[Ironpython-users] IronPython, Daily Digest 5/26/2013

CodePlex no_reply at codeplex.com
Mon May 27 09:16:41 CEST 2013

Hi ironpython,

Here's your Daily Digest of new issues for project "IronPython".

In today's digest:ISSUES

1. [New comment] os: missing dup() and fdopen() functions, nt.dup, nt.dup2, nt.execv,nt.execve
2. [New comment] version() shows only version number when running pyc-compiled .exe
3. [New comment] sys.version is incomplete in user created engine, creating problems in platform.py
4. [New comment] Discrepancy in dict __delitem__ vs CPython



1. [New comment] os: missing dup() and fdopen() functions, nt.dup, nt.dup2, nt.execv,nt.execve
User paweljasinski has commented on the issue:

"<p>I have looked at dup and dup2. Here is what I have found:</p><p>From what I can tell ip builds its own layer to emulate file descriptors. That wouldn't be so bad, but it also mixes in fd from crt:</p><p>>>> import os<br>>>> os.pipe()<br>(3, 4)<br>>>> f=file(r"c:\tmp\bar","r")<br>>>> f<br><open file 'c:\tmp\bar', mode 'r' at 0x03A849BF><br>>>> f.fileno()<br>3<br>>>></p><p>There are 2 fds with number 3, but each is referring to different file behind.<br>So now, if you would like to dup(3), which one are we talking about, the one returned by pipe or the one referring to file?</p><p>cpython uses transparently fds returned from crt functions. open translates to _wopen, dup - dup, dup2 - dup2, pipe takes advantage of _open_osfhandle ...<br></p"-----------------

2. [New comment] version() shows only version number when running pyc-compiled .exe
User jdhardy has commented on the issue:

"<p>Fixed in cb8abd3.</p"-----------------

3. [New comment] sys.version is incomplete in user created engine, creating problems in platform.py
User jdhardy has commented on the issue:

"<p>Fixed (for real) in cb8abd3.</p"-----------------

4. [New comment] Discrepancy in dict __delitem__ vs CPython
User jdhardy has commented on the issue:

"<p>This issue isn't really in __delitem__, it's in pop(). Changing out pop() to not call __delitem__ (or maybe just not call an overriden __delitem__) should be doable.</p"

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