[IronPython] ScriptScope.SetVariable() performance

Cory Brostowicz cory.brostowicz at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 19:10:40 CEST 2010

I'm not sure what you mean by "mScope.PH = editScope".  mScope = ScriptScope
and doesn't allow dynamic properties.

On the other hand, thanks for the suggestion with the object cast.  That
gave brought my setup performance up to par with the native C# edits!

Edit: SetProviderType           Count: 70291   Min: 9.866000E-001 Max:
5.393440E+001 Total: 6.684688E+004 Setup: 1.904770E+002
Edit: SetFeeSchedule            Count: 70291   Min: 1.229300E+000 Max:
6.506160E+001 Total: 9.587090E+004 Setup: 1.747695E+002
Edit: phDefaultNetworkCode      Count: 70291   Min: 9.700000E-003 Max:
2.347088E+002 Total: 1.154772E+003 Setup: 1.156382E+002
Edit: phCloneFieldList          Count: 70291   Min: 3.200000E-003 Max:
4.007700E+000 Total: 2.727729E+002 Setup: 1.137180E+002
Edit: phAssignValueToField      Count: 70291   Min: 4.400000E-003 Max:
1.205800E+000 Total: 4.475063E+002 Setup: 1.152221E+002

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Dino Viehland <dinov at microsoft.com> wrote:

>  I’d suggest doing mScope.PH = editScope.  That will create a rule which
> will get cached and will generally run faster than passing the string
> directly.
> The only other thing I can think of is maybe there’s something odd w/ rule
> being produced because “editScope” is a dynamic object in SetupEdit so “mScope.SetVariable("PH",
> editScope);” ends up dispatching dynamically.  If you did “mScope.SetVariable("PH",
> (object)editScope);” it would dispatch statically.
> If neither of those solutions helps I can see if I can look deeper and see
> if I can repro it.  There were some issues w/ IronPython 2.6 where this was
> really slow but they should have been fixed w/ 2.6.1.
> *From:* users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com [mailto:
> users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] *On Behalf Of *Cory Brostowicz
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 12, 2010 7:34 AM
> *To:* users at lists.ironpython.com
> *Subject:* [IronPython] ScriptScope.SetVariable() performance
> Hello,
> I'm trying to get more performance out of my IronPython scripts inside one
> of my applications, and noticed I'm spending the bulk of my time setting up
> the ScriptScope prior to execution.  My applications translates information
> coming from a flat file, and I use IronPython to enforce business rules on
> various records that I pull from my input file.  The object that I'm passing
> to the scope is custom implementation of the ExpandoObject.
> Am I doing anything out of the ordinary here, or is there a better way to
> get the performance I'm after?  It doesn't seem like setting up the script
> should performance significantly slower than executing the script itself.
> Here is an example of the performance results I'm getting.  I'm keeping
> track of various timings for execution time, but the script setup timer is
> really just stopping and starting a stopwatch before and after each call to
> ScriptScope.SetVariable()...
> ------------------
> Edit: SetProviderType           Count: 70291   Min: 9.927000E-001 Max:
> 4.922160E+001 Total: 7.656987E+004 Setup: 4.667084E+005
> Edit: SetFeeSchedule            Count: 70291   Min: 1.572500E+000 Max:
> 6.547200E+001 Total: 1.067754E+005 Setup: 4.639014E+005
> Edit: phDefaultNetworkCode      Count: 70291   Min: 1.900000E-002 Max:
> 2.413129E+002 Total: 1.618541E+003 Setup: 1.161743E+002
> Edit: phCloneFieldList          Count: 70291   Min: 4.400000E-003 Max:
> 4.083400E+000 Total: 3.565259E+002 Setup: 1.113712E+002
> Edit: phAssignValueToField      Count: 70291   Min: 9.700000E-003 Max:
> 1.777100E+000 Total: 5.765196E+002 Setup: 1.108866E+002
> SetProviderType and SetFeeSchedule are both IronPython scripts, the other
> three are C# edits that I'm passing my ExpandoObject directly to.
> 4.667 E+005 = almost 8 minutes...
> 1.108 E+002 = .1 seconds
> Thanks in advance for any advice you can help me with.
> -Cory
>           class IronPythonScriptHost : PrimeEditBase {
>                       ScriptSource mScriptSource;
>                       ScriptEngine mEngine;
>                       ScriptScope mScope;
>                       public IronPythonScriptHost(string scriptText,
> string ScriptName, CommandLine mCommandLine, string[] mEditParms,
> ScriptEngine engine)
>                                   : base(mCommandLine, mEditParms) {
>                                   mEditName     = ScriptName;
>                                   mIsScript     = true;
>                                   mEngine       = engine;
>                                   mScriptSource =
> mEngine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(scriptText,
> Microsoft.Scripting.SourceCodeKind.File);
>                                   mScriptSource.Compile();
>                                   mScope = mEngine.CreateScope();
>                       }
>                       public override void SetupEdit(dynamic editScope) {
>                                   StartSetupTimer();
>                                   mScope.SetVariable("PH", editScope);
>                                   StopSetupTimer();
>                       }
>                       public override void performEdit() {
>                                   StartExecutionTimer();
>                                   try {
> mScriptSource.Execute(mScope);
>                                               CleanupEdit();
>                                   } catch (Exception ex) {
>                                               ExceptionOperations ExcOps =
> mEngine.GetService<ExceptionOperations>();
>                                               throw new
> Exception("Exception during execution of " + base.EditName + ". " +
> ex.Message + "\r\n" + ExcOps.FormatException(ex));
>                                   }
>                                   StopAndRecordExecutionTimer();
>                       }
>           }
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