[IronPython] Using PYC in IP 2.6

dippim david.mcwright at usbfmi.com
Thu Sep 3 21:46:11 CEST 2009

I'm new to IronPython and I think I may have something fouled up.  I
wrote a very small windows forms app and tried compiling it to winexe
using pyc.py as follows:

C:\Program Files\IronPython 2.6\Samples\pyc>ipy pyc.py /main:test.py /

The compile works fine and I can execute the resulting test.exe fine
UNLESS I remove the original test.py file from the directory the
test.exe file is being executed from.  If I remove the test.py file,
the program crashes.  If I put it back, then everything is fine
This can't be by design?  What have I screwed up?


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