[IronPython] Ref to "." to be omitted from sys.path. Objections?

Richard Nienaber rjnienaber at gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 10:08:02 CET 2011

> A example / proposed patch attached to the bug.

Short note on sending in patches. The best way to propose patches is to
create your own fork of the IronPython
sources<https://github.com/IronLanguages/main>on github (docs:
http://help.github.com/forking/). After making your change and testing that
it fixes an issue, you can send a pull request (docs:
http://help.github.com/pull-requests/). The documentation is a bit
long-winded but it really is a simple operation. Someone with commit access
will review the patch and decide whether it will be pulled into the main
branch. This process makes it easy for the maintainers to accept outside
code into IronPython.


On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 8:32 AM, Daniel D. <dvdotsenko at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi.
> http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/28235
> A example / proposed patch attached to the bug.
> Question:
> As in all things in life, there are always special cases. In case of
> IPY reference to "current dir" (not the script's folder path) was
> attached twice to sys.path.
> As the bug reporter mentioned, it's a security issue and IPY did this
> in deviation from cPy. cPy indeed does not include CWD ref into
> sys.path when ran with a script file as an arg.
> However If someone went through all the trouble of adding current path
> (once as "." and once fully resolved) to the sys.path there must be
> something somewhere depending on it in IPY family and will likely blow
> up without that.
> How much of a taste is there to go along with the dropping of the
> references to current working dir from sys.path?
> Daniel.
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