[Ironpython-users] Install numpy / VS 2010

David Nugent deeprave at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 19:58:24 EDT 2016

> From: Slide <slide.o.mix at gmail.com>
> It would be nice if we could generate a pip.bat or something when pip
> is installed that would handle the arguments.
Get used to it. pip is not the only citizen affected by this; but
basically any python script run byipy that accesses stack frames. My
understanding is that this situation exists for performance reasons
although my experience is that frames are is needed more than not (i.e.
imho the default to disable is wrong).
What would be neat is an environment variable that provides default
interpreter args or at least enables stack frames if it is set, instead
of having to use-X:Frames or -X:FullFrames all the time and manually
changing scripts and interfaces.
  David Nugent (deeprave at gmail.com)
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