[Ironpython-users] Considering IronPython for a new project

Dave Wald davew252 at tx.rr.com
Fri Jun 22 15:14:50 CEST 2012

You can add a company named "Aderant" to the list. http://aderant.com/
They are now the 800-pound gorilla in the legal software arena. They 
bought out my previous employer (RainMaker Platinum) - I worked for them 
up until just recently when they closed down the Dallas office. They 
have a huge product called "Expert" which was written by their elite dev 
team in N.Z. using the MS Patterns and Practices Software Factory 
platform. They use IronPython to do all the deployment config and setup 
and also as the scripting language for it. And it's ALL scripted. When I 
first saw that, let's just say I was so stoked. Never got to work on it 
since we got pulled off to work on another new sister company's old VB 
system, but what I did see of it was impressive.
Also, fwiw, I wrote a smart-client replacement for our old antiquated 
ASP.Net BI system using IronPython - I took all the old VB.Net modules 
and created one support dll out of them, took all the old JavaScript 
code and converted it to C# and made another support dll. I used 
WinForms originally for the screens, but was converting them to WPF as I 
went. I used IronPython and a whole buncha events to glue it all 
together. Worked pretty darn slick. If we hadn't gotten bought out, it 
probably would have been in production sometime this year, but that's 
another story...
But I never gave "support" a second thought. Not an issue. IronPython is 
one of the best maintained projects out there. Period.
Just as another little testimonial, I wrote this last year - 
http://sourceforge.net/projects/npppyscriptauto/ - makes heavy use of 
both Iron and C Python. Same codebase. It's had over 300 downloads and 
not one negative feedback post. Check out the download stats... 43% in 
Spain. Go figure. Whatever they're doing with it over there, they must 
really like it. ;-)
(I think it's Banco Santander, but it could be a small university 
Computer Science class using it as study material. Who the hell knows...)
Anyway, hope this helps.
And thanks guys. Keep up the good work. 'Preciate it.


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