[Ironpython-users] Build an application with VisualStudio and IronPython

bruno gallart bruno.gallart at orange.fr
Fri Jul 27 19:13:47 CEST 2012

Hi all,

I try to understand the development with IronPython in VisualStudio 2010 
and I think that i have not understand the build's method.

I make one little application with IronPython and WinForms but i don't 
know the way how to do binaries like VisualBasic . With VisualBasic 
inVisualStudio I choose   "Build" and I do binaries and when I look the 
" configuration Manager " I see that the choice " build " is checked.   
With IronPython in "Configuration Manager" i can't check the choice 
"build". Is it normal ? I think to do wrong manipulation but what ?

Somebody can give me some help ?

Thanks a lot,


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