[IronPython] FW: App_Script Problem in latest IronPython for ASP.Net

Adam Brand adamb at silverkeytech.com
Fri Jun 12 17:54:26 CEST 2009

Does anyone have any insight into this?



Adam Brand

SilverKey Technologies

*From:* Adam Brand [mailto:adamb at silverkeytech.com]
*Sent:* Sunday, May 31, 2009 7:53 AM
*To:* 'Discussion of IronPython'
*Subject:* App_Script Problem in latest IronPython for ASP.Net

I’ve noticed that with the latest bits for IronPython for ASP.Net, files in
app_script only seem to be revisited when the app pool is restarted.

For example, if I have a file called hello_world.py in App_Script, and
delete that file, the app still executes code in that file as if it were
there. If I change a line in the file, that line is not shown as changed
until I restart the app pool.

Is this by design, a bug, or something I’m doing wrong?


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