[IronPython] Moving forward on 2.7.1

Jeff Hardy jdhardy at gmail.com
Tue May 31 23:27:29 CEST 2011

Hi all,
I think it's about time to get 2.7.1 shipped. I don't have a timeline
in mind, but I'd like it out by the end of June. There's a few new
modules and some bug fixes as well, but I'd like to see some more bugs
fixed. If there's anything in 2.7.0 that's blocking you and not
already fixed, post it here and I'll adjust the priorities. I'm also
going to update the stdlib to match CPython 2.7.1.

After 2.7.1 I doubt I will be putting much effort into the 2.7 branch
(3.0 is just more interesting), so if there's continued interest in
future 2.7 releases, someone else will probably have to step up.

- Jeff

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