[IronPython] IronPython integration via dotNET

Lukas Dubeda loocas at duber.cz
Fri Oct 23 00:46:09 CEST 2009

Oh, by the way, Michael,

your IronPython In Action book is FANTASTIC!

Kudos to you, Chris Muirhead and all who contributed!

- Lukas

Michael Foord wrote:
> Lukas Dubeda wrote:
>> [snip...]
>> -- unfortunately this is where I hit the major road block
>> -- when I try to execute the following code block:
>> src.execute(scope)
>> I get the following error:
>> -- Runtime error: dotNet runtime exception: Late bound operations 
>> cannot be performed on types or methods for which 
>> ContainsGenericParameters is true.
> ScriptSource.Execute is a generic method. Attempting to call generic 
> methods like this using reflection (which presumably is what Max is 
> doing) causes this kind of error. You have the same problem in 
> Powershell - here's an example from Lee Holmes of how he solved it in 
> Powershell:
> http://www.leeholmes.com/blog/InvokingGenericMethodsOnNonGenericClassesInPowerShell.aspx 
> (Note that you will have to change 'P' in the 'Print' from your example 
> code to 'p' (lowercase) for it to work anyway.)
> All the best,
> Michael Foord
>> I have absolutely no idea how to get around this issue and how to get 
>> IronPython execute the Python code and return whatever it calculates
>> back to the application I'm running it from so I could catch the return
>> and use the values from within Max.
>> Anyone has any idea?
>> I should also mention that MAXScript is a dynamic scripting language
>> within 3ds Max and that, even though I know MXS quite well as well as
>> I know Python and have done tons of scripts and tools with these
>> languages, I'm not a programmer, I'm a technical artist (as the official
>> title says :) ).
>> Thanks a lot in advance, I'll appretiate any tips and hints on this
>> issue.
>> - Lukas
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