[Ironpython-users] Why is IP 3X slower than python 2.7?

Vernon D. Cole vernondcole at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 05:21:30 CEST 2015

On some benchmarks, IronPython is faster than CPython. But, if you are
running short scripts from the command line, IronPython is several seconds
slower, because, as you said, it compiles to dotNET code, which is not
cached for the next run.
The speed difference depends on what you are doing.

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 3:36 PM, John Trinder <trinderjohn at talktalk.net>

> I've been doing some work with python 2.7 having digressed from IronPython
> to which I shall be returning. The thing I notice most is that python 2.7
> is roughly 3X faster at executing than IP.
> Why is this?
> I know python27 compiles scripts into 'C' code => .pyc files and that IP
> does not do this. But even so, IP must compile native code into NET code
> which should run only slightly slower than python27.
> Regards and thanks for a good NET implementation of python.
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