[Ironpython-users] WDB web debugger for IronPython

Kerray kerray.cz at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 17:31:28 CEST 2015

it's been a while, but I've now again tried running the remote debugger
https://github.com/Kozea/wdb client under IronPython.

As J.Hardy wrote earlier, based on the stack trace I included:
> Looks like one of the generator rewriters has a bug. I can't come up with
a simple case to reproduce this, though. It's failing when switching from
interpreted to compiled (LambdaExpression.Compile) but I'm not sure how to
trip that right now, for if it's specific to the code it's compiling.

I've now found that the function it's attempting to compile when it crashes
is findlinestarts(code) in dis.py, which is a generator - and even if I
delete its body and let it yield a tuple with two const ints, it still
fails the same way (!).

When I replace the call to the function in wdb/__init__.py 608 with the
tuple I made up ((111, 222), (333, 444)) the debugger client successfully
connects to the server, shows the file source etc.

Nevertheless it seems there's nothing wrong with findlinestarts(code)
itself, it only fails in this specific context...

The InvalidCastException gets thrown in the VisitAssign when there's
a ($tuple.Item008).Value on the left side

I've pasted the the DebugView contents for the expression which goes
into LambdaExpression.Compile
to http://pastebin.com/TNX6UUPe
The part for which the InvalidCast is thrown is 146-148

But I'm still stuck.

It's easy to replicate this whole thing
- download wdb
- install wdb.client in IPy using setup.py
- run wdb/server/wdb.server.py in regular Python
- then ipy.exe -X:FullFrames -c "import wdb; wdb.set_trace(); raw_input();
print 1"

I use the raw_input so that I can connect the VS debugger to ipy.exe

Thanks for any pointers - I'm prepared to spend more time on this issue,
but I'm out of ideas about what to try next.

Is there anything more I can try to look at?

How do I isolate this issue?

But anyway, thank you guys


On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 3:31 PM, Kerray <kerray.cz at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
> I've opened the issue with IPV6_V6ONLY -
> https://github.com/IronLanguages/main/issues/238
> And I'll open one for the Tornado socket problem also.
> Other than that, I can successfuly run
> import wdb
> w = wdb.set_trace()
> in console and examine the contents of the resulting Wdb object (it seems
> allright, I can print most attributes etc.) but it doesn't matter what code
> I run after that - it fails with a variable assignment, with print etc.
> The code object that gets passed at that moment into the
> dis.findlinestarts() call which results in crash has these attributes:
> co_argcount: 1
> co_cellvars: ()
> co_code:
> co_consts: (None,)
> co_filename: IronPython\27\Lib\threading.py
> co_firstlineno: 774
> co_flags: 0
> co_freevars: ()
> co_lnotab:
> co_name: _exitfunc
> co_names: ('_pickSomeNonDaemonThread', '__debug__')
> co_nlocals: 2
> co_stacksize:
> co_varnames: ('self', 't')
> When the VS debugger is attached, first it comes up with a "call stack is
> not deep enough" exception
>    at IronPython.Modules.SysModule._getframeImpl(CodeContext context,
> Int32 depth, List`1 stack) in
> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Languages\IronPython\IronPython\Modules\sys.cs:line
> 212
>    at IronPython.Modules.SysModule._getframeImpl(CodeContext context,
> Int32 depth) in
> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Languages\IronPython\IronPython\Modules\sys.cs:line
> 183
>    at
> Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.FuncCallInstruction`3.Run(InterpretedFrame
> frame)
>    at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.Interpreter.Run(InterpretedFrame
> frame)
> the context parameter of the _getFrameImpl call is the logging module,
> depth 3
> And only after continuing through this exception several times do I get to
> the point where the original "Unable to cast object of type
> 'System.Linq.Expressions.FieldExpression' to type
> 'System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression'." exception comes up.
> But it's fairly easy to get the same results running the wdb server in
> Python and the client in IronPython with X:FullFrames.
> I can't think of any other way I could be of help, but I'm open to
> suggestions :)
> Thanks anyway!
> JM
> On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 12:03 AM, Jeff Hardy <jdhardy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Kerray <kerray.cz at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> very good point, I've been on beta3. But the upgrade didn't help. I've
>>> figured out how to debug the internals in VS, but there's nothing I could
>>> be able to fix (or even understand) myself at this point.
>>> ad 1) after running wdb.server, Tornado at first says
>>> \tornado\netutil.py", line 88, in bind_sockets
>>> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'IPV6_V6ONLY'
>>> When I comment the whole if section out, it starts the loop and waits
>>> for connections.
>> Can you open an issue for this? Should be straightforward, if .NET
>> supports IPv6 only connections. Might have to wait to 2.7.6 though. In the
>> meantime you can add `hasatter(socket, 'IPV6_V6ONLY')` to the if.
>>> Running the client, the server reports this and continues listening:
>>> Connection received from ('', 1518)
>>> [E 141125 11:51:35 stack_context:1] Exception in I/O handler for fd 1616
>>>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>       File "-\tornado\stack_context.py", line 304, in wrapped
>>>         ret = fn(*args, **kwargs)
>>>       File "-\tornado\netutil.py", line 154, in accept_handler
>>>         callback(connection, address)
>>>       File "-\wdb_server\streams.py", line 95, in handle_connection
>>>         stream.read_bytes(4, partial(read_uuid_size, stream))
>>>       File "-\tornado\iostream.py", line 168, in read_bytes
>>>         self._try_inline_read()
>>>       File "-\tornado\iostream.py", line 424, in _try_inline_read
>>>         if self._read_to_buffer() == 0:
>>>       File "-\tornado\iostream.py", line 447, in _read_to_buffer
>>>         chunk = self.read_from_fd()
>>>       File "-\tornado\iostream.py", line 686, in read_from_fd
>>>         chunk = self.socket.recv(self.read_chunk_size)
>>>     error: [Errno 10022] A request to send or receive data was
>>> disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a
>>> datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied
>>> And the client crashes with
>>> wdb\client\wdb\_compat.py", line 165, in send_bytes
>>> socket.error: [Errno 10053] An established connection was aborted by the
>>> software in your host machine
>>> When trying to debug this in VS, I came to the conclusion that the
>>> Tornado server's socket handling (or my commenting out a piece, or
>>> something else inside Tornado running under IronPython-) is at fault, since
>>> it's not true what I've written previously (that a message gets
>>> communicated and then coms fail) - in fact nothing gets communicated, it
>>> crashes in the client on trying to send the first message using socket.cs
>>> sendallWorker(byte[] buffer, int flags).
>> Not sure why it would not be connected, but I presume Tornado tries to
>> configure the sockets as non-blocking; it's possible that gets IronPython
>> confused.
>>> ad 2) running the server in Python and client in IronPython, I get a bit
>>> further, but the error is the same - the client in IronPython reports
>>> Launching browser and wait for connection
>>> Exception Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "-\wdb\client\wdb\__init__.py", line 291, in trace_debug_dispatch
>>>   File "-\wdb\client\wdb\__init__.py", line 250, in trace_dispatch
>>>   File "-\wdb\client\wdb\__init__.py", line 686, in handle_call
>>>   File "-\wdb\client\wdb\__init__.py", line 660, in interaction
>>>   File "-\wdb\client\wdb\ui.py", line 80, in __init__
>>>   File "-\wdb\client\wdb\__init__.py", line 575, in get_trace
>>> TypeError: Unable to cast object of type
>>> 'System.Linq.Expressions.FieldExpression' to type
>>> 'System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression'.
>>> It's the same place and line of code I mentioned in my previous mail:
>>> > startlnos = dis.findlinestarts(code)
>>> Debugging in VS yields an impressive stack trace, but I don't have any
>>> idea where to start with this, so again - I'll be very grateful for any
>>> pointers.
>> Looks like one of the generator rewriters has a bug. I can't come up with
>> a simple case to reproduce this, though. It's failing when switching from
>> interpreted to compiled (LambdaExpression.Compile) but I'm not sure how to
>> trip that right now, for if it's specific to the code it's compiling.
>> - Jeff
>>> Thanks - for even reading this far.
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitAssign(BinaryExpression
>>> node) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 831
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitBinary(BinaryExpression
>>> node) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 876
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.BinaryExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(ReadOnlyCollection`1 nodes)
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitBlock(BlockExpression node)
>>> in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 595
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(ReadOnlyCollection`1 nodes)
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitBlock(BlockExpression node)
>>> in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 595
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(ReadOnlyCollection`1 nodes)
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitBlock(BlockExpression node)
>>> in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 595
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(ReadOnlyCollection`1 nodes)
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitBlock(BlockExpression node)
>>> in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 595
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(ReadOnlyCollection`1 nodes)
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitBlock(BlockExpression node)
>>> in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 595
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitTry(TryExpression
>>> node) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 297
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.TryExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(ReadOnlyCollection`1 nodes)
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitBlock(BlockExpression node)
>>> in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 595
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(ReadOnlyCollection`1 nodes)
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitBlock(BlockExpression node)
>>> in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 595
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(ReadOnlyCollection`1 nodes)
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitBlock(BlockExpression node)
>>> in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 595
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(ReadOnlyCollection`1 nodes)
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitBlock(BlockExpression node)
>>> in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 595
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(ReadOnlyCollection`1 nodes)
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitBlock(BlockExpression node)
>>> in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 595
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(ReadOnlyCollection`1 nodes)
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitBlock(BlockExpression node)
>>> in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 595
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(ReadOnlyCollection`1 nodes)
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitBlock(BlockExpression node)
>>> in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 595
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(ReadOnlyCollection`1 nodes)
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitBlock(BlockExpression node)
>>> in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 595
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitAssign(BinaryExpression
>>> node) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 789
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitBinary(BinaryExpression
>>> node) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 876
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.BinaryExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(ReadOnlyCollection`1 nodes)
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitBlock(BlockExpression node)
>>> in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 595
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(ReadOnlyCollection`1 nodes)
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.VisitBlock(BlockExpression node)
>>> in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 595
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor
>>> visitor)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Expression node)
>>>    at Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorRewriter.Reduce() in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 100
>>>    at Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.GeneratorExpression.Reduce() in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Ast\GeneratorExpression.cs:line
>>> 94
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.ReduceAndCheck()
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.ReduceExtensions()
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.Compiler.StackSpiller.RewriteExtensionExpression(Expression
>>> expr, Stack stack)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.Compiler.StackSpiller.RewriteExpression(Expression
>>> node, Stack stack)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.Compiler.StackSpiller.RewriteExpressionFreeTemps(Expression
>>> expression, Stack stack)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.Compiler.StackSpiller.Rewrite[T](Expression`1
>>> lambda)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.Expression`1.Accept(StackSpiller spiller)
>>>    at
>>> System.Linq.Expressions.Compiler.LambdaCompiler.Compile(LambdaExpression
>>> lambda, DebugInfoGenerator debugInfoGenerator)
>>>    at System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression.Compile()
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Debugging.DebuggableLambdaBuilder.CreateFunctionInfo(LambdaExpression
>>> generatorFactoryLambda) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Debugging\DebuggableLambdaBuilder.cs:line
>>> 386
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Debugging.DebuggableLambdaBuilder.TransformLambda(LambdaExpression
>>> lambda) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Debugging\DebuggableLambdaBuilder.cs:line
>>> 171
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Debugging.DebuggableLambdaBuilder.Transform(LambdaExpression
>>> lambda) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Debugging\DebuggableLambdaBuilder.cs:line
>>> 111
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Debugging.CompilerServices.DebugContext.TransformLambda(LambdaExpression
>>> lambda, DebugLambdaInfo lambdaInfo) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Debugging\DebugContext.cs:line
>>> 68
>>>    at
>>> IronPython.Runtime.FunctionCode.<>c__DisplayClass1a.<GetGeneratorOrNormalLambdaTracing>b__19(Expression`1
>>> x) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Languages\IronPython\IronPython\Runtime\FunctionCode.cs:line
>>> 787
>>>    at IronPython.Compiler.GeneratorRewriter.Reduce(Boolean
>>> shouldInterpret, Boolean emitDebugSymbols, Int32 compilationThreshold,
>>> IList`1 parameters, Func`2 bodyConverter) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Languages\IronPython\IronPython\Compiler\GeneratorRewriter.cs:line
>>> 147
>>>    at
>>> IronPython.Runtime.FunctionCode.GetGeneratorOrNormalLambdaTracing(PythonContext
>>> context) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Languages\IronPython\IronPython\Runtime\FunctionCode.cs:line
>>> 777
>>>    at IronPython.Runtime.FunctionCode.UpdateDelegate(PythonContext
>>> context, Boolean forceCreation) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Languages\IronPython\IronPython\Runtime\FunctionCode.cs:line
>>> 717
>>>    at
>>> IronPython.Runtime.FunctionCode.LazyCompileFirstTarget(PythonFunction
>>> function) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Languages\IronPython\IronPython\Runtime\FunctionCode.cs:line
>>> 697
>>>    at
>>> IronPython.Compiler.PythonCallTargets.OriginalCallTarget1(PythonFunction
>>> function, Object arg0) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Languages\IronPython\IronPython\Compiler\PythonCallTargets.cs:line
>>> 42
>>>    at IronPython.Runtime.FunctionCaller`1.Call1(CallSite site,
>>> CodeContext context, Object func, T0 arg0) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Languages\IronPython\IronPython\Runtime\PythonFunction.Generated.cs:line
>>> 420
>>>    at
>>> System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute3[T0,T1,T2,TRet](CallSite
>>> site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2)
>>>    at get_trace$495(Closure , PythonFunction , Object , Object , Object )
>>>    at
>>> IronPython.Compiler.PythonFunctionRecursionCheck3.CallTarget(PythonFunction
>>> function, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Languages\IronPython\IronPython\Compiler\PythonCallTargets.cs:line
>>> 273
>>>    at
>>> IronPython.Compiler.PythonCallTargets.OriginalCallTarget3(PythonFunction
>>> function, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Languages\IronPython\IronPython\Compiler\PythonCallTargets.cs:line
>>> 53
>>>    at IronPython.Runtime.FunctionCaller`3.Call3(CallSite site,
>>> CodeContext context, Object func, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Languages\IronPython\IronPython\Runtime\PythonFunction.Generated.cs:line
>>> 676
>>>    at
>>> System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute5[T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,TRet](CallSite
>>> site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4)
>>>    at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , CodeContext , Object , Object
>>> , Object , Object )
>>>    at IronPython.Runtime.Method.MethodBinding`2.SelfTarget(CallSite
>>> site, CodeContext context, Object target, T0 arg0, T1 arg1) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Languages\IronPython\IronPython\Runtime\Method.Generated.cs:line
>>> 195
>>>    at
>>> System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute4[T0,T1,T2,T3,TRet](CallSite
>>> site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3)
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.DynamicInstruction`5.Run(InterpretedFrame
>>> frame) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Interpreter\Instructions\DynamicInstructions.Generated.cs:line
>>> 218
>>>    at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.Interpreter.Run(InterpretedFrame
>>> frame) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Interpreter\Interpreter.cs:line
>>> 132
>>>    at
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.LightLambda.Run10[T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,TRet](T0
>>> arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8
>>> arg8, T9 arg9) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Runtime\Microsoft.Dynamic\Interpreter\LightLambda.Generated.cs:line
>>> 417
>>>    at
>>> IronPython.Compiler.PythonFunctionRecursionCheck9.CallTarget(PythonFunction
>>> function, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4,
>>> Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7, Object arg8) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Languages\IronPython\IronPython\Compiler\PythonCallTargets.cs:line
>>> 375
>>>    at
>>> IronPython.Compiler.PythonCallTargets.OriginalCallTarget9(PythonFunction
>>> function, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4,
>>> Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7, Object arg8) in
>>> c:\Users\jmatysek\Documents\main\Languages\IronPython\IronPython\Compiler\PythonCallTargets.cs:line
>>> 83
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