[IronPython] Autocomplete for .NET Types from IronPython with Wing IDE (update - better return type and parameter name handling)

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Sun May 17 19:48:03 CEST 2009

Davy Mitchell wrote:
> Thanks Michael - looks really good and useful as I have started to
> look into this for autocomplete in DIE.
> 30mb eh? That will be interesting :-)

What the PI generator script in particular does is generate skeleton 
Python files representing the .NET APIs.

If your autocomplete is capable of understanding Python code, then it 
will be able to use the same PI files (the generator script is open 
source). It's a pretty big task. I would look at using and contributing 
to something like PySmell.

The really hard job (as opposed to the merely very hard) is being able 
to analyse 'broken' files with invalid Python syntax. Invariably when 
the user is in the *middle* of editing a file it is in a state where you 
can't parse it. You can tokenize it though and there are all sorts of 
tricks to get round this.

This is where Wing does a good job. They haven't implemented the 
'reverse duck typing' suggested by Orestis (PySmell creator) which would 
allow you to infer ambiguous types from the way they are used.


> Cheers,
> Davy
> --
>   Davy Stuff  - http://daftspaniel.blogspot.com
>   Geeky Stuff  - http://daftpython.blogspot.com
>   Davy's Ironpython Editor - http://code.google.com/p/davysironpythoneditor/
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