[IronPython] The Road to 2.7 (Was: The Future of IronPython)

Dino Viehland dinov at microsoft.com
Fri Oct 29 03:15:58 CEST 2010

Tony wrote:
> How does the Visual Studio integration fit in to this?  Is it a
> separate sub-project, or just a regular part of IronPython now?  IMO
> it's a really important part of IronPython, and unfortunately still
> very flawed (at least in a1 - I haven't had a chance to try b1 in
> depth yet).

I'd think keeping the integration as part of IronPython and the Windows
Installer is the way to go.  B1 should be much improved - there were 
a bunch of bug fixes that went into it although there's still at least 
a couple of issues still lurking.

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