[Ironpython-users] no module named urllib

Langbehn, Thimo t.langbehn at euroimmun.de
Tue Jul 19 13:32:16 EDT 2016

Hi László,

> Based on your suggestion I think I will have to re-install a couple of packages with Ipy, as I only did it with Python and thought it is eventually the same.

The additional Packages, as installed with pip, are usually the same. The core packages that come with (Iron)Python however are different.

> Touching the installation topic, I would like to ask one other thing. I already learnt I can't use lxml package from IronPython. Have you by any chance heard about any alternatives to it ?

If you do not need a specific feature from lxml, then the defualt ElementTree shoul work nicely. The IronPython is based on libxml.

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
See https://docs.python.org/2/library/xml.etree.elementtree.html



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