[Ironpython-users] Running IronPython WPF app on seperate thread

Jackie Sproat JackieSproat at smarttech.com
Fri Dec 14 19:23:19 CET 2012


How do I run the IronPython wpf app on its own thread so I can check class variables (self.age, self._textBox1) while the application is running?
Is it easier to use IronPython decorator (my Python @run_async doesn't work) or .NET Threading or IronPython threading (are STATHREADs supported in IronPython)?

And how do I define a class method that can be run without an instance of the class?
For example,
If I add new method Run_App_in_own_thread() this app will create an instance of WpfApplication1? Do I add this method to its own class and import that class in WpfApplication1 class or is there a better way?

I created a simple IronPython wpf application in VS2010, it looks something like this:

class WpfApplication1(Window):
    def __init__(self):

        self.age = 36

        self = wpf.LoadComponent(self, 'WpfApplication1.xaml')
        self.Loaded += self.Window_Loaded
        self._textBox1.Text = 'My Text'

    def get_textBox1(self):
        return self._textBox1

    def set_textBox1(self, value):
        self._textBox1 = value

    textBox1 = property(get_textBox1, set_textBox1)

when a specific event is triggered on wpf UI I change self.age and self._textBox1:

  def myEvent(self, group):
        text = "testing"
        if not System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(text):
            self.set_textBox1(text) #set _textBox1
            self.age = 100

Finally, I have two more WpfApplication1 class methods where the goal to at pass on the property values (for test/verification):
       def Provide_Age(self):
        return self.age

       def Provide_Text(self):
        self.get_textBox1() #return _textBox1


How do I run the wpf app?
Note: I want it on its own thread or so I can check Age and text before and after UI interactions...
#  I want something like this:

-    if __name__ == '__main__':



-            app = WpfApplication1()#one instance of the class

-            app.Run_App_on_new_Thread()

-            Sleep(10) #while user interacts with UI

-            #verify OUTPUT

-            Age = app.Provide_Age()

-        except Exception, e:

-            print "Caught exception: %s" % str(e)

-            raise



-    Run from VS2010 - wpf app runs and takes input - I can step through and see age and textBox1 being set in self > .dict > age ...

-    Run from  __main__ using simply:   Application().Run(WpfApplication1()) with command:

Ø  ipy WpfApplication1.py

wpf app runs and take input but, it is not on different Thread so I can no longer use command line or continue in __main__ to

call Provide_Age(), Provide_Text()...


-    tried to run using the  following BUT IT DIDN'T WORK - APP DOESN'T even start and no exception thrown:

-        def Run_Application_Thread(self):


-            ''' WARNING: Not sure if I can run multiple instances of wpf app...'''

-            try:

-                thrd = Thread(ThreadStart(self.thread_start))

-                thrd.ApartmentState = ApartmentState.STA

-                thrd.IsBackground = True

-                thrd.Start()

-            except Exception, e:

-                print "Caught exception: %s" % str(e)

-                raise

-            clr.SetCommandDispatcher(self.DispatchConsoleCommand)



-        def thread_start(self):

-            try:

-                self.Application().Run(WpfApplication1())

-            finally:

-                print "finally"

-                clr.SetCommandDispatcher(None)


-    if __name__ == '__main__':



-            app = WpfApplication1()#one instance of the class

-            app.Run_Application_Thread() #creates another instance of the class...which I think is where my problem is ...

-    #but I NEED AN INSTACE TO CALL THE CLASS METHOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

-        except Exception, e:

-            print "Caught exception: %s" % str(e)

-            raise



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