[IronPython] [ANN]: IronPython 2.6 final

Giles Thomas giles.thomas at resolversystems.com
Mon Dec 14 13:08:38 CET 2009


We have a release of Resolver One based on IronPython 2.6 that is almost 
ready to go, and hope to get that into beta shortly.

Dino Viehland wrote:
> Hello Python Community,
> We're proud to announce the release of IronPython 2.6 final.  This is 
> a major release with improvements across all areas of IronPython and 
> can be downloaded from 
> http://ironpython.codeplex.com/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=12482.  
> Significant changes include:
> ·         Updating the language and standard library to match CPython 2.6
> ·         Improved .NET integration
> ·         Updating to the latest version of the DLR
> ·         Adding previously missing CPython features and fixing bugs
> ·         Performance improvements in particular startup time improvements
> Python 2.6 support includes a large number of new features which 
> include support for the new bytes and byte array types (PEP 3112 
> <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3112/>), decorators for classes 
> (PEP 3129 <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3129/>), advanced string 
> formatting (PEP 3101 <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3101/>) which 
> will feel familiar to .NET users and integrates nicely with 
> IFormattable, print as a function (PEP 3105 
> <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3105/>), Abstract Base Classes 
> (PEP 3119 <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3119/>), support for 
> binary literals, along with lots of other minor features and changes.
> IronPython also continues to improve .NET integration in this 
> release.  We've added the __clrtype__ method 
> <http://ironpython.net/ironpython/documentation/dotnet/dotnet.html#clrtype> 
> to types which enables deep integration via meta-classes with the .NET 
> type system.  There are also a number of smaller changes such as 
> supporting IDisposable in for loops 
> <http://ironpython.codeplex.com/WorkItem/View.aspx?WorkItemId=24503> 
> matching the behavior of other .NET languages.  This release also 
> includes the latest version of the DLR and fixes a number of issues 
> related to cross-language dynamic interop.  Not to be left out there's 
> improvements in Silverlight integration by supporting Python code in 
> HTML script tags <http://ironpython.net/browser/sl-back-to-just-text.pdf>.
> We've also continued to improve Python compatibility by adding missing 
> features and fixing bugs.  In this release we've added support for the 
> ctypes <http://docs.python.org/library/ctypes.html> module which 
> provides interop with native code in a compatible way across Python 
> implementations.  We've also implemented sys.settrace to provide 
> support for the pdb <http://docs.python.org/library/pdb.html> module 
> and other Python debuggers.  This release also changes how we support 
> sys._getframe: a fully working version is now available by a command 
> line option;  when not enabled sys._getframe doesn't exist at all. 
> This release also fixes over 400 bugs removing a large number of 
> smaller incompatibilities.
> As always we've also continued to improve performance, and this 
> release primarily focuses on improving startup time.  The IronPython 
> installer now pre-compiles (ngens) IronPython during installation on 
> both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms.  Modules are now interpreted 
> initially and hot functions are compiled for faster import times.  A 
> number of other code paths that used to involve runtime code 
> generation have been optimized to be contained within the pre-compiled 
> IronPython binaries.  We've also made a number of smaller changes 
> which improve performance in other areas such as adding constant folding.
> Finally we'd like to thank everyone who reported issues and helped 
> make this a better release:  Anders M. Mikkelsen, Dan Eloff, Zachc, 
> yamakox, vernondcole, VAks, tscottw, tonyandrewmeyer, tomwright, 
> TomasMatousek, tkamiya, timers, srivatsn, sopeajw, saveenr, sanxiyn, 
> rridge, ronniemaor, quirogaco, pythonfoo, pysunil, pm100, pl6306, 
> paulfelix, orestis, olegt, oldman, NDHUMuscle, mycall, mmaly, 
> mmacdonaldssfcu, maplpro, luntain, llaske, lbaker, Lawouach, laurionb, 
> laughingboy, kurhan, kuno, kowenswp, klrohe, kevgu, jmesserly, 
> jlunder, jdhardy, jbevain, jackeyoo, hhonisch, gz, gjones, fwereade, 
> deadalusai, daveremy, Seo Sanghyeon, CurtHagenlocher, chaghi, 
> cgravill, cartman, bobarnso, atifaziz, ashcor, alvanet, Helmut, 
> fuzzyman, fabiofz, Eloff, RuiDC, Kevin Chu, Kyle Howland-Rose egonw, 
> davec, dungen, dsblank, cjacobs, dmajnemer, leppie, Mark Rees, 
> soulfry, tatwright, ufechner and wilberforce.
> Thank you for your continued support of IronPython.
> The IronPython Team
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Giles Thomas
giles.thomas at resolversystems.com
+44 (0) 20 7253 6372

17a Clerkenwell Road, London EC1M 5RD, UK
VAT No.: GB 893 5643 79
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