[IronPython] Is it possible to get the DLR's AST when it fails to parse?

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Wed Dec 2 01:06:52 CET 2009

No time for a longer reply, but you probably want to tokenize rather 
than parse.


Lee Culver wrote:
> I have been playing with an implementation of a simple GUI console for 
> IronPython (similar to IDLE, without it’s text-editor IDE). I’ve 
> mostly brought it up to rough feature parity with IDLE, but I’d like 
> to add a rudimentary itellisense such that when you type something on 
> the order of “foo.”, the interpreter can pop up a menu containing the 
> contents of foo (assuming it’s something already defined in the local 
> scope). However, I’d really rather not get in the business of parsing 
> Python code. (That’s what the DLR is for!)
> Is there any way I can use DLR to give me the AST up to the point at 
> which it failed to parse so that I can walk that and see if we are in 
> a valid place to look up the fields of an object? I looked at using 
> the ErrorListener class with ScriptSource.Compile, but it only gives 
> me “unexpected <eof> found” at the point where the “.” is…which I 
> already knew.
> Basically, whenever the user presses the “.” key in the console what I 
> would like to do is roughly this code:
> ScriptEngine engine = Python.CreateEngine();
> ScriptScope scope = engine.CreateScope();
> ScriptSource source = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString("if foo.", 
> Microsoft.Scripting.SourceCodeKind.InteractiveCode);
> source.Compile(); // <-- This *should* fail. I want the AST when it does.
> Primarily, I’m trying to find chains of identifiers to walk so that I 
> can display the Nth identifier’s fields:
> identifier1 . identifier2 . identifier3 . …
> I need to distinguish this from things like this, because there’s 
> nothing you can reasonably do to have intellisense in this case:
> Function(args) . identifier1 . identifier2
> (Yes, I realize that walking this chain can execute code and have side 
> effects, I’m willing to live with that for my purposes.) Is there any 
> mechanism through which I can have the DLR parse this for me and give 
> me the resulting AST that I can walk so I can see if we can pop up an 
> intellisense-like view?
> Can anyone recommend a better way to do this outside of simply writing 
> my own mini-parser?
> Thanks,
> -Lee Culver
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