[IronPython] Missing Merlin\Main\Hosts\Silverlight\SilverlightVersion.cs

Dan Eloff dan.eloff at gmail.com
Sun May 4 01:28:59 CEST 2008

>  So, does this piss you off? Personally I like that we're able to ship
> Python immediately with a new version of SL, but I'd like to know what you
> folks think.

You are right, I'd rather you folks spend your energy working for the
next release than backporting for people who want to mix releases. It
is very nice to have IronPython released on the same schedule with

Right now this doesn't bother me much, because I know Silverlight beta
2 is probably coming in May, and it will no doubt bundle IPY beta 2 or

However, Silverlight RTM won't come out until late summer, and
Silverlight 3 could be a long time from now. I have no doubt I'll be
wishing I could use the newer version of IronPython with the released
version of Silverlight along the line, but I don't see any easy way
for you folks to deal with this.

I think this is probably acceptable. The IronPython team sometimes
backports very important fixes to the previous stable version, and
this would probably work with the same version of Silverlight that
aforementioned previous stable version works with.


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