[IronPython] IronPy Tools for VS - Projects

Dino Viehland dinov at microsoft.com
Tue May 18 01:19:15 CEST 2010

Steve wrote:
> Is it possible to have the directory based projects 'implied' when a
> single file is opened (TextMate http://macromates.com/ style)? Because
> I agree with Jeff here that loading existing projects is dead simple
> when you can just add a pyproj. Though the '...from existing code'
> option would be plenty IMHO.

So we do intend on having an implied project feature and it's already
part way there.

Today if you open code w/o any solution or project we'll do the analysis over
all the files and packages in that directory.  We've discussed creating
a temporary solution / project which is not saved to disk as well but
we haven't implemented that part yet (and I'm not yet sure how to go 
about implementing it as well - but I think it's probably possible).

Of course once it's in solution explorer it may have some of the same
issues as the directory based project.  But we could also keep it more
static (e.g. not track changes on disk) and presumably it just wouldn't
support source control so it is simplified and easier to get right.

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