[IronPython] Free Excel add-in for easily making Excel macros using IronPython

Thomas P. Boesen boesen at xefion.com
Wed Mar 25 10:56:00 CET 2009


I have just release the beta-version of DiscoveryScript, a free Excel 
add-in that makes it very easy to create Excel macros/scripts using Python.
DiscoveryScript takes care of all the ‘plumbing’ involved in calling 
Python scripts from Excel. You can create a one-line Python script and 
place it in a specific folder, then DiscoveryScript takes care of 
creating a menu-item in Excel and calling your script when the user 
clicks the menu-item.

DiscoveryScript also includes an interactive console that makes it easy 
to test you code; this is very useful for figuring out how to work with 
the Excel object model.

DiscoveryScript uses IronPython 1.1.2.

You can find DiscoveryScript at www.xefion.com/en/discoveryscript.html

Please let me know if you find this tool useful and what features you 
are missing.

Best regards,
Thomas P. Boesen

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