[IronPython] MonoTouch support

Dave Brueck dave.brueck at protoven.com
Mon Sep 28 04:28:39 CEST 2009

Hi, I'm wondering what it would take in theory to get IronPython  
working on MonoTouch (http://monotouch.net/) - the framework for  
writing iPhone apps in C#.

By that I mean that I'm trying to understand the technical obstacles  
that would need to be overcome and possible ways to overcome them  
(even if it means that e.g. you'd have to introduce abnormal  
restrictions or limitations on IronPython).

One obvious one seems to be that the iPhone doesn't allow you to mark  
a chunk of data memory as executable, so it prevents any sort of  
runtime code generation (JIT). So maybe another way to look at the  
question is this: what would it take to make it possible to have  
IronPython support 100% AOT compilation?

I'm looking at alternatives like Boo, which does work for iPhone  
development (via MonoTouch), but IronPython would be my first choice,  
even if there were some extra constraints.


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