[Ironpython-users] IronPython, Daily Digest 11/30/2013

CodePlex no_reply at codeplex.com
Sun Dec 1 09:19:33 CET 2013

Hi ironpython,

Here's your Daily Digest of new issues for project "IronPython".

In today's digest:ISSUES

1. [New comment] time.strftime returns incorrect date
2. [New comment] Trivial: datetime.date.strftime does not show good data
3. [New comment] strftime("%Y-%A-%B") returns unicode on non-English machine
4. [New comment] time.strptime works when it shouldn't
5. [New issue] System.Decimal string.format issue



1. [New comment] time.strftime returns incorrect date
User paweljasinski has commented on the issue:

"<p>can not reproduce in 2.7.4</p>"-----------------

2. [New comment] Trivial: datetime.date.strftime does not show good data
User paweljasinski has commented on the issue:

"<p>can not reproduce in 2.7.4</p>"-----------------

3. [New comment] strftime("%Y-%A-%B") returns unicode on non-English machine
User paweljasinski has commented on the issue:

"<p>I believe this is not a valid bug. <br>%a, %b, %A and %B are locale dependent and can produce unicode (http://docs.python.org/2/library/datetime.html#strftime-and-strptime-behavior).<br>Also in the second test case, I see no reason why time should be included neither understand why year should be reordered.<br></p>"-----------------

4. [New comment] time.strptime works when it shouldn't
User paweljasinski has commented on the issue:

"<p>it looks like an easy fix, but I maybe missing something:<br>The offending code from time.cs:<br>```<br>                    if (!StringUtils.TryParseDateTimeExact(@string,<br>                        String.Join("", formats),<br>                        PythonLocale.GetLocaleInfo(context).Time.DateTimeFormat,<br>                        DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces | DateTimeStyles.NoCurrentDateDefault,<br>                        out res)) {<br>                        // If TryParseExact fails, fall back to DateTime.Parse which does a better job in some cases...<br>                        res = DateTime.Parse(@string, PythonLocale.GetLocaleInfo(context).Time.DateTimeFormat);<br>                    }<br>```<br>If the exact parse fails, second attempt is made without(!) consulting any format string.<br>I think if exact parse fails, it should simply fail.<br></p>"-----------------

5. [New issue] System.Decimal string.format issue
User davcar has proposed the issue:

"When I run the following program, I cannot format a System.Decimal. I have an integration with a .NET library that returns a decimal type that I need to display in the ironpython script.
import System
f = 1.42742
d = System.Decimal(f)
print "{}".format(d)            # 1.42742
print "{:,.2f}".format(f)       # 1.43
print "{:,.2f}".format(d * 1.0) # 1.43
print "{:,.2f}".format(d)       # 12f WRONG

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