[IronPython] The elephant in the room: source control for IronPython

Tony Meyer tony.meyer at gmail.com
Fri Oct 29 02:06:30 CEST 2010

> What this is going to look like in the future is an open question, as
> is the timeline. Originally, I wanted to focus on the 2.7 release and
> deal with the source control question later. However, it's been raised
> in a few places, so I think it's better to get some more feedback on
> whether we should switch source control methods (and if so, to what?)
> or just stay on TFS/SVN for the time being.

I think this is the type of decision that the "Coordinators" should
make themselves based on their own experience/preferences.  There's
never going to be a consensus on which VCS is the best/most
appropriate choice, and going with majority vote isn't necessarily the
best idea either.

It seems reasonable to assume that the "Coordinators" will be (at
least at first) the most frequent contributors, so it has most impact
on them as well.

I think CPython has demonstrated that changing VCS, while not trivial,
is an achievable task, and so if in a few year's time it seems like
there is a better choice, there's no reason why a change cannot be
made then.


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