[Ironpython-users] IronPython, Daily Digest 7/12/2011

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Wed Jul 13 10:18:32 CEST 2011

Hi ironpython,

Here's your Daily Digest of new issues for project "IronPython".

In today's digest:ISSUES

1. [New comment] different result for comparing as_date.__eq__(as_datetime) with Ironpython and Cpython2.5
2. [New issue] Better error message when trying to load downloaded DLLs
3. [New comment] Better error message when trying to load downloaded DLLs



1. [New comment] different result for comparing as_date.__eq__(as_datetime) with Ironpython and Cpython2.5
User jdhardy has commented on the issue:

"Fixed in 97c2d51 (thanks fdanny)."-----------------

2. [New issue] Better error message when trying to load downloaded DLLs
User jdhardy has proposed the issue:

"Internet Explorer and Chrome both add a mark when downloading files (Zone.Identifier), and .NET will refuse to load assemblies that are tainted as such (see [url:http://blog.jdhardy.ca/2010/09/using-downloaded-ironpython-modules.html], [url:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6668344/using-the-r-net-assembly-in-ironpython], etc.).

There's not much we can do about loading the assemblies, but at least we can come up with a better error message when trying to load them."-----------------

3. [New comment] Better error message when trying to load downloaded DLLs
User jdhardy has commented on the issue:

"PythonContext.TryLoadAssemblyFromFileWithPath catches all exception from Assembly.LoadFile, so the reason for the load failure is lost. Better for those exceptions to bubble up, if there are no other inadvertant side effects of doing so."

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