[IronPython] IronPython 2.6 CodePlex Source Update

merllab at microsoft.com merllab at microsoft.com
Fri Aug 7 17:52:41 CEST 2009

This is an automated email letting you know that sources 
have recently been pushed out.  You can download these newer 
sources directly from http://ironpython.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/57861.




Changeset Id: 1047371
Date: 8/6/2009 8:04:06 PM

(dfugate) Small code coverage improvements for misc. modules.

(Shelveset: COV01;REDMOND\dfugate | SNAP CheckinId: m9898)
Changeset Id: 1047367
Date: 8/6/2009 8:02:35 PM

(dfugate) OverflowWarning was removed in CPython 2.5.  Removed OverflowWarningException.cs.

Added default constructor for ErrorExpression.  Obviously this type gets generated by many IronPython tests, but code coverage runs weren't picking it up because ErrorExpression methods are either not hit or dead.

Removed IronPython.Runtime.Operations.ScriptScopeOps outright.  The comments indicate this was only needed for Nessie, and Dino thinks removing it will only affect "someScriptScope.__dict__ = 42".

Added sanity test for IronPython.Runtime.Types.SlotFieldAttribute to test_privateBinding.py.  There's no way to indirectly hit this piece of code.

(Shelveset: IPY_FILE_CVG;REDMOND\dfugate | SNAP CheckinId: m9898)
Changeset Id: 1047272
Date: 8/6/2009 7:07:50 PM

(dinov) 24169 Non-ASCII character error message (see PEP 263) does not include filename 
                Include the filename instead of “x.py”
24182 ArgumentNullException raised for functions with many arguments Title is required
                Fix the check to see if we can handle the function

Also fixing 2 import bugs so pygments works out of the box:
                Subclasses of module aren’t handled right – we go directly to the Scope and fetch the member which avoids calling __getattr__ if it’s defined
                When importing a nested module we don’t pull the resulting module out of sys.modules – we return whatever we just imported.  But we should check sys.modules so that the module can replace itself before the import is finished and have the replaced version returned.

(Shelveset: SmallHighPriBugsFinal3;REDMOND\dinov | SNAP CheckinId: 9104)
Changeset Id: 1046486
Date: 8/6/2009 12:37:41 PM

(dfugate) - test_bytes.py: 21361 has been fixed
- test_array.py: 8736 has been fixed
- test_datetime.py:  extended regression for 18666.  Not fixed

(Shelveset: CP69;REDMOND\dfugate | SNAP CheckinId: 9098)

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