[IronPython] Using Wing IDE with IronPython - autocomplete for .NET objects (PI file generator)

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Tue Apr 28 11:13:15 CEST 2009

Hello all,

I've created a modified version of the 'generate_pi.py' which generates
the interface files for .NET libraries. It is attached.

At the moment it generates PI files for the following assemblies /
namespaces (hardwired at the bottom of the code):


To run it, create a new directory and add this to the 'Interface File
Path' (File menu -> Preferences -> Source Analysis -> Advanced -> Insert).

Then from the command line switch to this directory (if you are on Vista
you will need to run cmd with admin privileges due to a defect explained
below). Execute the command:

     ipy generate_pi_for_net.py

This generates the pi files. It doesn't work *as well* on 64 bit windows
because the .NET XML help files (or whatever they are called) are in a
different location so the docstrings are not always available - which is
why I am not just distributing the pi files yet.

The script doesn't yet understand static properties on classes - so it
actually *fetches* static properties rather than looking at the
descriptor (which is available in the class __dict__ so should be easy
to fix). This is what causes inadvertent registry lookups etc and
therefore requires admin privileges.

It doesn't yet understand multiple overloads. This may require a change
to Wing or may not matter.

It isn't yet able to do anything with the information about return types
- which would allow Wing to know the type of objects returned by
methods. This may be easy to add?

It is late so I am going to bed. At some point I will explain the simple
changes I  had to make to the standard generate_pi.py script (although
they are mostly straightforward). I will also do further work on it as
it will be very useful to me...

All the best,



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