwrite(self):
+        # Check that correct methods are called by readwrite()
+        attributes = ('read', 'expt', 'write', 'closed', 'error_handled')
+        expected = (
+            (select.POLLIN, 'read'),
+            (select.POLLPRI, 'expt'),
+            (select.POLLOUT, 'write'),
+            (select.POLLERR, 'closed'),
+            (select.POLLHUP, 'closed'),
+            (select.POLLNVAL, 'closed'),
+            )
+        class testobj:
+            def __init__(self):
+                self.read = False
+                self.write = False
+                self.closed = False
+                self.expt = False
+                self.error_handled = False
+            def handle_read_event(self):
+                self.read = True
+            def handle_write_event(self):
+                self.write = True
+            def handle_close(self):
+                self.closed = True
+            def handle_expt_event(self):
+                self.expt = True
+            def handle_error(self):
+                self.error_handled = True
+        for flag, expectedattr in expected:
+            tobj = testobj()
+            self.assertEqual(getattr(tobj, expectedattr), False)
+            asyncore.readwrite(tobj, flag)
+            # Only the attribute modified by the routine we expect to be
+            # called should be True.
+            for attr in attributes:
+                self.assertEqual(getattr(tobj, attr), attr==expectedattr)
+            # check that ExitNow exceptions in the object handler method
+            # bubbles all the way up through asyncore readwrite call
+            tr1 = exitingdummy()
+            self.assertRaises(asyncore.ExitNow, asyncore.readwrite, tr1, flag)
+            # check that an exception other than ExitNow in the object handler
+            # method causes the handle_error method to get called
+            tr2 = crashingdummy()
+            self.assertEqual(tr2.error_handled, False)
+            asyncore.readwrite(tr2, flag)
+            self.assertEqual(tr2.error_handled, True)
+    def test_closeall(self):
+        self.closeall_check(False)
+    def test_closeall_default(self):
+        self.closeall_check(True)
+    def closeall_check(self, usedefault):
+        # Check that close_all() closes everything in a given map
+        l = []
+        testmap = {}
+        for i in range(10):
+            c = dummychannel()
+            l.append(c)
+            self.assertEqual(c.socket.closed, False)
+            testmap[i] = c
+        if usedefault:
+            socketmap = asyncore.socket_map
+            try:
+                asyncore.socket_map = testmap
+                asyncore.close_all()
+            finally:
+                testmap, asyncore.socket_map = asyncore.socket_map, socketmap
+        else:
+            asyncore.close_all(testmap)
+        self.assertEqual(len(testmap), 0)
+        for c in l:
+            self.assertEqual(c.socket.closed, True)
+    def test_compact_traceback(self):
+        try:
+            raise Exception("I don't like spam!")
+        except:
+            real_t, real_v, real_tb = sys.exc_info()
+            r = asyncore.compact_traceback()
+        else:
+            self.fail("Expected exception")
+        (f, function, line), t, v, info = r
+        self.assertEqual(os.path.split(f)[-1], 'test_asyncore.py')
+        self.assertEqual(function, 'test_compact_traceback')
+        self.assertEqual(t, real_t)
+        self.assertEqual(v, real_v)
+        self.assertEqual(info, '[%s|%s|%s]' % (f, function, line))
+class DispatcherTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        pass
+    def tearDown(self):
+        asyncore.close_all()
+    def test_basic(self):
+        d = asyncore.dispatcher()
+        self.assertEqual(d.readable(), True)
+        self.assertEqual(d.writable(), True)
+    def test_repr(self):
+        d = asyncore.dispatcher()
+        self.assertEqual(repr(d), '<asyncore.dispatcher at %#x>' % id(d))
+    def test_log(self):
+        d = asyncore.dispatcher()
+        # capture output of dispatcher.log() (to stderr)
+        fp = StringIO()
+        stderr = sys.stderr
+        l1 = "Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!"
+        l2 = "I don't like spam!"
+        try:
+            sys.stderr = fp
+            d.log(l1)
+            d.log(l2)
+        finally:
+            sys.stderr = stderr
+        lines = fp.getvalue().splitlines()
+        self.assertEqual(lines, ['log: %s' % l1, 'log: %s' % l2])
+    def test_log_info(self):
+        d = asyncore.dispatcher()
+        # capture output of dispatcher.log_info() (to stdout via print)
+        fp = StringIO()
+        stdout = sys.stdout
+        l1 = "Have you got anything without spam?"
+        l2 = "Why can't she have egg bacon spam and sausage?"
+        l3 = "THAT'S got spam in it!"
+        try:
+            sys.stdout = fp
+            d.log_info(l1, 'EGGS')
+            d.log_info(l2)
+            d.log_info(l3, 'SPAM')
+        finally:
+            sys.stdout = stdout
+        lines = fp.getvalue().splitlines()
+        expected = ['EGGS: %s' % l1, 'info: %s' % l2, 'SPAM: %s' % l3]
+        self.assertEqual(lines, expected)
+    def test_unhandled(self):
+        d = asyncore.dispatcher()
+        d.ignore_log_types = ()
+        # capture output of dispatcher.log_info() (to stdout via print)
+        fp = StringIO()
+        stdout = sys.stdout
+        try:
+            sys.stdout = fp
+            d.handle_expt()
+            d.handle_read()
+            d.handle_write()
+            d.handle_connect()
+            d.handle_accept()
+        finally:
+            sys.stdout = stdout
+        lines = fp.getvalue().splitlines()
+        expected = ['warning: unhandled incoming priority event',
+                    'warning: unhandled read event',
+                    'warning: unhandled write event',
+                    'warning: unhandled connect event',
+                    'warning: unhandled accept event']
+        self.assertEqual(lines, expected)
+    def test_issue_8594(self):
+        # XXX - this test is supposed to be removed in next major Python
+        # version
+        d = asyncore.dispatcher(socket.socket())
+        # make sure the error message no longer refers to the socket
+        # object but the dispatcher instance instead
+        self.assertRaisesRegexp(AttributeError, 'dispatcher instance',
+                                getattr, d, 'foo')
+        # cheap inheritance with the underlying socket is supposed
+        # to still work but a DeprecationWarning is expected
+        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
+            warnings.simplefilter("always")
+            family = d.family
+            self.assertEqual(family, socket.AF_INET)
+            self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
+            self.assertTrue(issubclass(w[0].category, DeprecationWarning))
+    def test_strerror(self):
+        # refers to bug #8573
+        err = asyncore._strerror(errno.EPERM)
+        if hasattr(os, 'strerror'):
+            self.assertEqual(err, os.strerror(errno.EPERM))
+        err = asyncore._strerror(-1)
+        self.assertTrue(err != "")
+class dispatcherwithsend_noread(asyncore.dispatcher_with_send):
+    def readable(self):
+        return False
+    def handle_connect(self):
+        pass
+class DispatcherWithSendTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    usepoll = False
+    def setUp(self):
+        pass
+    def tearDown(self):
+        asyncore.close_all()
+    @unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'Threading required for this test.')
+    @test_support.reap_threads
+    def test_send(self):
+        evt = threading.Event()
+        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        sock.settimeout(3)
+        port = test_support.bind_port(sock)
+        cap = StringIO()
+        args = (evt, cap, sock)
+        t = threading.Thread(target=capture_server, args=args)
+        t.start()
+        try:
+            # wait a little longer for the server to initialize (it sometimes
+            # refuses connections on slow machines without this wait)
+            time.sleep(0.2)
+            data = "Suppose there isn't a 16-ton weight?"
+            d = dispatcherwithsend_noread()
+            d.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+            d.connect((HOST, port))
+            # give time for socket to connect
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+            d.send(data)
+            d.send(data)
+            d.send('\n')
+            n = 1000
+            while d.out_buffer and n > 0:
+                asyncore.poll()
+                n -= 1
+            evt.wait()
+            self.assertEqual(cap.getvalue(), data*2)
+        finally:
+            t.join()
+class DispatcherWithSendTests_UsePoll(DispatcherWithSendTests):
+    usepoll = True
+ at unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(asyncore, 'file_wrapper'),
+                     'asyncore.file_wrapper required')
+class FileWrapperTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.d = "It's not dead, it's sleeping!"
+        with file(TESTFN, 'w') as h:
+            h.write(self.d)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        unlink(TESTFN)
+    def test_recv(self):
+        fd = os.open(TESTFN, os.O_RDONLY)
+        w = asyncore.file_wrapper(fd)
+        os.close(fd)
+        self.assertNotEqual(w.fd, fd)
+        self.assertNotEqual(w.fileno(), fd)
+        self.assertEqual(w.recv(13), "It's not dead")
+        self.assertEqual(w.read(6), ", it's")
+        w.close()
+        self.assertRaises(OSError, w.read, 1)
+    def test_send(self):
+        d1 = "Come again?"
+        d2 = "I want to buy some cheese."
+        fd = os.open(TESTFN, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_APPEND)
+        w = asyncore.file_wrapper(fd)
+        os.close(fd)
+        w.write(d1)
+        w.send(d2)
+        w.close()
+        self.assertEqual(file(TESTFN).read(), self.d + d1 + d2)
+    @unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(asyncore, 'file_dispatcher'),
+                         'asyncore.file_dispatcher required')
+    def test_dispatcher(self):
+        fd = os.open(TESTFN, os.O_RDONLY)
+        data = []
+        class FileDispatcher(asyncore.file_dispatcher):
+            def handle_read(self):
+                data.append(self.recv(29))
+        s = FileDispatcher(fd)
+        os.close(fd)
+        asyncore.loop(timeout=0.01, use_poll=True, count=2)
+        self.assertEqual(b"".join(data), self.d)
+class BaseTestHandler(asyncore.dispatcher):
+    def __init__(self, sock=None):
+        asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, sock)
+        self.flag = False
+    def handle_accept(self):
+        raise Exception("handle_accept not supposed to be called")
+    def handle_connect(self):
+        raise Exception("handle_connect not supposed to be called")
+    def handle_expt(self):
+        raise Exception("handle_expt not supposed to be called")
+    def handle_close(self):
+        raise Exception("handle_close not supposed to be called")
+    def handle_error(self):
+        raise
+class TCPServer(asyncore.dispatcher):
+    """A server which listens on an address and dispatches the
+    connection to a handler.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, handler=BaseTestHandler, host=HOST, port=0):
+        asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self)
+        self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        self.set_reuse_addr()
+        self.bind((host, port))
+        self.listen(5)
+        self.handler = handler
+    @property
+    def address(self):
+        return self.socket.getsockname()[:2]
+    def handle_accept(self):
+        sock, addr = self.accept()
+        self.handler(sock)
+    def handle_error(self):
+        raise
+class BaseClient(BaseTestHandler):
+    def __init__(self, address):
+        BaseTestHandler.__init__(self)
+        self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        self.connect(address)
+    def handle_connect(self):
+        pass
+class BaseTestAPI(unittest.TestCase):
+    def tearDown(self):
+        asyncore.close_all()
+    def loop_waiting_for_flag(self, instance, timeout=5):
+        timeout = float(timeout) / 100
+        count = 100
+        while asyncore.socket_map and count > 0:
+            asyncore.loop(timeout=0.01, count=1, use_poll=self.use_poll)
+            if instance.flag:
+                return
+            count -= 1
+            time.sleep(timeout)
+        self.fail("flag not set")
+    def test_handle_connect(self):
+        # make sure handle_connect is called on connect()
+        class TestClient(BaseClient):
+            def handle_connect(self):
+                self.flag = True
+        server = TCPServer()
+        client = TestClient(server.address)
+        self.loop_waiting_for_flag(client)
+    def test_handle_accept(self):
+        # make sure handle_accept() is called when a client connects
+        class TestListener(BaseTestHandler):
+            def __init__(self):
+                BaseTestHandler.__init__(self)
+                self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+                self.bind((HOST, 0))
+                self.listen(5)
+                self.address = self.socket.getsockname()[:2]
+            def handle_accept(self):
+                self.flag = True
+        server = TestListener()
+        client = BaseClient(server.address)
+        self.loop_waiting_for_flag(server)
+    def test_handle_read(self):
+        # make sure handle_read is called on data received
+        class TestClient(BaseClient):
+            def handle_read(self):
+                self.flag = True
+        class TestHandler(BaseTestHandler):
+            def __init__(self, conn):
+                BaseTestHandler.__init__(self, conn)
+                self.send('x' * 1024)
+        server = TCPServer(TestHandler)
+        client = TestClient(server.address)
+        self.loop_waiting_for_flag(client)
+    def test_handle_write(self):
+        # make sure handle_write is called
+        class TestClient(BaseClient):
+            def handle_write(self):
+                self.flag = True
+        server = TCPServer()
+        client = TestClient(server.address)
+        self.loop_waiting_for_flag(client)
+    def test_handle_close(self):
+        # make sure handle_close is called when the other end closes
+        # the connection
+        class TestClient(BaseClient):
+            def handle_read(self):
+                # in order to make handle_close be called we are supposed
+                # to make at least one recv() call
+                self.recv(1024)
+            def handle_close(self):
+                self.flag = True
+                self.close()
+        class TestHandler(BaseTestHandler):
+            def __init__(self, conn):
+                BaseTestHandler.__init__(self, conn)
+                self.close()
+        server = TCPServer(TestHandler)
+        client = TestClient(server.address)
+        self.loop_waiting_for_flag(client)
+    @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform.startswith("sunos"),
+                     "OOB support is broken on Solaris")
+    def test_handle_expt(self):
+        # Make sure handle_expt is called on OOB data received.
+        # Note: this might fail on some platforms as OOB data is
+        # tenuously supported and rarely used.
+        class TestClient(BaseClient):
+            def handle_expt(self):
+                self.flag = True
+        class TestHandler(BaseTestHandler):
+            def __init__(self, conn):
+                BaseTestHandler.__init__(self, conn)
+                self.socket.send(chr(244), socket.MSG_OOB)
+        server = TCPServer(TestHandler)
+        client = TestClient(server.address)
+        self.loop_waiting_for_flag(client)
+    def test_handle_error(self):
+        class TestClient(BaseClient):
+            def handle_write(self):
+                1.0 / 0
+            def handle_error(self):
+                self.flag = True
+                try:
+                    raise
+                except ZeroDivisionError:
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    raise Exception("exception not raised")
+        server = TCPServer()
+        client = TestClient(server.address)
+        self.loop_waiting_for_flag(client)
+    def test_connection_attributes(self):
+        server = TCPServer()
+        client = BaseClient(server.address)
+        # we start disconnected
+        self.assertFalse(server.connected)
+        self.assertTrue(server.accepting)
+        # this can't be taken for granted across all platforms
+        #self.assertFalse(client.connected)
+        self.assertFalse(client.accepting)
+        # execute some loops so that client connects to server
+        asyncore.loop(timeout=0.01, use_poll=self.use_poll, count=100)
+        self.assertFalse(server.connected)
+        self.assertTrue(server.accepting)
+        self.assertTrue(client.connected)
+        self.assertFalse(client.accepting)
+        # disconnect the client
+        client.close()
+        self.assertFalse(server.connected)
+        self.assertTrue(server.accepting)
+        self.assertFalse(client.connected)
+        self.assertFalse(client.accepting)
+        # stop serving
+        server.close()
+        self.assertFalse(server.connected)
+        self.assertFalse(server.accepting)
+    def test_create_socket(self):
+        s = asyncore.dispatcher()
+        s.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        self.assertEqual(s.socket.family, socket.AF_INET)
+        self.assertEqual(s.socket.type, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+    def test_bind(self):
+        s1 = asyncore.dispatcher()
+        s1.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        s1.bind((HOST, 0))
+        s1.listen(5)
+        port = s1.socket.getsockname()[1]
+        s2 = asyncore.dispatcher()
+        s2.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        # EADDRINUSE indicates the socket was correctly bound
+        self.assertRaises(socket.error, s2.bind, (HOST, port))
+    def test_set_reuse_addr(self):
+        sock = socket.socket()
+        try:
+            sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+        except socket.error:
+            unittest.skip("SO_REUSEADDR not supported on this platform")
+        else:
+            # if SO_REUSEADDR succeeded for sock we expect asyncore
+            # to do the same
+            s = asyncore.dispatcher(socket.socket())
+            self.assertFalse(s.socket.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET,
+                                                 socket.SO_REUSEADDR))
+            s.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+            s.set_reuse_addr()
+            self.assertTrue(s.socket.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET,
+                                                 socket.SO_REUSEADDR))
+        finally:
+            sock.close()
+    @unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'Threading required for this test.')
+    @test_support.reap_threads
+    def test_quick_connect(self):
+        # see: http://bugs.python.org/issue10340
+        server = TCPServer()
+        t = threading.Thread(target=lambda: asyncore.loop(timeout=0.1, count=500))
+        t.start()
+        for x in xrange(20):
+            s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+            s.settimeout(.2)
+            s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_LINGER,
+                         struct.pack('ii', 1, 0))
+            try:
+                s.connect(server.address)
+            except socket.error:
+                pass
+            finally:
+                s.close()
+class TestAPI_UseSelect(BaseTestAPI):
+    use_poll = False
+ at unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(select, 'poll'), 'select.poll required')
+class TestAPI_UsePoll(BaseTestAPI):
+    use_poll = True
+def test_main():
+    tests = [HelperFunctionTests, DispatcherTests, DispatcherWithSendTests,
+             DispatcherWithSendTests_UsePoll, TestAPI_UseSelect,
+             TestAPI_UsePoll, FileWrapperTest]
+    run_unittest(*tests)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_main()

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