[IronPython] Yield Prolog Benchmarks

Seo Sanghyeon sanxiyn at gmail.com
Sun Oct 5 09:21:09 CEST 2008

Yield Prolog is an embeddable Prolog implementation that compiles to
Python, C#, or JavaScript using "yield" statements in those languages.

It comes with a nice benchmark calculating 2680 solutions of 11-queens
problem in Prolog. So I tried it out of curiosity.

How to run:
svn co https://yieldprolog.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/yieldprolog/YieldProlog
cd yieldprolog/source/python
# Edit Compiler.py to comment out "from compiler import *". It is not needed.
cd examples/Benchmarks
python queens.py

Intel Core 2 T7200 2.00GHz 2.00GB RAM
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition SP2

Python 2.5.1
36.2195480152 36.3135356589 36.0008464763

IronPython 2.0 Beta 5 on .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
52.5789892291 53.0868051666 53.0352047537

In this particular benchmark, IronPython 2 comes about 30% slower than
Python 2.5. Mono is much, much slower than .NET for this particular
benchmark, by the way. I am investigating.

Seo Sanghyeon

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