[IronPython] Getting started with IronPython and Silverlight

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Fri Oct 24 17:54:06 CEST 2008

Marty Nelson wrote:
> Michael -
> Is "IP in Action" written for IP 2.0?


> How much is .Net integration and how much is python coding?

It is a mixture of both. The book aims to be as useful to .NET 
programmers coming to Python as it is to Python programmers coming to .NET.

Chapter 2 is a Python tutorial.
Chapter 3 is an introduction to .NET interop including the basic .NET types
Chapters 4-6 are on structured IronPython programming - introducing more 
Python concepts (like lambdas and properties) along with .NET libraries 
like Windows Forms, System.Xml and so on

The rest of the book covers specific topics - testing, advanced Python, 
tricky corners of .NET interop, Silverlight, databases, ASP.NET, WPF etc.

The final two chapters cover writing C# libraries for use from 
IronPython and embedding IronPython in C#.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com
> [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Michael Foord
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 5:33 AM
> To: Discussion of IronPython
> Subject: Re: [IronPython] Getting started with IronPython and
> Silverlight
> Hello Kenneth,
> Rob Miles has just made available his book on C# that they use for 
> teaching the first year of computer science at Hull university. No idea 
> what the book is like, but C# is a nice and straightforward language 
> (despite its B&D approach to typing) so it is easy to learn and the book
> will probably serve you well:
> http://www.robmiles.com/c-yellow-book/
> For IronPython and Silverlight stuff I *highly* recommend IronPython in 
> Action which is apparently an *awesome* wonder of readability and
> content:
> http://www.ironpythoninaction.com
> Other useful resources:
> * IronPython Cookbook (recipes and examples) http://www.ironpython.info
> * IronPython URLs (lots of links to IronPython resources) 
> http://ironpython-urls.blogspot.com/
> * My IronPython, Silverlight and Winforms tutorials 
> http://www.voidspace.org.uk/ironpython/
> All the best,
> Michael Foord
> Kenneth Miller wrote:
>> All,
>>     I'm just getting started with IronPython and Silverlight, and to 
>> be honest I have not experience with C#. Are there are any basic 
>> tutorials or material that would kick me off on both of these 
>> subjects? I've been fiddling with the the SDL-SDK for a little while 
>> and I've written some basic examples, but I'm still unsure as to a 
>> couple of things. What modules (.Net or otherwise) does the python.dll
>> that's distributed with the sdl-sdk include? Can i extend this? If so,
>> how? Do I have to use it? How do I do basic operations? I've tried 
>> using CPython's minidom, which doesn't seem to exist and imports from 
>> System.Xml fail. Can I print to the terminal when using Chiron? Can I 
>> set pdb traces?
>> I'm currently running the sdl-sdk on OS X ontop of Mono, with pretty 
>> good success.
>> Thanks for all the help!
>> Regards,
>> Ken
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