[IronPython] IronPython + IronRuby + Known DLR Build

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Sun May 25 23:58:22 CEST 2008

Hello Ben,

I don't have an answer, just to say that I have the same problem.

For our 'Dynamic Script Control' project we would like to develop (and 
test with) for both IronPython and IronRuby.

This makes project structure "problematic".

I realise that at some point this will be a non-problem, but in the 
meantime if anyone has any good ideas I'd like to hear them...

Michael Foord

Ben Hall wrote:
> Hello,
> Posted similar message onto IronRuby but I thought I would also ask
> you guys. My scenario is that I need to host IronRuby and IronPython
> within the same application. I thought this would be easy as they both
> are based on the DLR.
> However, you both appear to be at different stages of the DLR life and
> building against different sources.  Is this the same internally? At
> the moment I can't see a way I can build both IronPython and IronRuby
> from the same DLR assemblies?
> At some point, I take it the DLR will merge into a single release and
> known assembly for other language providers and hosts to use instead
> of multiple different versions?
> In the mean time - what can I do?  Is anyone doing this?
> Thanks
> Ben
> Blog.BenHall.me.uk
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