[Ironpython-users] Memory Leak and Lightweight Scopes

Markus Schaber m.schaber at 3s-software.com
Wed Nov 16 17:06:07 CET 2011


Von: Markus Schaber 
>[Memory Leaks]

I now created a smaller stand-alone testcase simulating our environment, and isolated the following cases:

- using Python.SetTrace(engine, delegate) leaks about 165k per script invocation.

- importing the warning module from the hosting environment leaks about 1.4 M per script run.

- importing the os module from the script also leaks about 1.4M per script.

- Doing both imorts also leaks about 1.4M per script(!).

- Combining all three of the above leads to an OutOfMemory Exception after about 331 cycles, boiling down to a leak of ~5MB per script run!

- Doing none of the above (only print) apparently creates a leak-free program.

I attached the test program. For the test runs above, I compiled it for .NET 4.0 and target "x86", as our production app also runs in that environment (.NET 4.0 and 32-bit only).

I'll do further investigations (like memory dumping) tomorrow.

Best regards

Markus Schaber
We software Automation.

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