[IronPython] IronPython support needed in MonoDevelop

Count László de Almásy calmasy at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 19:13:14 CEST 2009

MonoDevelop is the IDE of choice for .NET languages on Linux. But
currently there's no IronPython support for it. There are a couple
starting points available in the svn sources, but someone would need
to take a fresh look at it and write a new IronPython binding.

Anyway, if there's any initiative to increase IronPython use on
non-Windows platforms, this might be one way to help that.

Some references--

* http://monodevelop.com/
* http://lists.ximian.com/pipermail/monodevelop-list/2009-July/009964.html

Cheers, László

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