[IronPython] Remoting broken in 2.0?

Marc Saegesser marc at saegesser.org
Wed Jan 21 23:40:25 CET 2009

I've been using 2.0b3 for quite some time with good results.  I just
tried to move to the final 2.0 release and ran into a fatal problem.
I use .Net Remoting and when I try to create a proxy to a well known
object using System.Activator.GetObject() I get the following error:

SystemError: Type 'Microsoft.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression' in
Assembly 'Microsoft.Scripting.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' is not marked as serializable.

The only change was going from 2.0b3 to 2.0.

I think this is the same problem reported in item 470
in June of 2006.

Any ideas on how to get around the problem?


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