[Ironpython-users] IronPython (ScriptEngine) is not thread safe?

Jeffrey Zhao jeffz at live.com
Thu Feb 26 10:39:05 CET 2015

 Hi guys,
I've met an issue when trying to use multiple ScriptEngine instances in parallel, since there's no information saying that a single ScriptEngine instance could be used concurrently. Please note "thread-safe" is not enough for me. What I need is the real parallelized execution in multiple threads, so I'm trying to use separated ScriptEngine instances in different threads.
More details (including code snippt to reproduce) are provided in the stack overflow quesion below:

老赵 | Jeffrey Zhao

Blog: http://blog.zhaojie.me/
Twitter: @jeffz_cn (Chinese) | @jeffz_en (English)
Sina Weibo: @老赵 
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