[IronPython] Reopening closed issues

Dan Eloff dan.eloff at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 02:05:20 CEST 2008

> In Silverlight 2 Beta 2 imports are definitely done from inside the xap file
> - and the module names that come back indicate that at the very least you
> know the name of the file fetched.

Yes, GetResourceStream is used to access files in the .xap file.
However, the module names come back in whatever case they were
requested. Which means modules can be imported more than once if you
use a different case.

>>> import sTRING
>>> sTRING
<module 'sTRING' from 'sTRING.py'>
>>> import string
>>> string
<module 'string' from 'string.py'>

Furthermore it seems to me that from pkg import NAME can return a
submodule name.py instead of a global variable NAME in pkg/__init__.py
if executed before NAME is defined (say by something imported in
pkg/__init__.py above declaration of NAME) This is actually how I
stumbled across this.

So this causes some very strange and hard to debug behavior. Hopefully
there will be a way to fix this bug.


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