[IronPython] Type analysis of expression

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Mon Oct 19 13:20:36 CEST 2009

Christian Schmidt wrote:
> Hello,
> we are using IronPython embedded into our application to evaluate user
> defined expression. The "variables" used in the expressions are strongly
> typed and the results need to be written back into a database.
> I know that the return type of a dynamic expression cannot be determined
> in general. But what would be a pragmatic way to guess the return type
> of an expression?

Hehe. If you're evaluating arbitrary functions provided by the user then 
I don't know of any way of 'inferring' the return type - beyond parsing 
it and modelling the type flow through the expression (which would be a 
lot of work).

All the best,

> Thanks,
> Christian
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