[IronPython] Using Epydoc with IronPython 2.6.1

Danny Fernandez fernandez.dan at gmail.com
Thu Jun 10 00:43:59 CEST 2010

Hi Michael,

Are there any documentation tools that would work with IronPython that you
would recommend?
I got pydoc to work on a small sample python file but the html documentation
included imports. I had small
python file but the clr module took most of the html documentation. I am
newbie so I could be setting pydoc


On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Michael Foord <fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk>wrote:

>   On 09/06/2010 16:55, Danny Fernandez wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am a newbie in IronPython world which by the way rocks. I tried posting
> yesterday so I am not sure what happened so sorry if there is a double post.
> I am having trouble trying to use epydoc. I have IronPython 2.6.1 for .NET
> 2.0 on my 32-bit Windows XP box. I am not sure if I have set it up correctly
> it is probably me not setting up things correctly.
> I installed the epydoc source in c:\python\epydoc and set IRONPATHHOME is
> set to C:\python\epydoc\. I am following an example of using epydoc from
> their website and added the debug arg to get more information so I cd in
> C:\python\epydoc\scripts and executed the following
> ipy epydoc.py --html --debug sys -o sys_docs
> Traceback (most recent call last):-] Building documentation: sys
>   File "epydoc.py", line 16, in <module>
>   File "C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\cli.py", line 965, in cli
>   File "C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\docbuilder.py", line 454, in
> _get_docs_from_pyname
>   File "C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\docparser.py", line 209, in parse_docs
>   File "C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\docintrospecter.py", line 131, in
> introspect_docs
>   File "C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\docintrospecter.py", line 275, in
> introspect_module
>   File "C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\docintrospecter.py", line 131, in
> introspect_docs
>   File "C:\python\epydoc\epydoc\docintrospecter.py", line 392, in
> introspect_class
> TypeError: instancemethod.__cmp__(x,y) requires y to be a 'instancemethod',
> not a NoneType
> I tried find information on using IronPython with epydoc but with no luck.
> I got pydoc to work but it pulled documentation for the clr module which I
> use of course which took most of the documentation for my module. I thought
> I can try epydoc with the parse only feature. I appeciate any feedback.
> Hmm... no idea on the specific problem - but this *may* be related:
> IronPython 2.6.1:
> >>> class X(object):
> ...  def f(s): pass
> ...
> >>>
> >>> a = X()
> >>> a.f.__cmp__
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> AttributeError: 'instancemethod' object has no attribute '__cmp__'
> CPython 2.6.5:
> >>> class X(object):
> ...  def f(s): pass
> ...
> >>> a = X()
> >>> a.f.__cmp__
> <method-wrapper '__cmp__' of instancemethod object at 0x01858DA0>
> Michael
> Thanks
> Danny
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