[IronPython] IronPython/NWSGI 0-byte 200/404 response with HelloWorld?

Markus Törnqvist mjt at nysv.org
Tue Sep 22 10:53:59 CEST 2009

On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 06:59:41PM +0300, Markus T�rnqvist wrote:

Hate to be upping my posts this way, but no one's seen this?

I'm currently kinda busy with other stuff, but should I try to
get 0.96 running and backport my stuff for it? It would be cumbersome
but if The List considers it the only solution, then I guess it would be..

Thanks :)


>My current showstopper is:
>'module' object has no attribute 'url_patterns'
>Request Method:   GET
>Request URL:  http://localhost//
>Exception Type:   AttributeError
>Exception Value:  'module' object has no attribute 'url_patterns'
>Exception Location:   C:\Program Files\IronPython 2.6\Lib\site-packages\django\core\urlresolvers.py in resolve, line 182
>Python Executable:  None
>Python Version:   2.6.0
>Python Path:  ['C:\\Program Files\\IronPython 2.6\\Lib\\site-packages\\myapp\\', 'C:\\Program Files\\IronPython 2.6\\Lib\\site-packages\\myapp\\bin\\Lib', 'C:\\Program Files\\IronPython 2.6\\Lib', 'C:\\Program Files\\IronPython 2.6\\Lib\\site-packages', 'C:\\Program Files\\IronPython 2.6\\Lib\\site-packages\\django', 'C:\\Program Files\\IronPython 2.6\\Lib\\site-packages\\myapp']
>Server time:  Sun, 20 Sep 2009 18:49:47 +0300
>Does IronPython do something very different from CPython WRT imports?
>Despite the above traceback I can do cool stuff like
>..\..\..\ipy -X:Frames manage.py shell
>>>> from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
>>>> reverse('index')
>>>> reverse('set_test_cookie')


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