[Ironpython-users] q: how to configure site-packages folder for ironpython/asp.net

Bernd Viehmann bernd.viehmann at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 24 09:30:41 CEST 2011


currently i am trying to get a mongo-db running in an asp.net
application written in ironpython. I am trying to use the
python-driver pymongo.

I have installed the modules in the site-packages folder and i am able
to use it in my python25- and also in my ironpython- commandline
interpreter. I can connect to the db and play with it.

But its is not working in my asp.net application. When i fstart the
webform i get following error message:

 Parser Error Message: No module named collections

Here is my test code-behind:

from pymongo import Connection

def Page_Load(sender, e):
    connection = Connection()

def Button1_Click(sender, e):
In the Global.py I have made following configuration:

def Application_Start():
    ' Code that runs on application startup'
    # if you want to use stdrt-py-libs in yout iron-python app add the folder
    import sys

Anyone here who can tell me what's wrong?

And BTW does someone here tried the mongo-db with ipy and the clr-driver?

Thanks much for your help & kind regards



Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Bernd Viehmann
Mahrweg 46
41836 Hückelhoven

Tel.: 02433 9640 100
Fax: 02433 9640 109

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