[Ironpython-users] Distributing apps

Jeff Hardy jdhardy at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 05:54:19 CET 2012

On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 6:35 PM,  <mchalkley at mail.com> wrote:
> I have one more question regarding deploying python apps. If I put the
> python libraries I'm using (string, etc.) into a zip file, the app
> doesn't see it in the current working directory, for some reason.
> Since there's no PYTHONPATH on the target machine, and the 'os' module
> isn't available until after the library is imported, what's the best
> way to specify the path to the zipped lib file? I can specify a
> complete path, using sys.path.append (e.g. 'c:\lib.zip'), which
> requres putting it there, but is there a way specify the current
> working directory, so I can deploy the program in one place, rather
> than making the user copy the library to C:\ directory?

Does that work on CPython? If so, it's a bug, so please open an issue for it.

- Jeff

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