[IronPython] 2.1 Branch in Codeplex Sources

Michael Foord michael.foord at resolversystems.com
Fri Oct 31 13:23:35 CET 2008

Hello guys,

I saw a while ago a note about some of the Codeplex source pushes 
containing code for the 2.1 branch rather than 2.0.

Is it possible to tell which is which when we download a changeset?

I've just downloaded 42708 (we're trying to keep the Resolver One port 
using the latest sources to minimise unexpected changes) and it contains 
'IronPython_Main' and 'IronPython_2_0'.

The assembly info for main shows: AssemblyVersion("")]

Is this still the 2.0 branch or should I be using 'IronPython_2_0'?

How about some checkin messages to go along with the source code drops? 
"Latest sources migrated to CodePlex TFS" is not terribly informative...


Michael Foord
Senior Software Engineer, Resolver Systems Ltd.
michael.foord at resolversystems.com
+44 (0) 20 7253 6372

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