[Ironpython-users] importing third-party modules

Wolfgang Schmoller w.schmoller at gmx.de
Mon Jul 4 00:10:05 CEST 2011

Thank you for your very quick reply!

The site is actually run under an Apache Server, everything on one local  
computer. Should I better take an IIS?

I zipped the nltk-Folder from the site-packages directory, copied it to  
the htdocs directory and included the zips as suggested, but it didn't  

The relevant passages of the html-code:
<script type="text/javascript">
     window.DLR = {
         path: 'dlr',
         settings : {console : true}
<script src="dlr/dlr-20100305.js" type="text/javascript">

<script type="application/x-zip-compressed" src="nltk.zip"></script>
<script type="application/python" src="code.py"></script>

The logs just say, that no favicon was found and I tend to doubt, that  
this is the problem...;-)

Best regards

Am 03.07.2011, 17:19 Uhr, schrieb Jimmy Schementi <jschementi at gmail.com>:

> On Jul 3, 2011, at 9:32 AM, Dave Wald wrote:
>> On 7/3/2011 5:30 AM, Wolfgang Schmoller wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm working on a site, where I need to work with python. I have  
>>> managed to configure that, so that I can use python instead of  
>>> Javascript. Now, I need to import a third-party module (nltk -  
>>> http://www.nltk.org/). I installed it in the commandline-version of  
>>> IronPython and am able to import it with ipy. But I can't import it in  
>>> the web application. I have tried to work with  
>>> sys.path.append("path\to\nltk"), but the module can't be found.
>>> I use python via the <script>-tag.
>>> Best regards
>>> Wolfgang Schmoller
>> Wolfgang,
>> Sounds like a permissions issue under your web server, which I'm  
>> assuming is IIS. You didn't mention any implementation particulars.
>> I would check that the account the process is running under has  
>> specific permissions on the NLTK install folder.
>> I'm pretty sure that would cause an import error.
>> Best,
>> Dave
> Wolfgang, sounds like you're referring to browser/silverlight scripting  
> with IronPython? If so, take a look at the documentation:  
> http://ironpython.net/browser/docs.html#zip-files; it shows how to make  
> multi-file python modules available for import.
> ~Jimmy

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