[IronPython] object lifecycle issues

William Reade william at resolversystems.com
Wed Jul 22 13:52:24 CEST 2009

Damn, it's my problem -- sorry for the noise. It seems that 
IronPython.NewTypes.BlahBlah.ExtensibleBlah types don't handle equality 
quite how I expected... clearly, I need to learn to fire up windbg 
*before* I post. At least we rediscovered the __del__ bug ;-).

Incidentally, congratulations on 2.0.2!

Dino Viehland wrote:
> The first 2 things that occur to me is that either there's an exception
> happening when we run WeakRefTracker's finalizer (it swallows exceptions)
> or the object simply isn't being collected.
> But it definitely sounds like we're creating the object which will
> ultimately call __del__ when it gets finalized.
> Have you tried windbg + SOS and done a !DumpHeap to see if the object
> could still be alive?  Another thought would be to look at the finalizer
> queue and make sure it's not blocked on something (like a transition
> into an STA).
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com [mailto:users-
>> bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of William Reade
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 9:20 AM
>> To: Discussion of IronPython
>> Subject: Re: [IronPython] object lifecycle issues
>> Dino Viehland wrote:
>>> #2 I'd guess could be either that for some reason we're failing to
>>> detect the presence of __del__ or that when we run the finalizer
>> cleanup
>>> that we believe it's part of cyclic trash and don't think we should
>> cleanup.
>>> Of those I'd think it'd be the cyclic trash detection that'd be most
>>> likely to go wrong.
>>> I'd suggest putting a break point or some logging in
>>> PythonOps.InitializeForFinalization and in WeakRefTracker's finalizer
>>> and see what's happening there.
>> In PythonOps.InitializeForFinalization, I see 2 InstanceFinalizers
>> created for each object; one after the stub __new__, and one after the
>> real __new__. Each IF creates a WeakRefTracker as expected; in both
>> cases, the second WRT (and only the second one) is subsequently
>> GC.SuppressFinalized in SetFinalizerWorker. However, in the broken
>> cases, the WRT finalizer just never gets called.
>> I'll keep hunting, but it seemed worth posting this in case it rang any
>> bells.
>> Cheers
>> william
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