[IronPython] Chasing memory leak in IronPython scripts

yngipy hernan yngipy at gmail.com
Wed Aug 18 07:25:35 CEST 2010

Hi All,

I have an IronPython script that is using/talking to COM server. I am not
sure if I have a memory leak but the IronPython Private Byte keeps on
growing. I haven't seen it run of memory but I might be leaking memory.

Essential I am using an interop dll to connect to the COM server. Call some
methods and disconnects. I have created another script to stress test this
"library" to basically connect to COM server. Then repeatedly create COM
objects, call methods, do intermediate cleanup by
calling Marshal.ReleaseComObject. This part seems like leaking memory.

Now my question is:
- Can anyone point me to a tutorial on detecting memory leak in IronPython?
- Do we have tools that can help me in detecting any dangling objects?

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